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Murphy75's Guestbook

lisa9999May 23, 2009

Morning Stacy!\:wub\:  Sorry yesterday it sounded like I was complaining. Oh I was.LOL\:D I was grumpy when I got up and the thought of my sister inviting herself just had me mad. She only lives a mile away(even as and adult I can't get rid of her, LOL)so I see her all the time.\:D  I did it again. Sory.\:D  Do you have anything coming out soon? I went straight to your guest book so I didn't see your mini page. I just finished a poodle bathroom for evetsangel to go with the poodle bedroom that came out today. Do you have any plans for the week end?  It is hard to believe it is almost summer. I swear I was just cleaning snow no that ling ago. Have a great day! Lisa\:wub\:

MJxoMay 23, 2009

Thanks for commenting on my screenshot! Hope you have a great weekend *Hugs*. Mariah\;\)

maxi kingMay 23, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Yep he fixed it yesterday!\:DMy mom was here to visit as well,so I wasn't online for much!But I had a good talk with her!The whether was nice most of the day as well,so I had a great time!Have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

QaenMay 23, 2009

Hi \:\) Thank you so much for your comment on my latest set.I am so glad you like it \:wub\: Have a nice day.>>Deniz

ElutMay 22, 2009

Hi Stacy. Thanks for your domment on my Eriksgarden. I hope it looks good in your game\:wub\:. If not you know where to drop the complain\:D

juliana.britoMay 22, 2009

Hey, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my "Starter House 3" screenshot!! I've already submited it, it's now pending! So maybe in the next days it will be available ! Have a nice day! - Ju \:wub\:

lisa9999May 22, 2009

Morning Stacy!\:wub\: If I decide to to clothes it won't be for a while yet. I have so many requests right now. I may try something simple. For now I am happy to download your and Pene's stuff. Yes I have plans this week end. It started out as a quiet little picnic with my mom and my husbands dad after a trip to the cemetery, but my sister and her family (obnoxious)decided they weren't going to Buffalo this year they are coming to my house. Oh yippie \:rolleyes: LOL I have been doing every holiday and birthday for the past twenty years, I now know why my mom got sick of it. LOL We will have a good time. I hope you have a great week end. I will still be coming to TSR over the holiday, it is my only refuge! LOL\:D Have a fantastic day! Lisa\:wub\:

evetsangelMay 22, 2009

Hi Stacy \:\) Thanks for voting in my new poll. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!\:wub\:

maxi kingMay 22, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Thank you for your great comment on my pic's!\:DMy car is 20 years old,so no warrenty!But I love it,it's big,powerful and even got lether seats in them!\:DMy mom is comming over today and we going to have a BBQ on Saturday but apart from that,I'm not doing much!\;\)Have a lovely day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

agapi rMay 22, 2009

Hi, thank you for your comment on my Natural eyes set, I´m glad that you liked them\:\) Have a nice day

Wolfsim68May 21, 2009

Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my screenshots. I really appreciate it! Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

MJxoMay 21, 2009

Heya! Its nice to here from you. Well.. I feel im not prepared yet for it because i cant say goodbye to the sims 2 as well\:D But i bet i will change my mind when the game gets delivered to my house\:P Ha! Mariah\;\)

ayyuffMay 21, 2009

Hi,Thank you for commenting on my wood floor set 03 \:\) *Grand Hugs*

lisa9999May 20, 2009

Hi Stacy! You are very welcome for the comments. And thank you for the commetns on the sets. they were a request. I have just started downloading clothes. I have spent so much time doing recolors of furniture I never really got into clothing until now. Thanks for making such nice things! Lisa\:wub\:

evetsangelMay 20, 2009

Hi Stacy! I hope you are having a fantastic day!\:wub\:

MJxoMay 20, 2009

Heya! Thanks for dropping by and doing my poll\;\) What are you thoughts about the sims 3? Mariah.

fredbrennyMay 20, 2009

Hi Stacy! Thanks so much for your great comments on the Vista del Mar! Still working on it, but I hope to upload it tomorrow or Friday! Thanks for your feedback and have a wonderful day/night! Love, Frederique

maxi kingMay 20, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Thank you for your sweet comments on my pic's!The wirlpool is on top of the orange house!\:DSadly it was a so big file that I had to take the furniture out but I'm sure you will put some nice once in there!Oh and the windows don't work,so now I use different ones but it still looks great!I think I upload it friday as it is a hollyday tomorrow and my husband don't like me sitting on the computer to long!\:\(It must be terrible with all of that going on in your town!We have a prison about 15 km away from here and I hate it when someone ascapes and the police is everywere!\:\(Hey,my car broke down today!My husband had to come and rescue me!Lucky for me that he can fix it himself!\;\)It was sunny here but because of the car I didn't had much time spare!Anyway have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingMay 20, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Thank you so much for all the lovely comments!\:DYeh,I will upload the orange house!It is different as the others but I like it,have to do the garden for it now!\;\)Didn't bother before!\;\)The restaurant is ready,I just wait for Denise for a name!I think it looks great,I take a pic and upload it later!\:DWell have a nice day with lots of sun!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

guitarmanMay 20, 2009

Hello again. First of all I wanna thank you for leaving a kind comment on my screenshot. Sorry to hear about you losing your jobb,however you're doing something positive by getting higher education and that's a good thing nowadays. I wish you good luck. Have a nice day.

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