Heather's Sims 3 Generations Challange
“Heather’s Sims 3 Generations Challenge”
To add a bit of my own twist to some of the current Sims 3 challenges that are out while still honoring the challenges like it I decided to add my own twist and set of rules.
Your Founding Sim!
1) First of all you need to start a new game on whatever town you wish, just make sure that this game is for challenges only.
2) Then you need to create your Founder Sim, they are to be either a young adult or an adult. Their looks, likes, lifetime wishes and such all can be customized as you see fit.
3) For your sims trait you need to hit the random button to start off with. You can keep all of the five traits that it randomly picked for you for an extra challenge if you wish but for his challenge it is only required that you pick one of them. Remember the first trait HAS to be one of the five that the computer generated for you. The other four you are free to pick on your own as you see fit.
4) Custom content, clothings, meshes, create-a-pattern tools are all allowed in your creation.
5) You can only create one sim to start off with. Spouses, kids, roommates and the like all need to be added from playing the game.
Finding a Place to Live!
1) Next you need to figure out where you Sim are going to start out. Here is where I am a bit easier going then most of the other challenges.
2) As I said you can start in any town. You also get to pick your place to live – you can choose an empty lot and work your way up to a place to sleep or you can buy something cheap. You also can get it already furnished as long as you have the funds for it. The loop hole here is NO CHEATS of any kind. No mods, no switching things around nothing. So whatever you choose to start with you are stuck with till you can afford better. So pick wisely!
Rules to Play By….
1) Rules are simple no cheat codes, no mods, no boost no help. Nothing that will help make your sims life easier!
2) Yes, you can use custom content so long as it does not have any type of mod/cheat in it to help with stats, energy aging ect.
3) You have to keep aging on at all times. No stopping time to move up in your career or have time to create that family you want.
4) The goal is to try to make it through 10 generations.
5) The child you choose for your next generation can be adopted or home grown but it has to be the same sex as the one you started off with. Meaning that whatever gender your founder was, this must be the gender of every heir. Meaning if you started with a female founder, only female children may become the heir to bring in the next generation. Children of the other gender are still counted as part of the family but they cannot be the one to start the next generation.
6) Lastly your future generations are just like their parents so one trait of each new generation has to be the same trait one of their parents had. This can be picked from either the mother or the father but at least one trait has to match one of their parents.
7) You can move to a different house as long as you have earned the funds to do so.
8) Family portraits – if possible have family portraits made and displayed through the house so future generations can see where they came from.
9) Stories – I love stories so adding in stories and such with each generation. This can be of their whole life or just one small story from a time in their life.
10) Just try to have fun!
So that is my Sims 3 generations challenge! Now let’s see how well it comes out!!!
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