Better late than never :)
I've been a member of TSR since July 2011 so I thought it was time to post my first blog entry! :)
I love creating sims and play through their life in TS3. Sometimes it goes exactly as I want, but sometimes things just happen and the sim's destiny seems to control itself. :) I'm really proud over my sims and that's why I have started uploading them to this site. It's fun to share and get feedback from others! I have so many sims to share and I hope they can make others as happy as they've made me! :D
I wanted a project name for the sims I upload and I've decided to call it -How I am- It's a chance for my sims to speak for themselves and tell the world their story. I was also thinking about making short stories about the sims I share, but maybe that's a bit too ambitious... :S We'll see how much I've got time for. :)
That's about it for now, time to enjoy the sunny weather! :D Sommaren är ju kort!