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Quengel's Guestbook

ViolettSeptemberAug 11, 2010

Hi! Na wie gehts dir ? Mir gehts gut, Schule ist zimelich stressig und wir haben manchmal soo lang schule \:rolleyes:Naja nur noch 4 Jahre dann bin ich durch mit der Schule \:D naja, \:D, ich wünsch dir noch eine schöne Woche \:wub\:\:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 11, 2010

Well altogether we've got 5 computers for 4 people; my mom has a desktop which she mostly does her work & also plays games on Pogo, my room-mate Karen has a desktop which she likes TS3 so she doesn't play her TS2 anymore, Mike /my best friend/ he takes care of me.....he has a desktop but he plays TS2 once in a while on it (Karen's old TS2 discs) & mostly he likes World Of Warcraft, & then I have a desktop that I play TS2 on & play some other on-line games, the lap top is mostly mine but it isn't as good as it was before it broke & was rebuilt......so it is mostly used by Karen when she visits her mother for the weekend a few hrs drive away, when my son comes over so everyone has a computer to play on AND when I'm stuck in bed I can still play with MAXIS & play games on-line with it. \:cool\:  So I guess we're equally spoiled. \:o  I wish I could make it so EVERYONE had a nice computer all to themselves to play how they like & not have to worry about not putting too much CC in it OR having to take turns. \:confused\:  My room-mate Karen is the one responsible for making me love fairies more than before. \;\)  I've always like mythical stuff but she helped me appreciate them MORE! \:D   I think I've only run across a FEW jerks.....& I'm NOT shy about telling people to take their nasty attitudes & comments to SHOVE IT! :P  People who are nasty to others make me both angry with them AND feel sorry for them......upset at how what they say & do effects others......but I feel sorry for them in a way because they obviously must be "broken" as a person to treat others that way.....and that is very sad. \:\(  Well hope to chat with ya some other time. \:cool\:

maxi kingAug 10, 2010

Bin auch grad da aber muß gleich meine Tochter abholen!Habs echt nicht geschafft!Kann dich morgen früh anrufen,so ab 9Uhr 30?

hiedibear75Aug 10, 2010

I do BOTH....play & create, actually much of my creative inspiration comes from PLAYING. \:cool\:  Yes you got the English correct. \:rah\:  I've not only been blessed to have such a fun game come along to take my mind off of things but even more is the "community" that is associated with Sims AND HERE have been the rays of light that help burn through the gray clouds.....so many sweet & wonderful people around. \:wub\:  Irmtraut & Andres only being 2 amongst a  sea of super sweet SIM-ers. \:wub\:  Wasn't wanting to "stalk you"......but I saw we had a few similar intrests outside of Sims....like I LOVE FAIRIES & UNICORNS! \:D  Well stop by again.....or drop off a restraining order. \:P LOL  Happy SIM-ing. \:cool\:

martoeleAug 9, 2010

Thank you for commenting 'Charlie's Angels'. I love this shot myself as well! \:\)

martoeleAug 9, 2010

So glad you liked to see Penelope from underneath! \:D  Thank you for your comment ~ Margo

libertyAug 9, 2010

Hey thanks for your comment on the manor by Day I'm glad you like it, It's gonna take some time before I'm finisht with that one... but when I'm done I'll upload it for everyone Have a good week.....

maxi kingAug 9, 2010

\:Dvieleicht sollte ich das mal!lol\:D

maxi kingAug 9, 2010

\:DJaja,das hört sich schon komisch an!Meine Oma konnte das noch!Na wie oft haste Werner geschaut?Ich hab ihm glaub ich 4 mal gesehen,der erste ist noch der beste!Bis denne,knuddel dich auch noch mal ganz dolle!\:wub\:

maxi kingAug 9, 2010

\;\)mich im Forum?Nee,hab nur ne PM geschrieben!Ein neues Haus?Hört sich ja super an,kannst kaum erwarten!Freundin!Ja kann man wirklich sagen,da haste recht!\:D Hab noch nen schönen Tag!\:wub\:

maxi kingAug 9, 2010

\:wub\:Na,du da hinten!Schön das du dich hier mal wieder blicken lässt!\:rah\:Bild lese ich auch nicht und Bild Spiele hole ich mir nur wenn gute Spiele drauf sind!Hab im Netz schon was über das neue Spiel gelesen,ich habe Insel-Geschichten,ist ganz gut aber man spielt es nur ein paar mal dann ist es langweilig!Und das Mittelalter hat mich noch nie interessiert,also hole ich es mir nicht!Gib Gas ist da interessanter,wegen den Autos!Möchte aber auch entlich Wetter wieder haben!\:\(Na mal sehen was da noch so kommt,erst mal dann ja Nachtleben mit Vampieren\;\)Drücke dir mal die Daumen das das da nicht zum Einschlafen ist!\;\)Drücke und knuddel dich !!!!!! \:wub\:

srgmls23Aug 9, 2010

Hello dear friend Quengel \:D came just leave you a big hug and wish you a good week:P Sergio

ViolettSeptemberAug 6, 2010

Na du \:\) Ich wünsch dir ein schönes Wochende \:wub\: p.s. ich hab wieder schule\:mad\:

ViolettSeptemberAug 3, 2010

Hey, danke für die Kudos, wünsch dir ne schöne Woche, Marie\:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 3, 2010

I guess I misunderstood what you were sayin gin Simcredible's GB. \:o  I also have ALL the discs for TS1 but haven't played it since TS2 came out. \;\)  I've got ALL the TS2 discs. \:rah\:  And.....my roomie has TS3. :P  I'm not happy with the TS3 Sims.......so when I played hers I kept getting frustrated with looking at the Sims.......so I deleted that game from hers & haven't thought about TS3 since. \:cool\:  But I think it's kinda funny/odd how many people don't like the TS3 Sims but play it anyway. :P  I just think it's neat that there are other players who also have played through the generations. \;\)  Well happy SIM-ing. \:rah\:

maxi kingAug 2, 2010

\:wub\:Na,iss er wieder wach?Knuddel dich mal ordendlich zurück!Drei Monate Vorstellungsgespräche üben?Kann ich mir gar nicht vorstellen!Naja,vieleicht lernst du dann mit der Nervosität umzugehen!\:DBis denne!\:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 1, 2010

Hey you still play Sims1? \:confused\:  I have not played it for a while but I do have all my discs still. \;\)  It was a fun game & I still have fond memories of playing with it/them. \:cool\:   Happy SIM-ing which ever generations of the game you're playing. \:rah\:

SIMcredible!Aug 1, 2010

Hallo, Mein Tanz Partner \:DMe and the (specially) girls here (sending you Umarmungen \:D ) are curious about the laundry thing. Thanks for the explanation \:\) Girls are asking: "you said: all sims have to do their laundry. Is there a bad mood-let when the sim is with dirty clothes? Or even, when they are walking on streets other sims feel a bad smell coming from their dirty clothes?" \:rah\: Now we are really curious about Ambitions \:D And Late Night will be great indeed. They announced it for fall but do you know the exactly month?? Can't wait!  Happy to know you have more new games for this year too!! \:D You shy?? \:P Really? \:D I am not shy. I am barely ashamed of something. Even when I fall down in front of several people I am not shy, I laugh \:D   But it's rare! Anyway you don't seem shy \:\) "Bring on the beaches to Germany" ?? don't you have any beach near you? \:eek\: Sorry! I forgot the city you live... my young memory \:P Beach is around 1 hour from my home. Not so close but not so distant. My grandma lives around 20 minutes from the beach. But there are several here, we can choose the one we want to go. Higher or lower waves, colder or hotter water (at these winter days, on summer all beaches have a burning water... \:eek\: )... wish you can go at least to a swimming pool \:\) Happily lately it's not so hot there \:\) Oh no, visit Germany would be more interesting (and safer) \;\) Tourists are not happy here unfortunately... sad to say they almost always return home without some items \:\( And as I don't want to know my friend and her boyfriend could be in trouble here, we would gladly go there \:D Cross your fingers for we be the next lotto ticket winners \;\) (although we don't play this game... \:P ) I believe your boyfriend and I could make a championship of worst english pronunciation ever \:rah\: \:D Mine is totally messy. Girls sometimes laugh when I try to say one thing and say another totally reverse. I laugh too \:D We don't use dictionaries anymore. Only Google \:D We have 2 here too but both are old and out-of-date. Wish you have a wonderful week, mein freund! \:cool\: Umarmungen, Andres \:wub\:

maxi kingAug 1, 2010

\:wub\:Morgen!Da tust du mir leid!Ich hatte auch schon mal nen Typen,der meinte nur weil meine Tochter für ein paar Stunden da in den Kindergarten ging,ich könne ja Arbeiten!Nur wer nimmt einen von 8,30 bis 11,30?Doch keiner wirklich!Gebe dir mal nen supieeee tröster-knuddel!Bis denne!\:wub\:

SIMcredible!Jul 31, 2010

Hallo, mein tanz partner \:\) How are you? Still melting? :P  Here we are under winter and guess what? Tomorrow I will go to the beach \:cool\: It's heat here too! You don't get a tan? Oh wow! My sister would love to be this way! She likes to be pale and the sun tans her skins very easily. Me too but I don't care. Only when I am like a lobster and the skin hurts \:o but it's rare.  Thanks for the German lessons \:D I saved in a notepad to not forget it\:P For the day we will visit you \:D But we will say sorry only on the time to come back home... we should learn better words as tanz and lächeln \;\) Well, I am not a Shakira fan. But it's a cool song anyway \:P I'm 30 and I don't remember if you asked my age before too \:D Yes, I designed stuff for the sims game but actually I am off... barely have time to talk with my dear internet friends, less even for create. Actually only girls create. But they convert some of my meshes until today \:D My wife is very easy and she likes people who make me smile or laugh \:\) That's why she likes you : wub :  She added you on EA page and told me. I simply had no time to go there yet...  \:\( And talking about EA... I noticed some pictures from Ambitions with Laundry stuff... is true? Is it functional? A sim is able to wash her clothes? And to put it on the clothes line too? And after take the clean clothes, what they do? Or is it all decorative? Now I am wondering how it could be... \:P And hey, are you excited for the new Late Night EP ? I am \:D Too much!! Finally more musical instruments, jacuzzi and a places to have fan and Tanz \:D  Wish you have a wonderful weekend, mein freund ! And thanks for support our site! Didn't know that \;\)  Hugs, Andres (How to say Hugs in german ?) :P  

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