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Created for: The Sims 3
A smaller hospital for your smaller town, but still packed full of goodies! The Little Village Hospital is a community venue on a 20x30 size lot (type: visitors allowed). Hospital rabbit hole rug located in Admitting wait room on main floor. Guest amenities: public bathrooms-4,admitting wait room,elevator,cafe(food reg),gift shop(books reg),game room,doctor's wait room,TVs-2,chess. Staff amenities: emergency ward (nurse computers-2,bays-3,recovery-1,storage-2,bathrooms), surgery(operating theatre-1,scrub-up room-1,skellie-1), radiology (x-ray-1,computer room-1), research(chem table, data analyzer, white board),break area(mini-kitchen-1,dr duty rooms-2, bathrooms-2, showers-2),doctor's office(wait room-1,consult room-1,private ofc-1). Patient amenities: private rooms-4(each: bed,tv,toilet,shower). Part of the Little Village series, by trin303 for TSR.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1238391
ItemID: 1238391
Filesize: 44 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

Lot Size: 45K
The following items, included in this lot, are from other websites as specified:
Sims3 MarktPlatz by Buffy Summer
Operating Table
EKG Machine
Surgery Lights
X-Ray Display Lamp
X-Ray Machine
Radiology Computer
IV Drip Pole
Around The Sims by Sandy
Number Plaques
Credits: Sims3MarktPlatz, AroundTheSims, TSR Artists
- Price Unfurnished: 271915
- Price Furnished: 454903
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size (z): 30
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.