
123Creations 53,009Downloads

Meemo's Blog


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I've gone back to my Charmed neigborhood mainly due to ChazDesigns' fab set of sisters and a Piper Halliwell career at mts2 - I've decided to have a go at career making and I've got a very promising outline of a Paige Matthews career! Shame there's nowhere on TSR to post careers... maybe there will be by the time I finish it!!!


I haven't made a single thing since hubby got out of hospital as I've been devoting my simming time to doing the challenges. This is because I can do it with the laptop on my knee while watching TV whereas if I'm creating I do it at the dining room table in peace and quiet - unfortunately this would mean leaving the "invalid" unattended which he doesn't like and involves him going "Meeeeemoooo - make me a coffee" etc etc every 10 mins and disrupting my thought processes!!

So the stroke equivalent of man 'flu is currently keeping me from creating at the mo ;)

Happy Anniversary

I've been a TSR member for a whole year - happy anniversary me!!

Afro Ken

I found this guy on some stuff in Tammy Girl. I bought a little toy which hangs from my rear view mirror. I looked him up and he's a dog with an afro which changes into whatever he walks past!! I really want a T-shirt but I'm going to have to settle for making them for my Sims!!

Normal? What's Normal?

Joy of joys hubby has been discharged so we are sort of back to normal HOWEVER I managed to write my car off yesterday on the way back from the hospital - car suffered more than us!! will it never end!! any way we're all ok so that's the main thing - and before you ask no it wasn't my fault!!

Poorly Hubby

My hubby had a stroke a couple of weeks ago, so all my Simming is on hold till further notice....

To Do List

I've got loads of stuff to do before I even get to making anything new, I've downloaded Lucas' Easy Bedding Texture Creator from Aussietopenders, so I've got to re do all my bedding and reload it. I've made a lot of patchwork quilts which I haven't uploaded here so they need redoing as well.

When I first started at TSR I couldn't get my head around the group thing so I'm organising all my uploads into groups.

I've got a floor to create for Uncertainsmile (I haven't forgotten!)

I've promised a couple of people more brownie uniform stuff...

Lastly I've got the holiday pack to install before I get Seasons (which I've dropped several BIG hints about to my kids with mother's day coming up....)

New Mini Site

Yey! I got a mini site!! I promise to fill it with lots of nice things for you to download!

Latest Headlines

Simalongameemo Charmed Men!!! Happy Anniversary Afro Ken Normal? What's Normal? Poorly Hubby To Do List New Mini Site
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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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