NancyJ (736710)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (19 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Long Airbushed Nails by NJSim
Published Nov 7, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations ( in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Wedding Veil - Blonde
Published Nov 19, 2004
About Me
I'm a bit split personality. I love goth and fetishwear and if it was stuff I would wear in real life, that's probably what it'd be but I'll often see a regular outfit on TV or on a website that inspires me. I try never to do a straight copy of a real life item, when I'm inspired its usually because I think the outfit looks great but could look better.
I also like to minimise the 'painted on' look. I've downloaded a quite a few items that looked great on the previews but in game I realised that the 'shine' and wrinkles were just painted on rather than using the in-game mechanics to achieve the look. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get that real high shine PVC look yet, I don't think its possible using the current tools/game engine, you can get close in CAS but in-game it loses that reflective quality so I'll be sticking to leather and rubber look materials - if there's shine or shadow on my items, I want it to have come from the in-game lighting and bump maps.
If you have a comment or suggestion about my items, please leave a message. All the 'great thanks' are nice and very much appreciated but real feedback/critique is always welcome, I wont delete it unless you're just trolling.
If you have a request, I'll listen, but no guarantees.
My Guestbook Show All
hamsterfan2367Jul 16, 2012
SimSat9000Apr 14, 2012
Please could you do your nails for teens?
charrayFeb 16, 2010
Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations Please keep up the great work