Nikki041498 (37897)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1442 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Prairie PetBed 3 Set
Published Nov 25, 2006
About Me
Becoming a Featured Artist on TSR was something I looked forward to since I first began to submit work here. I never created work for the Sims 1, and when Sims 2 was announced I began several months of searching for tutorials for PaintShop Pro, which is the graphics progam I use, in order to learn how to create better quality work. I have learned alot...but I am still learning, which is part of the enjoyment. I am a housewife who paints, crochets, sculpts, and enjoys decorating our home. My husband is an Air Traffic Controller. We have three cats and a Samoyed dog, who's registered name is Lady Nikita's Cajun Frost, but we call her Nikki. That's where I got my nick from. The 041498 part of my nick is her birthdate. We live in Louisiana, and plan to move to Texas in a few years when my husband retires.
My Latest Updates Show All
Merry Christmas!Written Dec 23, 2006
I know I've been remiss about updating my mini site. Things have been rather busy and off kilter for me for the past few months. For one thing my computer simply could not carry on any longer so my hubby bought me a brand new one as an early Christmas present. WooHOOO!! As for the other things...well...Life has a way of getting in the way of what you really want to be doing. But... ...More
Hard Drive DiedWritten Jul 21, 2006
Well it finally happened. The Grim Reaper came and took my hard drive a couple of hours ago, and he didn't even let me beg for it's life first! We had a short but intense thunderstorm Wednesday night and it knocked our power out for 20 hours. Here in the Southern United States the day time tempuratures have been reaching above 100 we had a rough time. They finally got the power... ...More
SIMply For GuysWritten Jun 10, 2006
Hey everyone, Be sure to check the calendar this coming week for the new Theme Week "SIMply for Guys". Lot's of great stuff coming out. I'll have six clothing sets for the guys, along with a "Bachelor Livingroom" set. All new furniture meshes. I also have set my previous male clothing sets to show for the theme so you can locate them. All the FA's are working hard to make this theme... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Aug 25, 2015
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
RhavinOct 15, 2009
Very nice work.. Thanks for sharing them.. Keep up the good work..