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Created for: The Sims 3
This vineyard has changed hands many times during its history. Most recently it was granted to a witcher as part of payment for a contract accepted from the Toussaint duchy. Long abandoned between owners, the vineyard is now in the process of being renovated. Is this marking a change for the better? Hopefully the vineyard will return to its former glory! Based off of Corvo Bianco, from The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. I renamed the vineyard Lupo Bianco, since Geralt's the White Wolf, not White Crow. XD
EXTRA CC NOT INCLUDED (package files)
Iamcoming's China Wall Fence set at http://www.xmsims.com/sims3/ehtm/SVobject/SVobject_build002.html
Unfortunately, the links at XmSims are DEAD and deceased. And you'll NEED the fences -- like, NEED them. Fortunately, I have the set, so you can still get it here: http://simfileshare.net/download/100940/
EXTRA CC INCLUDED (sims3packs)
Barn Door Arch at http://gelinadownloads.tumblr.com/post/78559462188/gelinagelina-double-sliding-barn-door-arch-for
Medieval wallpapers at http://www.thesimsmodels.com/forum/3-370-17561-16-1366693945
Wall Axes at http://simszoo.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=31511
Extra crap by me -- enjoy.
EXTRA MODS NOT INCLUDED (default replacements - packages)
I used several plant color default replacements -- you DON'T NEED THESE, but some of EA's plant colors are ugly, and who wants ugly plants?
- Aminovas Lavender default replacement (WA required) at http://aminovas.tumblr.com/post/83146211545/lavender-default-override-i-like-making-rows-of (I used PURPLE!)
- EA Plants default replacements (LP and MH required) at http://murfeelee.tumblr.com/post/145767087596/ea-plants-redone (I used everything except the Light Green LP grass!)
- EA Plants default replacements Pt2 (AS and SN required) at http://murfeelee.tumblr.com/post/148147676791/ea-plants-redone-part-2 (I used the cypress and red valerian!)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1348271
ItemID: 1348271
Filesize: 32 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

Install the Package CC Not Included FIRST, or the lot will NOT install!!! Send me a message at TSR or Tumblr if you have any problems with anything.
Made with a fully patched game (does Patch 1.69 even count as a valid patch?), with with WA, AMB, LN, GEN, SHT, SN, SSNS, UNI, and ITF installed, plus FL, TL, and MVSP. You will definitely need WA, AMB, SN, SSNS, and UNI, and maybe SHT for some arches and LN for fish spawners.
All Store worlds Gold installed (except RH). You will definitely meed RV, BB, HS, MV, AS, and/or at least the Market and Leaning Center Venues. I also used fences and roof decor from DV. I think the grunge wallpapers I used everywhere are either from MV, DV, or the Amore Venue, but I can't tell. PC objects include the Chicken Coop, Glassblowing Station, and Lemonade stand. Other Venue CC from the Store used includes: columns from the Boardwalk venue, and the arched gate from the World of Wonder Circus venue, but they're not essential to anything really. Set CC includes the Old Mill, Vittles Vineyard (several), Faire Folk (door), Romanza (Arch), Hewnsman (door), and I think that's it.
Credits: TSRAA, the above CC creators, CDProjektRed
- Price Unfurnished: 140000
- Price Furnished: 170000
- Furnished: Partly
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size (z): 64
Expansion packs: World adventures,Ambitions,Late Night,Generations,Town Life Stuff,Showtime,Supernatural,Seasons,University,Movie Stuff,Into the Future
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.