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Peachybitz1's Guestbook

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter \:rah\:  

DOTApr 24, 2011

~ O ~Happy Easter ~ O ~ 

JCIssetteApr 23, 2011

Hello Peachy, long time no see. \:D Just wanted to personally wish you a Happy Easter. I hope you have been well and happy. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

zinekApr 23, 2011

thanks \;\) Happy Easter \:D

astroparagnosteApr 22, 2011

helloooooooo well no thanks cause youre screens are so very beautiful i like to watch them and as a creator i admire you so have a very nice day and in advance a nice weekend take care

fabrizioammolloApr 18, 2011

Hello Peachy! I know that coming back to work could be shocking, I hope your day haven't been too bad... I'm doing quite fine, but I'm a bit tired, I too want an holiday!!! Well at least next week we will have monday off \:D!  Wish you the best! F.

spladoumApr 17, 2011

Oh dear, Peachy! \:D I know that some words aren't allowed but I didn't realize that extended to "b00ty!" How silly! But thank you for letting me know that you liked the screenie! \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloApr 16, 2011

Hi Peachy! Well you know the risk of the fast forward is arrive at the end of the day and find out that you have not just skip the boring part, but miss the day as well. I wouldn't like letting the day glide into nothing... at the end you may realize that you didn't what you want to do :P. I always have this feeling when I push my Sims fast forwad that they are not able to do all they may have done if I keep the slow speed... but it's probably it's just me. Have a great week-end, F.

fabrizioammolloApr 15, 2011

Hi Peachy! It could be useful indeed, on the condition that the productiveness doesn't drop down! Have a wonderful week-end! F.

Elias1235Apr 15, 2011

Hi!Peachy Thanks for your compliments \:\) But Your Pics Are Much More Better! \:rah\: Anyway..Happy Easter!And Weekend \:\)

fabrizioammolloApr 14, 2011

Hi Peachy! You are very very welcome! I fully understand holydays are never enought! My week has being really taught and I'm so tyred... I'm waiting for the week-end then I'll try to slow down the time speed, if I'll find the pause botton I'll write you where it is :P. Enjoy! F.

Pensacola2010Apr 14, 2011

Hi!  Yes, I've been waiting for the wedding cake and arch forever!  I'm a hopeless romantic and weddings in TS3 just weren't doing it for me.  I even searched the internet several thousand times and was able to download 3 non-functional wedding cakes.  I'm looking forward to the Generations EP so I can have these items in the game.

simsjeanieApr 13, 2011

Peachy - shhh - I'll tell you a secret: I enjoy playing my single sims! Only my Jo has a child and as she felt bad when discovering that the robot was her son she moved him in again to join her and her daughter's life. Once I threw them out - but I couldn't enjoy playing Jo all alone - I felt bad doing that - two "children" on their own... But since then I didn't play her again. Atm I join Mo St. James. Maybe it's because I had enough babies and toddlers and children and teens in this house... the last one still living here! \;\) Actually I enjoy to have no responsibility but for one person only at least in the sims' world... Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie, leaving some nice Latte Macchiato at your doorsteps - some tulips to enjoy! \:wub\:

flody888Apr 13, 2011

I hate it when my sims die unexpectantly too but it's very cool to see what happens when you have the deathflower and the grim reaper comes! Meteor strikes are the worst though! It can't be avoided! (Unless you X out the meteor icon asap! Although it's cool to see the aftermath at least once!) Have a fantastic week!

fabrizioammolloApr 12, 2011

Hi Peachy! Happy Simming then! F.

fabrizioammolloApr 11, 2011

Hi Peachy!  How are you doing? Have a great day \:\). F.

simsjeanieApr 11, 2011

\:D My sims just live "normal lives" - that's the way I love them. But I love the laundry feature! If they have a washing machine (upgraded) and a dryer they get +32 moodlet the whole day! And as I love my sims to gain as many LTW points they can get I have them put the laundry into the washing machine before breakfast and put it in the dryer after breakfast. It's a little time compared to the good moodlet they get from "fresh clothes". \:wub\: They don't have to do ironing though all of them have that ironing board and the iron we once got as deco item from Black Garden. My laundry room always is near the kitchen to save them long ways. About the professions - I don't know what professions they can chose. Since they can live with working from home none of my sims had another profession but gardening, nectarmaking, writing or arts. It's so nice to have no fix hours. And they can get rich by only these professions - once they have enough money they begin to buy institutes, stores and lots and can collect the money on the monday mornings. After that they don't have to work anymore the cash is flowing... And after collecting the money they visit the spa and get that 7.500 Simoleons massage - +75 moodlet for a whole week. \:rah\: If it only was that easy in rl! Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie and HAVE A GREAT WEEK! \:wub\:

RatRaceRobApr 11, 2011

Yes YES!  The 'pause' button!!  HUZZAH!!! \:D

RatRaceRobApr 11, 2011

Greetings to you, Peachybitz!  Thank you for commenting on Welcome to the Childhood (3)-- excellent to hear you enjoyed it, and I wish you a happy week :P

flody888Apr 11, 2011

Hi again! \:\) Thank you for your poll! \:D I voted once for every choice! \:D I'm terrible at making up my mind! Plus every colour is just beautiful! \:wub\: Thank you for the comments too! LOL This is the second time I've played with ghosts (a been there done that experience) but it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be! Have a lovely week ahead! \:\)

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