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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a Set with 2 Creations - Click here to show all
Hola! beautiful simmers, how are you doing? Today I'm excited to share with you a special Custom Content for The Sims 4, it's an afro-textured hair, a frankenmesh of two completely different hairs, it's not my first attempt at making afro-textured hair but it's the first one I share so I hope it's good enough for y'all and you like it.
I also made a recolor of the hair tie, with my *Nordy Palette*, that can be found under the accessories category.
-------------- Info --------------
- Edited EA mesh.
- Base Game Compatible.
- Hat Compatible.
- Proper LODs.
- 18 EA/Maxis colors.
- Hair tie recolor found under accessories.
- 36 swatches for the hair tie.
- Available for teen-elder female.
- Custom thumbnails.
- Disabled for random.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1422003
ItemID: 1422003
Filesize: 6 MB

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