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Murphy75's Guestbook

evetsangelJun 7, 2009

Hi Stacy \:\) My week was pretty good. What about yours? Noah's Ark is the Biggest waterpark in Wisconsin. If you decide to go there, check out the website for them and for the Flamingo hotel/motel. They always used to have a deal for every night you stayed there you got a free pass to Noah's Ark. (They are right next door to each other.) The weather the last 2 days has been cool and breezy. Chilly! Hope you are having better weather! Have a great day.\:wub\:

squeakersJun 7, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Stacy! Just popping in to say hi, and to let you know that I'm thinking about you!!!!\:wub\: I hope all is going well for you, and the kids are behaving, LOL I also wanted to let you know I did some new screenshots of us girls, Barb just found out she is pregnant, so I did some babyshower and beach scenes for her, I found a cute new hairstyle for you, to go with the fabulous outfit your wearing that you made, I hope you like them!!!!!\:D TC and have a great weekend, and a great week, I hope school goes very well for you!!!!! Big huggles!!!!!\:wub\:

PenelopeTJun 7, 2009

Hello Stacy, I'm doing well thanks for checking in on me. As for this weekend, Friday night we went to a baseball game, Saturday was spent packing, finally going to IKEA and then off to Micro-Center for a new laptop. You know you're a tech-geek when the salesperson tries to explain the specs to you, and you pull out your own copy of the specs for the exact laptop you want with the rebate form all ready too. My sales girl was like "Oh you know your stuff and what you want already." Then at the register, Paul and I couldn't remember what warranty he'd gotten me on my last laptop (which was a early b-day gift, so she looked it up and was like "You've had 2 notebooks from here in the last 3 years. How often do you get a new compuer? Did something happen to the other ones?" Paul just looked at me and smiled, because he's always picking on me too. I was just like "No...I still use those too. They all serve a purpose." After that, I dropped my computer off at home and we went out to listen to some music (a good friend of his has a band that plays locally). We got home at almost midnight, I installed TS3 on my new pc and played until almost 4am (I seriously lost track of time). I had tested it out on my pc that still has all of my TS2 stuff on it, and wasn't too impressed at first. Then I got the Prima guide, which gave more insight into the game, so my impression is a little better now, than it was. However, I still like TS2 better in certain areas. But the TS3 neighborhood is beautiful when the trees are blowing, the waters moving, the sun is setting or rising and the stars come out. So I have to give EA some credit. \:\) As for you and the teen girls....I hope you! I also hope that you had a very nice weekend too. \:wub\: Oh, are you at least enjoying playing TS3 more?

BBKZJun 7, 2009

Hey \:\) Thank you for commenting my screenshots. Sorry for so late reply but you know it's been crazy time in my life since last month \;\) Anyway, I'm very happy you liked my pics. See you around! \:\) Barb

maxi kingJun 7, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!I found some cheats!Type Testingcheatsenabled true  and then click with holding the shift boutton on the letterbox! make happy is maxMotives!\:DI got the blur away as well,I always hate that and there is nothing to see anyway!\;\)I miss a lot there,the whether,the beach lots,did you see animals?There was so much at the old game that I thought it would be in the new one as well!\:\( But other thing are great,building a house and the gardening stuff!So I will play it more to see how it goes but I will do my stories with sims2!Anyway have a nice day,TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingJun 6, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Oh,I was busy for my husband and playing sims3!Got my first cheats!Yeh,I know not everyone uses them and I don't use many!I still have to get used to the differend stuff,did you find a changing table for baby's?Anyway have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

PenelopeTJun 5, 2009

Hello Stacy, I hope you are doing well. \:wub\: I was just dropping by to wish you a nice weekend and say thanks for commenting on the screenshot with little Madison in it. Take care. \:\) ~ Pene

evetsangelJun 4, 2009

Hi Stacy! Good, I will plan for nice weather when you get here. *L* I'm about 2 hours away from the Dells. Some things change there, and somethings haven't changed for as long as I can remember. Are you guys going to Noah's Ark? Thats where we always go when we go, then the next day we walk around town and look at all the shops. I hope you guys have fun! TC\:wub\:

AngelaJun 4, 2009

Hi Stacy, Thank you so much for your lovely comment, i am glad you like it!

maxi kingJun 4, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Yeh final today is the day!I hope it will be nice,I mean I know they look stupit but I hope someone comes up with a nice scintone like in sims2!\;\)But first I have to get the weekly shopping done,here I have to go to two different shops and to the post office and to the bank as well!After that I can go to town and get the game!By the time I'm home and got everything on it's place,my son will be home I gess!The finish school here at a quater to twelve!But the start at a quater to eight in the mornings but still not that long!Later they come home at one or two and much later at two or three a clock!So all my kids come at different times home!Terribe!\:\(Anyway I tell you how I like the game later or tomorrow morning!Have a lovely day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

evetsangelJun 3, 2009

Hi Stacy! \:\) The weather here has been great. It's been in the high 60's and not humid. When you come up here, don't bring the bad weather. *L* Hey, if you are going to be around Appleton let me know, maybe we could meet. Either way, have a great vacation. Havyou ever been to the Wis. Dells? Lots of fun things to do there. Take care and have a safe trip!\:wub\:

lisa9999Jun 3, 2009

Morning Stacy,\:wub\: Yes I got the sims 3. My opinion is I am not sure either. While I was playing I kept thinking, "what were they thinking." It is more cartoonish and the game play isn't any easier and building is like walking through wet cement. My son took his sim and went around town, he was disappointed that when you go to a business you don't get to go in and browse, you just click on the business and get what you want. To me it seems they just kind of throw it together and didn't really improve it. It is more like simming for kids. LOL We shall se how it does. Hope you have a great day! Lisa\:wub\:

maxi kingJun 3, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Thank you for your lovely comment on my house!It's a hottop and the can have some fun in it!\:DYeh,I'm proud of myself!My mom and me are the only one not taking any drugs!I've seen what it make with you,horrible!\:\(Anyway,I go and get sims 3 tomorrow!I bet you miss the CC,I will too!\:o Have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

PenelopeTJun 3, 2009

Hey Stacy, so I broke down and installed TS3 when I got home from work. Played for a little over 2 hours. I was surprised by how different it really is from TS2, but in kind of a strange way. I can't really put my finger on it yet. I took some screenshots. I will give EA credit for how the town looks at night. The night sky is beautiful with all of the stars and seeing everything moving...the lighthouse light shining so bright and the lights of the various buildings and homes on. But the game play itself isn't quite on my favs list just yet. \;\) I'm so glad that I didn't and won't be uninstalling any of my TS2 stuff anytime soon. As for the story writing, luckily TSR's story setup is pretty nice to use. I like just being able to just gather up the pictures that I want to use and upload them individually and write my story in office word and just copy and paste the text. So I highly doubt that I will be using the official TS3 site for uploading stories. We'll see! So what are your thoughts on it so far?? \:\)

Birba32Jun 3, 2009

Hi \:\)  I wish to thank you for your kind comment on my wedding gowns set, I appreciate very much. Btw keep up the really good work \:\)

MJxoJun 2, 2009

Heya Stacy\:\) Your welcome and im glad you had so much fun on your float trip\:D Thanks for wishing me luck with my exams, i am stressing a lot about it and i need to relax lol. My sisters party went good, there was a lot of screaming because of my cousins and there was a lot of people. However overall was very funny\:cool\: Hope you enjoy having fun in the sun and hope you have a great day\:\) Talk to you soon as i know i will be popping by often lol. Mariah x

PenelopeTJun 2, 2009

Hi Stacy, how are you today? \:wub\: I just wanted to say thanks for commenting in my GB about the final part of 'Lilith's Journey', and on my latest screenshot. \:\) Have a wonderful day!

fredbrennyJun 2, 2009

Thank you Stacy for commenting on my new apartment building! Have a wonderful day!

luckyoyoJun 2, 2009

Hi, Thank you for commenting on my screenshot  Goodbye The Sims 2 , I'm 100% sure I won't go back to The Sim 2, I don't think I could play them both, once I've played The Sims 3 I know I won't go back to The Sims 2 because I was like that when I had The Sims 1, I tryed to play them both but I lost interest in The Sims 1 and played The Sims 2 all the time, from what I've seen The Sims 3 looks amazing, sound amazing and probably will be amazing, I just can't wait!!!  \:wub\:  Dee x

evetsangelJun 2, 2009

Morning Stacy! \:\) How have you been? I've been ok. I hope you have a great day!\:wub\:

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