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Created for: The Sims 4
Very soon summer will be here and what do many people love the most in summertime? What about sitting on an outdoor restaurant enjoying the view and look at people, while you eat good food?
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1371476
ItemID: 1371476
Filesize: 195 KB
I made The Fisherman’s Lobby with 44 seats for visitors. It’s a good place for cooking dinners, really sunny and a partyplace. It has a piano and a bar, you have to hire those by clicking on the objects.
It’s built a bit oversized for 2 hosts and 2 cooks. You can possibly delete the extras until you need them. I also placed a waiter station on both floors.
The lot is on 2 floors and has 3 beds for the family owners, 1 bathroom on each floor and a hallway only for the staff. I often see restaurants where the staff has to negotiate people standing in a queue to be seated. I made the hallway to try’n get rid of that problem.
Exp and game packs needed, all released at the moment: GetToWork, GetTogether, CityLiving, DineOut, OutdoorRetreat, SpaDay, Vampires
Stuff packs needed: RomanticGarden, VintageGlamour, PerfectPatio
Lot size 20x20 Magnolia Promenade, but you can put it where you like.
No custom content used in this Restaurant. More desctiptions and pictures on my blog www.volvenomtullarask.com.
- Value: 241000
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: 20x15
- Custom content: No custom content used for this creation
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