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Murphy75's Guestbook

squeakersMay 19, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Stacy! I just wanted to let you know that my screenshots are up, the ones with you and the other girls!\:D Your the one in your black outfit, with your hair up, and we are all together celebrating my birthday, since we can't all get together, this is the next best thing!!!!!\:D  I hope you are doing good, and aren't getting to stressed out by school, good thing you'll be able to rest soon for the summer, and won't have to worry about the kids completing their homework!!!!!!!\;\) We have rain here today, which is a bummer as I wanted barbecue today for my birthday dinner, I love barbecue steal, with mushrooms, so I guess I will get it next time it's nice out!!!!\;\) I hope you have a wonderful day, TC and talk to you soon!!!!!\:D Huggles, \:wub\: \:wub\:

PenelopeTMay 19, 2009

Hey there Stacy, glad you're having a nice day. The weather here is beautiful today. I actually went out for lunch today instead of sitting at my desk. Hope you have a great evening! \:\) ~ Pene

Birba32May 19, 2009

Hello \:\) thank you so much for your kind comment on my nails set, I'm really glad you like it \:D

mariabubuMay 19, 2009

hi! thank you for commenting on my screenshot "in your arms". i'm always glad to receive nice comments\:\) have a great week! \:\)

maxi kingMay 19, 2009

\:wub\:Hi stacy!My new story is out!I had some problems but saoz helped me quickly,she is nice!\:DSo you can read and if you like the house can download it as well!I was thinking of uploading the orange one from the story as well,what do you think,it's not what I normaly do!\;\)Oh and my next one is a beach restaurant,I'm nearly finished with that too,I wait for Denise to tell me a name for it,it's for her birthday,well it will be late but I think she will still love it!\:DThe sun is out today and I hope it stay like it!Do you have some sun today?would be nice for your garden!I love whatching in my garden,I sit here next to the window and look in my garden also in the backround of it are only trees,so it looks peaceful!Anyway have a nice and sunny day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

luckyoyoMay 18, 2009

Hi, Thank you for your nice comment on my snapshot of Tim and Kim, I appreciate it alot.\:\)

cippa1982May 18, 2009

Hi! Thanks for the congrats about my promotion! I really appreciate it! Cippa \:D

PenelopeTMay 18, 2009

Stacy, thanks so much for the congrats. He is such a sweetie, so I'm actually getting really excited and looking forward to the summer too. As for my story, I had some free time and managed to organize my screenshots (whew...73 of them) and write part 4 yesterday. I uploaded it last night, so hopefully it will be approved soon. \:\) The weather here was great today! Not a rain drop in I haven't checked the longterm forecast yet. Hope you are having a nice day. Take care. \:wub\: ~ Pene

maxi kingMay 18, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Sounds like you having a lovely garden now!\:DWe didn't had such a nice weekend some teen-boys was ringing on the bell in the middle of the night and tryed to break the glas on our cars!So we didn't had much sleep and the police came as well!But at that time the kids were gone!They bored here and don't have much to do!Terrible!Anyway have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

lisa9999May 18, 2009

You are very welcome Stacy!\:wub\:

evetsangelMay 18, 2009

I already stocked up on the hair color. *L* My husband offered to let my daughter drive on a back road, she said no, then came home and told me about it! I freaked out, I didn't want her using my car! *L* I hope you had a great weekend and have a great week. ~Sarah\:wub\:

maxi kingMay 18, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!How are you?Did you had a nice weekend?:PI would love to have a boat,we live next to a small river!\:DHey I'm nearly finished with my story!And the house to it will be out tomorrow!\:DHave a nice and sunny day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

PenelopeTMay 17, 2009

Thank you so much for the lovely comment and the 5.0 on 'Lilith;s Journey' part 3. \:wub\: I'm trying to get part 4 out by next week, and will wrap the story up hopefully within 6 parts. I'm getting married in a about month, and will be moving, and vacationing in June/July and won't have much time to play for a bit. But I don't want to leave this story hanging out there for too long. So, I will let you know when to keep an eye out. \:\) ~ Pene

BBKZMay 17, 2009

Hey there \:D I'd like to thank you for all amazing comments you left on my screenshots. I'm so glad you liked them. Have a wonderful day! Barb \:\)

Jennifer_RMay 17, 2009

Hi Stacy, thanks for your lovely comments on my 'Beach Retreat' screenies. It's always so nice to read them. \:wub\: Have a great day! \;\)

luckyoyoMay 17, 2009

Hi, Thank you for you comment on my snapshot I will love you..., I appreciate it very much, I took this shot just after Kim found out she was pregnant, Tim (Kims now husband) is over the moon, I may do a story on them for the sims 3.\:wub\:

hiedibear75May 17, 2009

Well maybe I'll have to go see if malteese are a dog I think I can create for the game. \;\)

luckyoyoMay 16, 2009

Thank you so much for your comment on my snapshot My love, the house is lovely I downloaded it from mod the sims.\:\)

lisa9999May 16, 2009

Hey Stacy, Wanted to wish you a great week end. I saw Sarah say her daughter is turning sixteen and about driving. My son is sixteen and I am teaching him to drive. I was scared to death  at first but he is doing really well. Mom still has to tell him to brake sooner but other than that I am surprised. I have to teach him in my husbands car because mine is a standard.  I guess at some point have to teach him how to drive that. LOL I also wanted to say your clothing looks great and I am going to have to go back and download some. I spend so much time recoloring furnture half the time I miss the clothing. Have a great one! Lisa\:wub\:

PenelopeTMay 16, 2009

Yes Stacy, we have a lot of the same sucky It's around 7 am ish now, and I just slide the patio door open to let some fresh air in, and what do I see...GLOOMY skies. \;\) It rained most of the night, but it's supposed to be a little sunny for the next few days starting tomorrow. I am seriously starting to feel like I live in Seattle. \:\) Hope you have a great weekend!

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