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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a Set with 8 Creations - Click here to show all
This is our Halloween movie "Till death do us part?"
Plot: Meet Mr and Mrs, whose surname is unknown since they lived a very long time ago and no one alive these days can confirm or deny their names.
So, we decided to call them Mr and Mrs Skeleton. They were married and lived in a manor that was very sophisticated on their time. Along with an old picture frame that they left in their living room, that's pretty much what we know from their past.
Even after life, they are still in their manor, now surrounded by moss, dirty and webs. Some visitors of their creepy old house say it's haunted, the old clock runs all the time until these days. Some others say that despite the eerie ambiance, they had a very nice time there, talking and dancing with the former owners, which they say very much loved each other and that they couldn't enjoy life too much together because time ran too fast (that's why their clock is still ticking).
This year, some Sims decided to spend their Halloween night there. Who knows... will Mr and Mrs Skeleton be giving trick or treat?
by SIMcredibledesigns.com
This is the part 3 and you'll get:
- 2 Bookshelves
- Functional Cross-stitch box [requires Cottage living]
- End Table
- Grimoire
- Living chair
- Old grandpa clock [animated]
- Portrait photo frame
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1719315
ItemID: 1719315
Filesize: 21 MB
Other 2 parts of our Halloween movie set can be found under recommended tab
Cross-stitch box is functional and requires Cottage living
No actual people were pictured in the portraits.

![Till death do us part Cross-stitch box [Cottage Living] - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/3697/w-133h-100-3697867.jpg)

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