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Natalia's Guestbook

Pookie85Jul 21, 2003

Hi. My name is tonya. I'm 17 and live in Kentucky. I was just wondering if perhaps you'd be nice enough to send some of your creations to me? I mean you don't have to, but I'd love to have some of your stuff. It's all really nice. Thanks alot! Bye for now.

oldmember_kidkaliliJul 3, 2003

Hey Natalia! I like your downloads! I was wondering how I can create my own objects to use in The Sims Deluxe?

SIMplyPegiJun 28, 2003

Hi Natalia, I absolutely love your Sims creations. You have helped me make houses that I can only dream about owning. I would love to learn how to make objects like you do. Any suggestions? Pegi

oldmember_emmacollegeJun 26, 2003


lilzabubbaJun 4, 2003

it has been almost a year since i was a regular here, so i have not seen much of your recent work. It is AWESOME! i love your object sets. keep up the good work.

stacygibbsMay 26, 2003

You do lovely work, Natalia. I have used many of your objects in my game for a long time now and just wanted to take a moment and say thanks! -Stacy

sassyinthecityMay 21, 2003

I was wondering if you can create a miniture dashhound for animal skins. my name is sandy and you can email me at

AmythystSimMay 13, 2003

I have bee registered at TSR for less than a year and when I was installing my downloaded freebies I noticed most of them began 'nat', since I became a subscriber to TSR I can honestly say that more than 3/4 of the suff I have downloaded is yours. I think your stuff is wonderful \:o) The floors all match up when you turn the house round, none of your objects have those yucky yellow lines that alot of other stuff does. I just think your a great artist and I wanted to say that I will never get bored redecorating my homes now. I just wish my own home was as eas to decorate \:o)

jsfMay 11, 2003

Hi Natalia, I love your floors! I have downlloaded dozens in the last few days. judi

timekeeperApr 12, 2003

Natalia, are you planning on adding the men's clothes you had at your old site? My HD locked up, and I lost all of the stuff I had D/L from you. I actually bought my subscription here hoping to find more of your clothes. (grin)

shmaroldApr 11, 2003

Boy what a dumbellina I feel like! I just tried the chair again, and it downloaded just fine!. Must have been my computer. Now my li'l Sims are happy! Have a great day \:\)

shmaroldApr 11, 2003

Howdy! My Sims family told me to thank you for all the very beautiful well-made "Color My World" sofas and chairs. Only, they got mad at me because when I tried to download the Sky Blue Chair (single seat, not double or triple), the download just had a text doc that said "Error Please Read". Now they're upset, so they left yuck puddles all over the place (LOL). Kind of like my dog poopin' on the rug to show he's jealous of my new hamster. Anyway keep up the good work.

oldmember_leftoverhippieMar 22, 2003

Hello there Natalia, I just have to tell you how much I love your work here! I have been playing the Sims for just a little over a year and am addicted to it. I found TSR in the past few months and finally learned how to begin downloading things into the game. FEW weeks ago I ended up having computer problems and ended up losing everything. Needless to say, I was NOT a "happy camper." I had downloaded your camoflage set and did not even have time to play with it \:\( So I asked my husband if I could get TSR because I wanted the camoflage set back so so so bad and just could not wait. I have DLed a lot of your sets but the camo is my favorite. I think it is so cool to be as talented as you folks are. Wish I knew how to do it. Keep up the great work! You are appreciated! Thank you so much \:\) One of your biggest fans, Hippie

rainonroseFeb 28, 2003

Hi Natalia! Thank you so much for all your hard work! My 12 yr. old daughter loves your skins for her children. She wanted me to ask you if you knew where we could get the head you used for "Nikkie" and "Debbie". She loves this one and we would appreciate it very much!

dreamsongFeb 20, 2003

I love your Fantasia living room set. I hope some time you will do a dining table to match.

SeanzShySweetieFeb 9, 2003

Hi Natalia! I love your sets! Looking forward to more!

MAHOGANY25Jan 8, 2003

Hi Natalia. I am a big fan of all of your creations and use them often In my game. I also downloaded a lot of your skins when you had your own site. I came here trying to find some of your PJ and lingere skins that I downloaded for the light skin tone, but you don't have them here for download. What happened to all of you pj's? and where can I find them. Somehow after a reinstall I lost them all. Thanks for all of your wonderful creations god bless you and your gift. MAHOGANYWOOD

oldmember_hannahJan 2, 2003

hey your stuffs great id love to see you create some mums to be

y2krobieDec 28, 2002

Congratulations on beging one of the 4 New Featured Artists, Much Luck!!!

Jessica RogetDec 13, 2002

Hi, I have a question. Am I allowed to upload stuff from the game 'The Sims', and rechange the price, description, but keep the color? Please get back to me ASAP!

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