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Oceanviews's Blog

Jonathan Rhys Meyers sim - The Updates


So the jonathan rhys meyers sim is almost done! Yeah im sorry it took a while to post anything but my computer was broken but now i got a new one, so i'm back on production.

The Jonathan sim is in "post production" you could say lol, it is almost done. It just need some finishes and it will be up for download. So stay tunned its going to be a good one :D

There will be more sims to come but it will take a while my personal life does take up some time (thank god) but i promise to dedicate some time to creating.

You guys have been so great with all of your support I can't thank you enough.

I hope you like the sim. Happy simming :D


Hey :D

I got some news, first just got a brand new awesome computer. I'm really happy with it, but i still need to install all of the sims games so its going to take some time.

But in other news, i got some ideas for projects. Some guys for a change: James Franco and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. And girls for sure a Autumn Reeser sim, and still not sure because i don't know if i will have time Megan Fox and Rose Mcgowan.

The michael jackson sim is out of question I saw the Vera Marina sims at MTS and i just don't think i can do better, they are really great. The other sims that i talked about in my other post may still be done but i just started my second semester in college so i don't have much time.

But the James Franco, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Autumn Reeser sims I really want to create so they will probably be out this february.

So if you like them or have any other suggestion let me know.

Happy simming!!

Long time no post...

Hi soo sorry you guys ive been really out of here.

I promise i will try and upload something soon. College is taking a lot of my time, im having exams right now but as soon as i can i will start to work on some sims for you :D.

I thinking about gossip girl cast (Blake, Leighton, ,Penn, Chase, Taylor, Ed and Jessica) i really like the show so, but dont know yet. Maybe Megan Fox and Shia Labeouf just saw transformers for the first time, I know I know... How had i not seen that? I meen Megan Fox? Right? lol I may do a new version of Rachel Bilson just saw her on How i Met Your Mother, I really like her. Im all over the place lol. I got ideas we will see how it works...

Let me know if you liked any of the ideas i talked about...

Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments and feedback on my sims and work :)


OMG i reached over 300.000 downloads! Thank you so much its great to know that people like my work and want to download it. By the way I got a project coming on soon a Blake Lively sim, I know that the cute blode as been made before but I like her a lot so i decided to make my own version.

Stay tunned

Happy Simming :D

College! And computer problems :/

Hey you guys! I been having some computer trobles, and it still isn't ok. I know i haven't upload something in ages but i will try to as soon as i can. I also started college this past week, reaaly exited but it will take some of my time but i will try to still be a TSR artist (even thoght i don't have that title :p)

Thanks a lot for all your support and lovely coments once again and i will try to give back to you with some new sims hopefully soon.

Happy Simming! :)

New and Improved!

Ok I have made a couple of changes on my minisite like banner and avatar, i also added a poll and a gallery.

Now I have got some new projects coming out a sort of update on some creations.

First a new Angelina Jolie (the one on my new banner) much better then my last version and completly mesh and EP free, just basic sims2 game. Then 4 new skins, a kind of update on my summerbrise skins. But this time NO eyebrows, the skin tones are more similar to the original game tones and they have a few face modifications. The body remains the same but i belive that is great as it is. There will be the 4 tones just like in the game. They will still take a little time coming out but until then have fun with my new Angelina :p

Happy Simming! :D

New Projects Coming Up!

HEY :)

So i have 3 new sims coming out, a new version of Oprah, mostly to make me happy :p so i can have one good final version since it has been so long since my first version and i got sooo much better lol, then we have a set with the two baywatch babes Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra. So far thats whats coming but there are more to came so stay tunned :D

Happy simming everybody!

The Sims 3

Hi! So sims 3 is out and awsome! i love it but so far there is no bodyshop to work on skins clothes or anything of that subject :/ so i dont know if i will keep creating at least for the sims 3.

I do have a few projects to complete from sims 2 and i will upload them in time 1 month tops.

Thanks for the support and hopefully EA will create a bodyshop ;)


I want you to give me ideas for my creations! Sims or sim material that I usualy create, skins, clothes, accessories, hair, etc...

I up for sugestions, I have a couple of projects right now but I'm still open for ideas, so please tell me ;)

I will take every single one into consideration i promise :D

Thanks in advance

Happy simming


Desperate Housewives

Who's  fan of Desperate Housewives??

I am so i decided to create them, im just putting in final touches and they will be out soon!

I made all six desperate housewives as a goodbye to Edie.

So stay tuned ;)

Happy Simming


Latest Headlines

Jonathan Rhys Meyers sim - The... NEWS & NEW PROJECTS Long time no post... 300.000!! College! And computer problems :/ New and Improved! New Projects Coming Up! The Sims 3 I WANT YOUR HELP! Desperate Housewives
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