Peachybitz1's Blog
What's With That...
So, I've just tried to comment on a couple of screenshots and both have said that they won't be published until reviewed as they have been marked as spam!!! Since when have I been classed as spam? Bit disgruntled about that..anyone else have the same problem?
Bit Cheesed Off!
Ok, so I come here to look at sim things and upload sim things and generally wallow in all things sim like..and I don't appreciate somebody 'advertising' on my blog comments rather than commenting about the actual blog..It's bad enough that there is a 'Helicopter' blog that is basically advertising toy helicopters with no effort to include sims as a topic, on a sims website..but to 'advertise non sims related things' on someones blog post is just a bit too cheeky. Don't bother please, it's just plain rude.
New Project
I just lost the blog post I was writing as i clicked the wrong key(damn those wrong keys!!) so I'm not sure if I can remember what i just typed! (still too early in the morning and not enough coffee yet..)..My new project is a town house over three floors that has been modernised inside, it will have (i think) seven bedrooms (so it's for sims with large families) on a 20x30 lot. I've filled the space with the house so the rooms are all good sized. Pictures as below..
Still in the process of decorating so I don't know how long it will take.
Have a great upcoming weekend.
I haven't blogged for a while, in fact haven't really been around for a while, so while I was gone V8 has arrived and I've been trying to navigate around the site. I can't seem to upload screen at the moment so I'm going to add them here.
Following on from my last post, there are still things in the game that are extremely buggy..I know that I'm considerably better off than some people, as my game does work, but blimey, everytime they add a new expansion pack something sims can now take photos and excavate the dig sites that they broke for a while, but now the routing has gone to poop and if they go in some of the tombs they can't get past certain bits because of invisible somethings! And now my child sims can't go to their after school you think it would be too much to wish for bug free games!
Anyway, I have missed being here, I've been building loads of homes and I decided since my version of CAW crashes every five mins now(yes, I have reinstalled, several times) that I would adjust Riverview and Sunset Valley to be able to fit all the lots you now need. I did spend a lot of time making Barnacle Bay into a lovely seaside town only to have those pesky celebrities invade (now that's one feature I wish you could switch off)(or at least be able to kill off the paps).
Anyway, (again)..screenshots..
It's tomorrow now, so maybe I should rename my blog subject..hmm..anyway, couldn't figure it out why I couldn't get any of my screenshots to load apart from the one i resized and voila..I can now upload screenshots..rah!
My Grunt of Displeasure
Grunt...Haven't been here for a while..been stupidly busy trying to sort out my game since Generations came out..Grunt.
I'm really quite disappointed. I was quite looking forward to Generations when it came out and I genuinely thought it would extend my playing into an area where I normally don't go..children and growing up. I duly read all the forum posts I could lay my hands on, and was fully aware of most problems when I installed, but since Generations has been installed my problems began to escalate. I installed into an existing game so I could carry on playing a character that I had been working on and setting up for family life and initially only had the photo bug. Thought I had got off lightly, in the bug department, as usual. Since then..I couldn't upload any lots because the game wouldn't generate thumbnails of the properties, going to China is a nightmare as it sticks and starts to an almost stop and I can play for a full 'real life' day to get three sims days (half and hour to sleep!!), when on vacation nearly every tomb has at least one archway that I can no longer walk through(had to delete a LOT of walls), routing is non existent in some place, it broke CAW so I had to reinstall, things disppear from inventory on the way home from trips, and the most noticable of all for me is the lack of clouds in my game now. You may think that isn't such a great problem, but since taking screenshots is one of my greatest pleasures, and I can't really take the same pics as before of the sky, it kinda sucks big time for me. I got so miserable about it i had to install sims 2! I don't know how or why it has affected my's the same card that was there before patch to fix any of these issues or other peoples issues seem to be in sight..and the same problems that were broke before Generations are STILL between Generations and the patch they brought out, WHAT EXACTLY WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO HAVE FIXED!!!?
More Pics of Ocean-Wave Villa
Here are a few more pics of my recently submitted lot...had loads of fun decorating this one, I don't usually go for bright colours..but I started with the fireplace (store bought), and the style of it just looks so great with patterns underneath..a lot of the patterns used to decorate this one are made by Annie_Leduc.
The rest of the pics are on with the submitted lot..not sure if it will be aprroved today or tomorrow (or at all!!) Hope you like it :-)
Following on from my last GHOST Blog...
So, I managed to make a ghostly friend from the cemetary and take his picture..(one more for the photo collection) and I forget about him..then one day as my sim is drilling for gems etc, I get the 'lost a friend moodlet'(nobody seems to like the drilling noise) I have a look through the friend list..can't really see who it is..but I'm assuming it might be one of the ghosts as the cemetary is the nearest place to my house. Now, really I was assuming, (I know, silly of me) that drilling at 3am wouldn't bother the ghosts as they're already up and sim gets a visit from said ghost who decides that if he can't sleep in his 'grave' he'll sleep in my sims bed!!! How cheeky is that! I never knew that a ghost could invite itself into your home, without you (or your sim) knowing (she continued to drill until 7am) and then go and have a kip!!!
But it won't stop my sim drilling, the ghosts can complain about the noise all they want! :-)
I followed a Ghost Today!
I wanted to see where they go...instead of hanging around in the graveyard, they all seem to jump in their (not so ghostly) cars and speed off somewhere leaving my sim wondering how they are supposed to take pictures of more than one ghost at a today I followed one..Basil somebody or his car he got and sped off towards the town centre of SV..drove on past and parked up at an empty Sims house..obviously nobody lived there so I wasn't suprised when he didn't ring the door bell, but he did go round the back of the house and disappeared inside...does this mean that is where he used to live until EA bumped him off?
If I moved a sim into that house would they meet him or would he no longer go to the house? Hmm, questions, questions....
Things that Should work...
So, we're just about to get a new Expansion Pack...which is good, as I think we're overdue (aren't I greedy!), and it looks like it could be good one...but...Why are there still things in the game that Still don't work!? We all have a different style of play, but most of the little issues affect most people at some point....
Number One: Why is it still telling me that my game launcher isn't working? It is working..the game loads..I'm playing it..It's there in front of my face..yet it tells me nearly every time I play that it isn't! Which isn't too much of a bad thing, I know, but on my PC it logs every problem every time it happens..I have a log stuffed full of Launcher problems!!
Number Two: I want to play several families, this is supposed to be what the game is about (isn't it? the fact that the storyline continues?!) and if I do their houses disappear so it looks like I have an empty hood, which means: A: it looks Poo..and B: I can't take screenshots!! It's not my PC, it can handle all the graphics wazzed up, so why the disappearing lots..I've stopped playing multiple families bacause of this. (Boooo!)
Number Three: Barnacle Bay. I love it. I love the layout. But why all the celebs?! The celeb thing is ok if I want to play Bridgeport...I expect them..But Barnacle Bay? Is that why they've brought out a new version?? (Booo!)
Number Four: WA..the Adventure Boards (I've seen a lot of comments about this) be fair I only have a real problem with France at the moment..But I can't complete all the tombs..I tried moving my entire Sim Family and house to a new game..But now there are NO adventures!! PLease fix that EA, it's driving me nuts...
I'm sure that I could go on allllll day (but I'll sound like a whingey Cow!) but to be honest, the reason I keep coming back, time and time that I love the Sims. I've been playing since Sims1 came out, and I've seen the changes and updates and it has got better and better with each version..but it would be nice if all those little niggly things, that seem to have been around for a while, were fixed..I'd love to play a perfect game :-)