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Murphy75's Guestbook

MoMamaMay 26, 2009

Thanks for your nice comment on my million kudos. Have a great week! \:D \:D

maxi kingMay 26, 2009

\:wub\:me again!Thank you for your sweet comment on my pic!\:D \:wub\:

Jennifer_RMay 26, 2009

Hiya Stacy! Thanks for your kind comments on my latest screenies! \:wub\: Hope your having a super day! Jen \;\)

maxi kingMay 26, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Didn't get much to build!\:\(I was to busy helping my husband!He gets the cold as well but hopfully not that bad and I feel a bit better today!We had a thunderstorm near our place this morning and its warm!Well i hope the sun will come out later!Anyway have a nice and sunny day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

Marauder281May 26, 2009

Thanks for the nice comment on my screen shot 'Lightening Storm'! That was a fun one to watch happen!

squeakersMay 26, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Stacy! I'm back, I ended up getting a cold the day after my birthday, so I was in bed suffering not so quietly, my poor nose is raw and ready to run away, but at least I'm feeling better than I was, and felt up to visiting my favorite site, and my favorite freinds!\:D Thank you so much for your birthday wishes, I had a great birthday, I got to have my barbecued steak and mushrooms, I got a beautiful cameo necklace and mood ring from my youngest son, a beautiful homemade necklace with matching earings from a freind, and my darling hubby bought me a gorgeous diamond tennis bracelet, which I have been wanting for years!\:wub\: \:rah\: And my middle son gave me a cool gift, he cleaned his room, did the dishes, and took out the trash all without asking!\:rah\: Summer will be a great break for the kids, and who knows, your daughter may surprise you and do great in high school!!!! I bet she does, and my fingers are crossed, and I'm still cheering for you being in school, I know your doing great and your going to pass with flying colors!!!!!!\:D \:rah\: I hope you have a great day, TC and talk to you soon!!!!!\:wub\: \:wub\:

ayyuffMay 25, 2009

Hi,Many thanks for your wonderful comment on my lot 'Summer Sun' I am glad you like it \:\) Enjoy!

maxi kingMay 25, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Yeh,I was outsite in the sun a lot but the cold don't like me!Still feel bad!The kids had it first but not bad at all but I wasn't that lucky!Now my husband gets it as well,only hope not that bad as he still have to work!\:\(Anyway it was so lovely yesterday and now it looks like rain and it's much cooler!Oh well the best whether to stay on the computer and build a bit!\;\)So have a nice and sunny day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

BBKZMay 25, 2009

Hey there \:\) Thank you for amazing comments on my stuff. I'm glad you liked it. Enjoy and happy simming! Barb \:\)

xtinabobinaMay 25, 2009

Hey Stacy!! I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to write back to you! It seems everytime I try, the internet screws up, or I get interrupted by someone! So how have you been? Are you doing well? Are you excited about the sims 3? I have got it pre-ordered! I get it June 2nd. So have you been up to any simming? Recolours? I've got my series finished & when I get home, that's the first thing I'm going to upload both stories\:\) I know it seems silly, but i don't have time to waste. i have to upload both of them together\:\( but ill be sure the first one is approved, so they dont get scrambled, that would suck lol. so how's summer been for you so far? do you have any plans? lol that's a lot of questions..anyway, i really look forward to hearing from you, it's been way too long!! love ya! ~xtinabobina

fredbrennyMay 24, 2009

Stacy, Thank you for your comment on my Faber shop pic. It needs still a lot of work. My game keeps crashing when I'm on this lot, so I have to check everything thouroughly! But...hey...that's what building and submitting is all about ! Thanks again, have a great day!

tdyanndMay 24, 2009

Thanks again for reading and commenting on the Andretti's. \:D

PenelopeTMay 24, 2009

Good morning Stacy, I just wanted to thank you for the sweet comment on part 4 of 'Lilith's Journey'. Glad you liked the cliffhanger. \:\) Also, good luck with your Philosophy class. I'm sure things will work out just fine, and August will be here before you know it. You can do it! \:wub\: ~ Pene

AngelaMay 24, 2009

Hi Stacy, Thank you for your comments, i am glad you like it ~Angela~

maxi kingMay 24, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!How are you today?It's 7:30 am and I can't sleep anymore!I got a bad cold!The whether is so lovely outsite and I sit here being ill!\:\(I uploadet the orange house yesterday!So I hope it will be out soon!:PAnyway have a nice and sunny day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

PenelopeTMay 24, 2009

Stacy, IKEA is, so don't be too happy for me. It's hard not to make 50 little trips....just because. It's less than a half-hour's drive and VERY addictive. The parking lot is ALWAYS insanely crowded. \:\)

luckyoyoMay 23, 2009

Hi, thank you for commenting on my screenshot Plane watching. \:wub\:

evetsangelMay 23, 2009

Hi Stacy \:\) Nope, we don't have any big plans for the weekend. (Unless you count going to the grocery store and playing the how much can we save today game. ) *L* What state do you live in? I live in Wisconsin. Hope you have a great weekend!!\:wub\: Sarah

PenelopeTMay 23, 2009

Oops, I just saw your guestbook No big plans for me this holiday weekend. Last night we went to a baseball game...watched fireworks at the end. Today, I'm going to visit my mom for a bit....haven't seen her in a few weeks. Maybe squeeze in a little shopping at IKEA too. Other than that, I'm going to try and enjoy the great weather I'm finally having. \:wub\: I hope you have fun entertaining and being with your friend's, and that your weather stays nice. Take care. ~ Pene

PenelopeTMay 23, 2009

Good morning Stacy! I hope you are enjoying your weekend thus far. Just wanted to thank you for the comment on my 'Bring it on' screenshot, let you know that part 4 of 'Lilith's Journey' is out and wish you a very relaxing and fun holiday weekend. Take care. \:wub\: ~ Pene

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