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Katherine1091Sep 12, 2013

Ahhh I forgot to say it's 17:10 \:D

Katherine1091Sep 12, 2013

Okay, than we take Spring \:D Or we say we love all seasons? Oh wait! I have an idea xD just another great one haha like the weather machine haha \:D We mix all 4 seasons xD So we could say omething like that: "Okay, I think I would like to have snow and 30°C. No clouds, sunshine and warm snow!" or "I'd like to have falling leaves, 30°C, a little bit windy and sunshine!" That would be so awesome haha \:D Today it's not rainy, just cloudy and a bit cold. The weather app says 16°C. That's okaaay. But 20°C would be better \:D Yes that would be nice, too! Meeting you at 11 am in Serbia, go shopping, swimming, dancing, partying and when we're tired we say goodbye and port ourselves home XD haha that's so great \:D I would love to meet you, too. ♡ We'll see whats destinys plan for us! \:D Oh if that happen I'd be really sad. Hope it'll never happen! \:D Oh you have to go to school at 12 o'clock? \:eek\: Do you have to school always at that hour? We have to go from 7:40 o'clock till 13 o'clock. Sooo now I have to do some housekeeping and go to the grocery store. Hope you had a great schoolday! Much huggies back ♡ \:wub\: Sarah

Katherine1091Sep 12, 2013

Yeah \:D Holidays are great! I loved them as I was in school. \:\) Mhh I don't really know what season I prefer. But I think it's summer too \:D But if it's winter and you sit inside of your home and see the snow falling down to earth... that's pretty cool \:D but it's too cold. In fall it's almost the same. See the leaves falling down to the ground, everything's orange, red and yellow.. I love it. Buuuut it's too cold \:D haha It's hard for me to make a decision \:D but not especially at this point, it's always hard for me to decide things \:D That's too bad. \:\( So we have similar weather. Cold and rainy. \:wacko\: YES! This is a musthave! \:D Teleporting! waaahooooo \:D haha SO I can visit you in summer, eating icecream, go to the beach and if it's late I'll port home XD hahaha \:D that would be sooo awesome!! \:D Phew! Lucky me \:D haha \:\) ♡ It's 0:30 and that were the news from today \:D haha Keep smiling, hugs and kisses ♡ Sarah \:wub\:

NisukiSep 11, 2013

Hello supergirl! \:wub\: You're so welcome. and of course, woo hoo! \:D and thank you for your comment on my screenshot! I'm currently placing all the stuff/decor on the lot! and DAMN. It's kind of... big. lol \:eek\: . Can't wait to see your house! o: Nononos D:< Our screens together are the best. Duh \:cool\: ! haha ;x jkjk, anyways. Likes & Hugs ♡ Nisuki

martoeleSep 11, 2013

Thank you very much for commenting the first part of my story Shipwrecked. It's very much appreciated! \:D

Katherine1091Sep 11, 2013

Yeah I like it \:D It's good if you don't say a word what will happen \:D This is more exciting \:\) Ah okay. I thought it's like in America. I guess there is only summer holiday and on christmas a few days. But maybe I'm wrong \:D Yes \:D this is really funny. But summer is so nice. Warm and bright. I like summer \:D 25°C is okay. Not too cold not too hot. Rain and 10-12°C... sounds like germany xD I can't remember when I saw the sun (last week \:D I overdramatize it haha \:D). Always cloudy and raining... \:\( Hey you know what we need? This weather thing from Sims xD Then we could make summer forever \:D We only have to find out where we get this. Or we just do it by yourself \:D It's not to difficult haha! Aww at 00:20 I played Sims. \:\( I'm sorry! I also like to chat with you! \:\) It's always funny \:D Hope you had a great day! Much hugs, kisses and love \:wub\: ♡ Sarah

stinkybutt123Sep 11, 2013

Yeah thanks for the idea! \:D But it might be hard to add in something like that, because I have finished all the writing I'm just taking screenshots for it \:\( oh well, have a brilliant day!\:\)

GrindinSep 11, 2013

Thank you so much sweety for comment at my screesnhots !! 10000 kisses \:wub\:

Katherine1091Sep 10, 2013

At first: Your story is published! YAY! \:D And I love it! A good chapter ♡ 7-12 hours? \:eek\: Wow this is a long ride. I have to drive 3 or maybe 4 hours. I don't really know. Ahh okay. And the next holiday is in summer again? Or do you have some free days between now and next summer? Yeah summer 2014 \:D I can't wait till then haha \:D its really cold outside. Sorry maybe this is a stupid question but.. do you use fahrenheit or celsius? \:D We only had 11°C this day. Cooooold \:wacko\: Last week we had 25°C or 27°C.. What a difference \:\( Now it is 22:55 \:D Hope you had a great day ♡ \:\) Hugs and kisses \:wub\: Sarah ♡

stinkybutt123Sep 10, 2013

Aha, she may have some bad-ass in her, now that would be an interesting side to Natalie \:D I am taking the screenshots for chapter four now so hopeful (no guarantees) it will be published by the weekend. \:\)

linasalemSep 10, 2013

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Have a great day!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stinkybutt123Sep 10, 2013

Yes! Not even I can tell whether I like Natalie's character yet, she just tries so hard bless her. \;\)

linasalemSep 10, 2013


stinkybutt123Sep 10, 2013

Yeah Riley is a bit blunt with Tristan, and yes, Tristan is a very confused guy, he's very naive when it comes to the girl world so I wanted to convey that he feels he likes any girls he meets! \:D \:\)

stinkybutt123Sep 10, 2013

Hey Maria! I'm so glad you commented, and you payed attention to Riley which is great! Thank you thank you thank you so, so much. Have a fantastic week.

NisukiSep 10, 2013

HAHA xD and of course you may use it! I don't mind at all! I feel honored that you want to use it \:wub\: But but, your screenshots are beautiful too! My favorite is that playing in the water and One happy proposal ^o^ ♡ Have an awesome day, much like ♡ Nisuki

NisukiSep 10, 2013

HAHAHAH! omfg, I wish we could make our simmies alive from our pc !! \:wub\: Ugh, school is just mean to us T_T But we'll survive. Because we're strong! >;D Ohoh! I would love to see your house and of course sweetie, you can ask as much as you want ;D! I'm not that greeaaat, either, but I will try to help you as much as I can ^__^ 22:31 LATE! I just came home from school. 14:04 short day yaaaaaay~

linasalemSep 10, 2013

\:D♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Have a great day!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥\:D

linasalemSep 9, 2013


Katherine1091Sep 9, 2013

Thank you Sweetheart \:wub\: But maybe a little bit. Sometimes. \:D Lucky you \:D I would like to go to the beach but now its cold. From here to the next beach I have to drive a few hours \:eek\: But we have a lake around the corner. Its pretty cool there. If you close your eyes you can think you're at the beach \:D Oh I believe that. You only sit on a chair and you're just melting without doing anything \:D Your holidays are over yet aren't they? Mhhh maybe because it was weekend and they were eating donuts? \:D haha I hope I can read it tomorrow ♡ Now here it is 23:45 \:\) But I'm not that tierd \:D hugs and kisses honey \:wub\: Sarah ♡

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