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Peachybitz1's Guestbook

fabrizioammolloFeb 28, 2011

Hi Peachy! I'm afraid they do. Some days the stench is awful. In your shot smog seemed be joint to dampness... Still Bridgport has her charm! \:\) Have a nice week. F.

Dark SanctuaryFeb 28, 2011

i like all your screenshots! they are so harmonic! \:D

simsjeanieFeb 27, 2011

Good afternoon, dear Peachy, just dropping in bringing you some applepie I've baked for this afternoon (before my family has eaten all of it \;\) ). And yes, I'm fine right now. Using a vanilla game to test there was no problem with the thumbnail of my lot. But - a new issue! What I loved - that you could include chests in your lot and the game only adds the costs of the chest and not of that stored inside the chest - is broken now. I wanted to test a sims a lot (90.000 / furnished 190.000) and was wondering why he couldn't move in after I had given him four times a motherload. Then I realised that all of a sudden the lot's prize was 450.000 Simoleons! For sure it was a bug EA fixed with NL or the latest patch \:rolleyes: They love to "fix" the "bugs" I don't even think of being bugs and keep bugs that I really hate. If I hadn't got buzzler's MoodHotfix (the first script mod in my game) I wouldn't have played my sims anymore. And all my gardeners are sad because they can't order the omni plant anymore! Anyway - I can't stay away from my sims for too long! Ah - and I love to hear that you prefer lovely Riverview, too! Have a great weekend and a lot of fun with your sims! Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

spitzmagicFeb 26, 2011

(((Peachy))) thank you bunches and bunches for reading and commenting on TILYF...the 2nd part is just around the corner..have a great weekend peachy...\:wub\:

AnnieBooFeb 25, 2011

Hey! Thank you so much for your comment on Pierina's picture, I´m glad that you liked her! Have a wonderful weekend!

fabrizioammolloFeb 25, 2011

Hi Peachy! You are very welcome! Have a great week-end! F.

ziggy28Feb 22, 2011

\:D Hi, thank you for posting on my blog\:wub\:  I am feeling much better now\:D TC Lorraine xx

TagonnaFeb 21, 2011

Thank you for your wonderfull comment!!!!!\:D In the game it was more impressive. I long could not tear myself away, when i saw it... 

simsjeanieFeb 20, 2011

Dear Peachy, I enjoyed it so much to read your letter in my gb. \:wub\: Yes, I feel the same about LN!!! I won't start creating my own world - I'll have a look at yours. Did you ever submit some screenies? I hoped that in a small island I could play the sims with different lots again, but now I've read what happened to you I think I won't even try that. Just waiting - maybe EA will bring a patch - sometimes - that will fix these issues. I have to go and have a look at your lot though - you know I love looking inside other homes - in sims as well as in rl. \;\) Didn't notice the ghosts in my game but when I think of it I'm not sure I visited the graveyard since installing LN. (And for that thing with all your writing vanishing when clicking write - I always just copy my writing when I wrote more than three lines - it happened to often and - to be true - then I don't feel like writing all that again... \:\( Here, some lovely cup of morning tea and some croissants, still warm, with orange marmalade. Today I'll have a lot of fun - or so I do hope - bringing my downloads from Friday to my sims. It's so hard to use this site on Sundays so I'll return on Monday. Have a great day, dear friend, and let's have fun just playing our beloved sims! Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

flody888Feb 19, 2011

LOL! It makes it more of a fun surprise when you eventually do find it. \:D Thanks!!

maxi kingFeb 19, 2011

\:Dyes that would be nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\:D

fabrizioammolloFeb 19, 2011

Hi Peachy! You are very welcome! I can always find some nice pic in your minisite! Have a lovely week-end! F.

astroparagnosteFeb 19, 2011

you are very welcome and have a nice weekend \:\)

maxi kingFeb 19, 2011


flody888Feb 19, 2011

Oooh! So they are a new thing! I don't have Late Night yet so that'll be cool to see when I get it! \:D Thank you for letting me know! \:\)

spitzmagicFeb 19, 2011

Hi ((((Peachy))) yeppers TSR moved it to the Sims3 tab when you are at the home index page click on the tab for Sims 3 and there it be \:wub\:Have a great weekend \:wub\:

simsjeanieFeb 18, 2011

Dear Peachy, how nice to read you again! \:wub\: Though - to be true - I'll meet you every day when visiting my sims. No house in Jeanie's County without Peachy's Phantastic Paintings! I had a look at CAW, too, as I am longing for a small world - an island - without any cars and just dirty streets - a peaceful hide away. But after reading and watching the videos for more than a week I know it would be too hard for me. But I really would love to have it! Without any other sims living there but my own. Did you visit wonderful China or Egypt lately? That big fat car, all the vampires and paparazzi - they spoil the most beautiful spots EA ever has created. They are a plague... Anyway - have a wonderful weekend, my dear, and many happy hours with building! Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie, leaving some hot chocolate at your doorstep to warm you up in this cold night. \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloFeb 18, 2011

Hi Peacy! My pleasure! Have a wonderful days! F.

martoeleFeb 13, 2011

Hi Peachybitz1 ~ Thank you very much for commenting on my screenie 'Rainbow over Sunset Valley'. \:\)

taxa08Jan 25, 2011

Thanks for the comment \:D

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