July Update
Noticing a trend here... seem to title these by what time of the month I post them, need to look up with more interesting titles... :lol:
So Simland Yard was finally published after a very long time agonising over the creation. Too nit picky I guess... the windows were just never right till one of my favorite TSRAA's put up some that were almost what I was looking for. That being completed I find myself working on a house challenge and my newest creation. A new city hall for Storm Island. The world is now populated and pretty much all buit up. There are still some empty lots here and there, but I want them that way. After all a city needs to progress and construction is part of that progress.
Beginning shots were taken for my first attempt at a story. Still unsure as to the title though. Need to come up with something better and catchier than "Adventures in Storm Island." We shall see what I can come up with in the near future as the prequil is almost done. Decriptions are written for the various sections of the 'city' and one of the three characters is complete as well. Two more to do and we are all done.
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