![Sims 4 — Spiky Kidsroom - TSR Only CC by Mini_Simmer — Room type: Kidsroom](/scaled/3571/w-600h-450-3571649.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Room type: Kidsroom
Size: 4x4
Price: $3,950
Wall Height: Short
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1671660
ItemID: 1671660
Revision: 3
Filesize: 57 KB
- Recoloring Allowed: No
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- my bedroom set_tissuebox
- Belmont Pouf
- Sleepi Teddy Bear
- [Dakota kids lamps] - fox
- Diego nursery - poster v01
- Ailuropoda Cactus Decor
- Iridium Owl Sculpture
- Kalium Wall Lamp
- Feria Single Door 1x3
- Milford Ivy
- Occil Wallpaper - Networksims
- Praline Wood Floors 4
- Naturalis Office plant 1
- Naturalis Office plants duo
- Jules curtain
- Holiday Wonderland - Flocons - Window (1x3)
- Holiday Wonderland - Flocons - Window (2x2)
- Bonbon - Simlish hello sign
- Patreon release - Dino kid bedroom - Part 3: Toys
- Patreon release - Dino kid bedroom - Part 4: decor
- Patreon release - Dino kid bedroom - Part 2: Furnitures
- Patreon release - Dino kid bedroom - Part 1: beds & dresser
- Highschool corridor - Corridor clock
- Patreon release - Dreamy kid bedroom set - Part: Decor
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