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Peachybitz1's Guestbook

DOTAug 1, 2011

Hi hi \:\)  No worries on getting back to me.  I'm terrible at getting back! \:D Hope you are having fun \:\)

simsjeanieJul 18, 2011

Dear Peachy, here I am with a lovely Latte Macchiato to share. I've installed Generations, but I didn't play it upto now. I tried to go to one house I've build and decorated and had a ctd. But I had it before, too. Right now I have not much time because we have the handymen here at the house. An old pipe broke and they have to dig the yard and the cellar. Well, I could play the Sims - but I hate to go away every 15 minutes because someone asks for something. Crazy - I can enjoy my sims only when I know: Now I have the rest of the day nothing else to do then just playing or building. I hope you've fixed your game by now! I thought they'd fixes some bugs instead adding new ones... \:D Anyway, have a great day, dear! And lots of hugs and kisses from your fan Jeanie. \:wub\:

zinekJul 14, 2011

thanks for the nice comment \:D

Elias1235Jul 12, 2011

Hey Peachy!!My exams ended a month ago..But I've been busy with my boyfriend,dog,horse and other things...I am good! What about you? \:\) Have a great summer!

DOTJun 29, 2011

Hi hi \:\)  Thank you for the nice comment on the Rose Set. Your screenies are beautiful!! \:\)

simsjeanieJun 25, 2011

Dear Peachy, here I am back again, happy and with wonderful memories of the last weeks. The wedding was great! And my grand-cats and I had a wonderful time together when I "cat-sitted" them \:D But now I'm back home and looking forward to a long summer with no duties at all. So I can visit my sims and try "Generations"! It's wonderful to visit and find a note of a friend! \:wub\: Lots of hugs and kisses for you from Jeanie, leaving a plate of redcurrant cake at your doorsteps to enjoy and then going straight to the Downloads to what I've missed! \:rah\:

TheLeonBMJun 11, 2011

Thank you for your visit and your words \:\) have a great weekend!!

simsjeanieMay 18, 2011

Dear Peachy! It's so wonderful to come here and find your birthday wishes! \:wub\: Thank you so much! I had a rather relaxed birthday - just the way I like it. Not many guests on this special day, just my kids. But I wasn't too lucky the  weeks before - first my internet didn't work. Just gave me seconds before being gone again... \:rolleyes: Then I had a few awful busy days - being away from the early morning till late night. Then I had guests over night two times. And my little terrier witch was ill - that was the worst. She had a slipped disk and we saw the vet every day. She's much much better now and I'm glad about it. But our first Jack Russell died after a slipped disk (it became worse and ended in palsy so we had to let her go.) So this time I was so afraid. You should think it's absolutely possible to visit the internet and TSR with your dog lying beside you. But all I could think was: Will she be ok again??? But today the internet works, my guests are gone, I got my dress - and a hat!!! - for the wedding and - most of all - Sammy is doing fine. I missed so much - I can't believe I last visited on May 1rst! Time is running too fast for me. So just this short note to tell you I'm fine and back again. Lots of hugs and kissed from Jeanie, who has to look now what she missed... \:wub\:

daniel1208May 17, 2011

\:rah\: Thanks for your lovely comments \:rah\: \:rah\: HAVE A NICE DAY \:rah\:

blondechaosMay 17, 2011

Hi Peachy \:D Thank you for the lovely comment on my screenshot \:wub\: Hope your having a beautiful day \:D

spitzmagicMay 17, 2011

((((Peachy))) thanks so much for your wonderful comment on my screen "Silent Sunet" Wishing you a wonderful week.\:wub\:

PralinesimsMay 13, 2011

Hi! Thank you very much for commenting !\:rah\:\:rah\:\:rah\:\:rah\: We wish you a gorgeous day and a beautiful weekend!\:wub\:

fabrizioammolloMay 12, 2011

Hi Peachy! You are too kind, thanks for your entry in my GB. I really like your pics! Have a great week you too! F.

flody888May 12, 2011

LOL! I went all 'AAAAGGGGHHH I missed it!' myself! \:D Love your screenies as always! IT's funny how we all have the same game but we don't all see the same thing inside the game! I never see these gorgeous spots! Thank you for sharing as always!

zinekMay 12, 2011

Hi, thanks for the nice comment, I'll probably blog from my crazy sims because here I can not put them to download xD Have a nice day

Elias1235May 12, 2011

Hello!!Thank you for the compliment \:\) I'll probably come back.I just have exams right now.But I have mostly overlooked them >.< I might tell someone to take my pc and laptop so I can concentrate \;\) Have A Nice Week \:\)

blondechaosMay 12, 2011

Simalookalikees lol \:D Wow thank you so much for your kind message \:\) Yes I deleted the mean comments hehe \:P I'm very glad there is a delete button! I really hope the next expansion after Generations is Pets!! You're houses and screenshots are fabulous btw!!! I especially like the beach houses \:D I hope you have a smashing week & weeked \;\)

fredbrennyMay 10, 2011

Hey Peachy \:wub\:  Thanks dear for that great comment on my nightly Mountain range screenie! \:wub\:

spladoumMay 10, 2011

Thank you, Peachy! \:wub\:

FlovvMay 5, 2011

I'm so happy you like my sim! \:wub\: Have a lovely weekend! \:wub\:

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