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Quengel's Guestbook

PenelopeTSep 9, 2010

Hi! Thanks so much for commenting on my 'Farewell to summer' screenshot. Also, thanks for the poll. Great questions! I'm would totally miss my laptop and my books. As for food, I am a total fruit and veggie lover. I would not miss meat, as I don't eat very little, now. \:\)

maxi kingSep 7, 2010

\;\)heul nicht,mach das update und probiers nochmal!\;\)

maxi kingSep 7, 2010

\;\)konnte es ohne probleme installieren!Knuddel dich noch mal!\;\)

maxi kingSep 4, 2010

\;\)Meinte natürlich das Bedanken!Hab das nun rausgefunder mit dem Beute-Set!Ist nur in Game modus zu kaufen also wenn du im Spiel dir was vom Store kaufst!Fand da aber nue die Blumen in der Muschel un den Brunnen toll!Hab noch nen super Tag,bis denne,Knuddel!!!!!!!!!!!!\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 4, 2010

\;\)Nicht das Bedanken,sondern runterladen!Das Herzen hab ich gemacht!\:D

SIMcredible!Sep 4, 2010

thanks... i tried to say. Typo again :P

SIMcredible!Sep 4, 2010

And hey, thnks for invite me for your poll \:P \;\)

SIMcredible!Sep 4, 2010

our boyfriend \:P \:puke\: \:wacko\: stupid Andres... forgot the y ;;; your boyfriend I tried to say... I said to you before, my english is a horror \:rah\: \:D

SIMcredible!Sep 4, 2010

Hallo, mein tanz partner! \:D Yes, your dirty NPC friend is here \:rah\: \:D but I always have some 5 or more canned showers on my pocket ok, don't worry \:rah\: \:P   \:rah\:  I think it's young to talk he is our boyfriend because here in Brazil, women with +28 say husband (even if they are not really married) or partner or fiance. Boyfriend is a word used only for young girls who still live with parents, or young women who don't live with boyfriend in same house. And congratulations for you and your boyfriend!!! Hope you had a happy and romantic Love Anniversary \:D \:wub\: \:wub\:  \:\) And cats are like kids. For me, pets are sometimes more important than some people \:puke\: sorry if it sounds weird but it's what I feel...  Good your boyfriend enjoys music at all, even not enjoying to dance at least he likes to listen. Here in home we (the young's \:P ) love music. My mother loves TV. I hate it, girls hate it. Sometimes I want to watch a movie and the girls say, oh no, let's dance, let's listen a song... usually we are very musical. Now, my sister is listening a great song and my mother is on living watching her every-day 4th soap-opera \:puke\: \:puke\: \:puke\: we still live with mom (since daddy died) to not let her alone. But it's very usual here in Brazil, parents live together with children's new family... \;\) Oh my mind... I don't know what time I wrote that message to you., simply can't remember \:\( anyway, maybe dinner time, around 19:00-20:00... sorry this PM-AM hours make a mess for me... just two letters but when I read it's 08:00 I only think about morning, even with the PM. I have to read it very carefully to figure out it's evening \:P Girls are saying to you "give a try on some object and you'll be addicted \:P " and thanking the nice comments \:\)  We can NOT living without CC... patterns, hairs, clothes and objects usually. We barely get a new house because we don't have needed EPs and SPs... since Sims1 it's this way so, we are accustomed to not download houses since sims1for this reason. But sometimes we get some. I am actually playing with a house I downloaded here at TSR that has none requirement \:D Too much talk for now. It's 22:00 and I wish you are having sweet dreams in old Germany \;\) Hugs and have a dancing weekend, Andres \:cool\: Girls are sending hugs too \:wub\:

maxi kingSep 3, 2010

\:cool\: \:cool\: \:cool\: schau mal bei den Geschichten!\:cool\: \:cool\: \:cool\: \:cool\: \:cool\:

maxi kingSep 3, 2010

\:oHast du die neuen Sachen in Store gesehen?Da soll es Piratenbeute geben,finde es aber nicht!\:oKannst ja mal schauen\;\)Ich nehme mal an da die Geschichte heut noch nicht rauß ist das sie morgen rauß kommt!\;\)Mal sehen was für andere Geschichten mit meiner rauß kommen.Wünsche dir noch nen supie Tag!Bis denne!\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 2, 2010

\:wub\:Na hoffe du hast süße Träume!Knuddel dich auch ganz dolle!Bis denne!\:wub\:

PralinesimsSep 2, 2010

Hi\:D Thank you very much for your lovely comments\:wub\: I wish you a beautiful day!\:D *HUGS*\:wub\: DANKE\:rah\:

eviSep 2, 2010

Hi Angel dear! We have not seen each other for sometime. How are you? We have just returned to work after August vacations and we are not in the best mood\:\) Anyway, Christmas is not far away Is not it? See you around love\;\)

maxi kingSep 1, 2010

\:wub\:Hab die Mail's gelesen!Wenn es nur im richtigen Leben auch immer so wäre!\:\(Werde wohl heute nicht spielen,dafür schreiben, hatte gestern schon angefangen!\:DMehr verrate ich hier nicht!\;\)Knutschi und Knuddel\:wub\:

maxi kingAug 31, 2010

:rah\:Danke für deine Kommentare!Ich musste die einfach hochladen,er macht ganz oft so ein Gesicht!\:D

maxi kingAug 31, 2010

\:wub\:Knuddel natürlich zurück!\:wub\:Hatte nur vergessen es in die PM zu schreiben!\:\(

simromiAug 29, 2010

I just stopped by to say thank you for leaving a comment on my Shark Sighting screenshot.  Have a SIMply wonderful day. \:rah\:

maxi kingAug 28, 2010

\:oDa hattest du aber nicht viel schlaf!Ich bin um 11 ins Bett und erst um 9 Uhr aufgestanden!Jetzt schaue ich mir hier erstmal um!Dann mal sehen,meine Kopfschmerzen sind fast weg aber eben nur fast!Wünsche dir auch einen wunderbaren Tag,oh je kann mich nach zwei Minuten nicht erinnern was du geschrieben hast,naja,genau so einen Tag halt!Werde wohl jeden Tag älter!\:oBis denne beste Freundin\:wub\:

olcia_olivineaAug 27, 2010

Awww, hello dar Quengel\:wub\: Of course you did not forget about me... and I didn't forget about YOU\:\)! How are you doing fellow simmer \:\)? How's the weather? Our is a little bit crazy, it just can't decide - should it be warm or cold here, hehe \;\). Hope your week was great! Wishing you a outstanding weekend dear friend \:D hugs, Ola

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