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Created for: The Sims 4
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Cozy and very livable house for a couple of sims, especially for a newlyweds.
Split leveled kitchen_n_dining area! Bathrooms at each floors! Two fireplaces, one of it in the bedroom! Study room, gym, vanity room and two great balconies! Pool, bbq and covered porch at the back yard! And of course a lot of flowers - everywhere! Everything that your sims can dream of!
Also contains items for all kind of entertainment and activity.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1330672
ItemID: 1330672
Filesize: 240 KB
Base Game and Get To Work
Used few items from - Holiday Celebration pack (free).
Cheats used: bb.moveobjects, bb.showhiddenobjects, bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement.
Game version
To properly put the house you need to place it in build mode with bb.moveobjects enabled.
Known issues:
- every time I placed the house from library for testing, the staircase to second floor disappeared. If it will happens to you too just put the staircase in small room between kitchen and living, behind refrigerator (see the red narrows at 3rd shot). Style is up to you =)
- after re-entering the game one of kitchen counters with decor on it may be moved to family's inventory. It happens because kitchen is splitleveled. So just put moved items back on it's place.
CC list:
1 -my Ii stkickers set
2 -Permeable Paving Small by Rirann
3 -Sonic Fashion Accessories by NynaeveDesign
4-Sara New Outdoor by Angela
5 -Summer Illusion by SIMcredible!
6 -First Light livingroom by Bobur2
7 -Pralina Teen Bedroom by jomsims
8 -Entrance Lighting Set by DOT
9 -Nightlight Switch Set by DOT
10 -EA Window Add-on by Mutske
11 -Kinlet Living by Mutske
12 -Bathroom Aloe Deco Set by ung999
13 -Bathroom Aloe by ung999
14 -Ladeya Bedroom by BuffSumm
15 -Bedroom Dexter by BuffSumm
16 -Dining Eboni by ShinoKCR
17 -Living Moroso by ShinoKCR
18 -Power of Pink Bedroom by ShinoKCR
19 -Provence living room by Severinka_
20 -Serenity bedroom by Severinka_
21 -Set of Bicycles by Severinka_
22 -'Tea in the garden' set by Severinka_
23 -Shabby Bargain Shabby Chic Bathroom by TheNumbersWoman
24 -Shabby Chic Used Living Room by TheNumbersWoman
25 -Shabby Bargain Shabby Chic Bedroom by TheNumbersWoman
- Value: 245000
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 3
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: 30x20
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- my Ii stkickers set
- Permeable Paving Small by Rirann
- Sonic Fashion Accessories by NynaeveDesign
- Sara New Outdoor by Angela
- Summer Illusion by SIMcredible
- First Light livingroom by Bobur2
- Pralina Teen Bedroom by jomsims
- Entrance Lighting Set by DOT
- Nightlight Switch Set by DOT
- EA Window Add-on by Mutske
- Kinlet Living by Mutske
- Bathroom Aloe Deco Set by ung999
- Bathroom Aloe by ung999
- Ladeya Bedroom by BuffSumm
- Bedroom Dexter by BuffSumm
- Dining Eboni by ShinoKCR
- Living Moroso by ShinoKCR
- Power of Pink Bedroom by ShinoKCR
- Provence living room by Severinka
- Serenity bedroom by Severinka
- Set of Bicycles by Severinka
- 'Tea in the garden' set by Severinka
- Shabby Bargain Shabby Chic Bathroom by TheNumbersWoman
- Shabby Chic Used Living Room by TheNumbersWoman
- Shabby Bargain Shabby Chic Bedroom by TheNumbersWoman