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Mocarth's Blog

July Update

Noticing a trend here... seem to title these by what time of the month I post them, need to look up with more interesting titles... :lol:


So Simland Yard was finally published after a very long time agonising over the creation. Too nit picky I guess... the windows were just never right till one of my favorite TSRAA's put up some that were almost what I was looking for. That being completed I find myself working on a house challenge and my newest creation. A new city hall for Storm Island. The world is now populated and pretty much all buit up. There are still some empty lots here and there, but I want them that way. After all a city needs to progress and construction is part of that progress.


Beginning shots were taken for my first attempt at a story. Still unsure as to the title though. Need to come up with something better and catchier than "Adventures in Storm Island." We shall see what I can come up with in the near future as the prequil is almost done. Decriptions are written for the various sections of the 'city' and one of the three characters is complete as well. Two more to do and we are all done.

June Update

It has been quite a while since I updated this blog... need to get on top of that. Haven't been in the game much due to RL commitments, however am slowly transitioning back to being able to spend time in game. My two build projects have obvioulsy been on hiatus, however I have over the last few days begun spending some time on them. Simland Yard is at a stalemate till I can find some appropriate windows for the build. I think I may have found some on here, but it will mean renewing my subscription... still hemming and hawing over it as my original ticket has yet to be replied to and I decided that I would renew my subscription only if they actually follow through on the ticket. I has been sitting as an outstanding ticket since back in the middle of March of this year. If I ran my business the same way I would have absolutely no clients. As for the house I was working on, it actually is progressing along and I find myself looking forward to the completed build and submitting it for download. Generations was purchased yesterday as I couldn't resist the treat... LOL

Late March Update

Well March is flying by and I have been waylaid by other games for a lot of this month. However my two primary projects are being looked at today. Simland Yard and Dunrobin Castle. I have to admit that I am thouroughly enjoying building. There is a joy in finding that what I create others find useful. 

For info on Simland Yard you can view my creation gallery at the following:


For info on Dunrobin Castle you can view the request thread here:

March Update

Well, the house request and the Valentine's contest submission were completed. Simland Yard is aving to be restarted as the first attempt was unsuccessful. Will need to do research on museum ideas (looking at famous historical museums), a city hall and a school, my idea for that one will be probably based on the building from Sanctuary... could be an interesting use of an interesting building. Hoping to be actually playing the game once again by April... dreaming?

Mid February 2011 Update

Find myself with three projects on the go. A house for a request on the forums ; a police station that is being based on Old Scotland Yard; and a lot for the February Valentines contest. The last one has me stumped more than the other two... hmmm, maybe not being in some sort of relationship is causing a artists block. No romance, no inspirations..... hmmm.

Hi, my name is Mocarth... and I... am an addict

Well, it is day 16 of this blog and I am yet to actually crack open the sim builder in the game to rework Alexandar, Mikeal, Lizbet and Arlene. Yeah I am adding another, but she will be a NPC for the most part as she will figure into the storyline at some point. Arlene is CEO of a mega corp and owner of the Glass Ceiling Lounge. You will be able to see the lounge tomorrow and also download it if you are so inclined. It was approved for submission earlier this morning. I would seriously love to build every property in my new neighbourhood, but there won't be enough time for that as I will get impatient to start playing the game. Currently working on a graveyard, and will be getting to work on other community content soon. I have plans for some houses already running around in my mind and will be getting to work on them once all the businesses and community locations are complete. I seem to spend a fair bit of time at building/house plan sites... looking through all of them... just feeds the addiction. 


Yes, my name is Mocarth, and I am an addict... and I don't want to be reformed... LOL


Well I spent a chunk of yesterday (okay... well over 8 hours... LOL) playing around with various different design abilities in the game attempting to create a 50x50 science lad for use in the game. Well, I got it done and was happy enough with it to submit it as a downloadable lot not expecting to see anything for a week or two, and even then maybe a request for adjustment, etc. Well much to my surprise I just noticed that is has already been approved and will be published tomorrow the 22nd of January. I only submitted it somewhere around 6 hours ago...


Anyway, as of tomorrow the Riverdale Science Lab will be available at the following link


Happy Simmer here!

Finding a Home

Well after a few hours of playing around with the Sims creator in the game... Alexandar, Michael and Rose are all set up and ready to move into their new digs. However... I haven't quite been happy with the packaged neighbourhoods from EA, so decided to give a new world a try from one of our artists on the forums, Daisylee. She has created a world called Storm Island and you can find out more information about it here:



So I now have an empty shell of an neighbourhood and need to fill it with houses, businesses and sims... one of these days I will get back into the game. In the mean time I get to have some fun picking and choosing those buildings, houses and families my sims will be working and interacting with and in.

Ready for legacy

Well, I have been playing around for a bit... checking out various forums, downloading various content, as well as buying the remaining packs I have not already purchased or received as gifts. Later today will be grabbing Night Life and Fast Lane and as of about noon or so will have everything released for the game to date.


I have been getting a feel for the game and how I want to play it, and I think I have reached a point where I want to seriously give a go at a legacy family. So after what will probably take me hours of futzing with the sim and town editor I will be ready to start the adventures of Alexandar Chapman, Michael Thorne and Rose Cargill

First Blog

So... after some time I have found myself back in the Sims... I played with them years ago, but dropped off from them when I started playing MMO's. I still continue to play MMO's but have found myself in need of other diversions so decided to purchae a ciopy of the Sims 3 Deluxe Pack and am once again hooked. Hooked to the point that Night Life and World Adventures were on my Christmas wish list to mother this year LOL. A 43 year old man asking mom for a computer game... almost felt like a teen again ;) (I did get World Adventures from mother... yay!)


So... the family is set up and running and I have re-found my enjoyment and love for the game. I seem to remember that in the original Sims I played there were not nearly the same amount of mods, addons, and overall anything downloadable for the game and this left me in a quandry... what to download first LOL. Mind you... I was able to surmount that one relatively easily... relatively LOL


The Frick & Frack residence is up and running and the nanny is there for any and all future children... lets see where it all goes... 


As a side note... I find myself having a slight bit of withdrawl here... what with the forums seemingly down right now :(

Latest Headlines

July Update June Update Late March Update March Update Mid February 2011 Update Hi, my name is Mocarth... and... Designing Finding a Home Ready for legacy First Blog
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