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Murphy75's Guestbook

lisa9999Jun 2, 2009

Morning Stacy! My family already preordered the sims 3 for me. Like you I am not going to give up sims2. Every time they change from one sim game to another it is usually after the first couple expansion packs before anyone is really into it any how. I am sure  there will be bugs and everyone will try to figure out how to do custom content. Until that is all figured out no one is going to really enjoy it. To tell you the truth I think my son wants it more than I do. He has been reading reviews and checking out all the new options on it for months. I really don't care. I had a good week end. We went over to my mom's and did yard work and other chores she wanted done. SHe cracks me up, she will be 80 in September but she looks and acts more like sixty but she loves the fact we do all this stuff for her, she gets a big grin when she sugests a project that needs to be done and we complete it. I guess it makes her feel that we care for her (or really love her because we do it) Saturday after all my yard work I pulled a muscle in my back and ended up doing nothing the rest of the day or sunday. It is just great getting old. LOL I hope you have a fantastic day! Lisa\:wub\:

maxi kingJun 2, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!I'm glad you had a lovely weekend!And great whether as well!\:DI didn't know my dad,so I don't know how it is having a Dad and I was very close with my Mom but she done a lot wrong with me and my brother!And she didn't want to let me go realy.But I have to live my own life with my own mistakes!So now I'm not that close anymore,wich is sad in a way espacily as my husband was the best friend of my brother as he was a teen!\:\(Well anyway I try to do it better!\;\)Over here Sims3 comes out on the 4th!So I still have to wait but I feel the same and don't want to give up my sims2!Oh well we have to wait and see,I gess!\;\)So have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

squeakersJun 2, 2009

\:wub\: \:wub\: Hi Stacy! That is so wonderful about your exam!!!!!!WTG!!!! I knew you could do it!!!!!!\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: I'm really impressed, you have an interesting class, and it sounds hard, but I know you can do it!!!!! Keep up the great work, I believe in you!!!!!\:rah\: Yes, my son really surprised me, he really likes a messy room, and I wasn't much better at his age til I married my first husband, then I had to start cleaning, cause he wouldn't do it!\;\) And I hated the idea of walking on clothes and other things!\:mad\: I hope you had a great day, and that tomorrow is even better!!!!TC and talk to you soon!!!!!\:wub\: \:wub\:

maxi kingJun 1, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!How are you? Had a nice time out?We have lovely whether over here!I hope you too!Anyway have fun!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

PenelopeTJun 1, 2009

Evening Stacy, just wanted to let you know that the finale of 'Lilith's Journey' is now posted. \:\) Hope you had a great weekend! \:wub\:  ~ Pene

b-bettinaMay 30, 2009

Hello! \:D Thank you very much for commenting on my latest Summertime set, I'm glad you like it and I appreciate it a lot!! \:wub\: Bettina

juliana.britoMay 30, 2009

Hey, How are you? Just to let you know that "Starter house 3" is now available! \:D  - Ju \:wub\:

DOTMay 29, 2009

Oh!  and Thank you for the nice comment on the 'Sim Summer Set' I tried to make \:\)

DOTMay 29, 2009

Hi hi \:\)  Thank you for the nice comment on the 'wicker lamp' I tried to make.  Hope all plays well for you \:cool\:

lisa9999May 29, 2009

Morning Stacy! See you know just what I mean about having get togethers! Everyone sits areound while we bust our butts. \:D you just want to say"this was your bright idea get off your a__ and help!LOL Maybe everyone will remember us for all we do. LOL HAving a sixteen year old boy is no different than a girl when it comes to laundry. He has to look just right and if there is the least tiny spot on his clothes he has to change. I washed yesterday and I am doing it again today! Have yourself a fantastic day! You deserve it! Lisa\:wub\:

MJxoMay 29, 2009

Heya Stacy! Your welcome, i do love your clothing sets. Well my weekend is just having family over at mine for my sisters birthday party and studying for upcoming exams that i have to go back into school for. What are your plans for the weekend?

libertyMay 29, 2009

Hi Stacy Your welcome I'm sure they know what to do. They know the game form the inside the outside from left to right en right to left. any way they know it inside out 10 times.LOL I hope you'll fix the problem soon so you can play again. Seeya hugs  Mike

luckyoyoMay 29, 2009

Hi, Thank you for your nice comments on my story Melt my heart the final, I'm really glad you enjoyed it, \:wub\: I thought a wedding would end the story nicely, I was going to bring Morgan and Blake back for the sims 3 but by the looks of my poll people want me to do someone else, which is fine, I have loads of ideas for storys, I can't wait till the 6th of June so I can finally play the sims 3!! \:D \:wub\:  Dee x

maxi kingMay 29, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!My kids still go to school!They get on the 25th of june on hollyday,for 6 weeks!That is early this year,normaly the schoolyear ends here at the mittle of july!\;\)The kids are happy about it but after about 4 week,I like them going back to school,well 4 kids and 3 of them beeing teens gives you some time a headache!But don't get me wrong,I love each of them!I even would have another one but my husband don't!\;\)I'm glad to hear that you close with your family,I'm not that much anymore,too much happend in the past,hey can't choose your family,can't you?!\:\(Anyway I was driving a lorry yesterday,the first time ever!It was a bit scarry first but it went ok!:PDid you see my new pic?I'm building a beach lot with a house looking a bit like the orange one!I thought that I have a look how it goes and see how any that will like because them don't look that much like my others!\:cool\:Anyway have a lovely day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

squeakersMay 29, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Stacy, yes I did have a wonderful birthday, it surprised me big time that my son did all that for me, he hates cleaning his room with a passion, and it took time away from him playing his Xbox 360, as he is playing a game that he has been wanting so badly!!!! So it was especially special to me that he would take the time to do it!!!!\:D I guess he loves his mama!!!! LOL I think your daughter will do good in high school, it is so important to get a good education, especially when she see's you working so hard in school, philosophy sounds hard, and I admire you for taking the class, and yes, definately write him to see about your grade, it shouldn't take him so long to get back to you about your grade, and don't worry, I know you did great on it!!!!!\:rah\: What are you majoring in? I think you told me before, but I can't remember, sometimes because of my fibromayalgia, I get so tired and worn out, I have a hard time remembering things.\;\) I hope you have a great weekend, TC and huge hugs!\:wub\:

iZazuMay 29, 2009

Hello, thanks for taking the time to comment on my Dark Pool Walls. I have always liked darker pools instead of bright blue ones and I thought it would be a good idea for the Sims too! I have a couple more sets coming soon! Enjoy! Linda \:wub\:

PenelopeTMay 28, 2009

Hey there Stacy! No, I didn't get sucked into the IKEA store afterall. My sweetie and I ended up visiting our folks and going to see the new Star Trek movie instead...which was AWESOME! I will probably go to IKEA this weekend sometime. I have my list all ready. \:\) How are you doing today? Glad you had a nice weekend. I'm going to try and work on the final part of 'Lilith's Journey' when I'm done with dinner and my laundry. It was such a lonnnnnnnnnnnngggggg Thought I was going to fall asleep at my desk today. Well, I hope you have a nice evening. \:wub\: ~ Pene

ekinegeMay 28, 2009

Hi Stacy! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the EKNSet-38.\:wub\: Ekin

evetsangelMay 28, 2009

Hi Stacy! I hope you have a wonderful day. I'm going to try to make some bedding.I hope it works. (Keeps fingers crossed.)Do you have any plans for today? \:wub\:

maxi kingMay 28, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Did I tell you that my house will be out tomorrow?\:DHey how are you?I feel much better now but now the whether turned bad\:\(Anyway I hope you will have a wonderful time!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

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