Rabold8's Blog
I'm Back!
After a 2 year long hiatus, I am finally back to the game. Be on the look out for some new lots from me very soon.
Lots of Love,
THE SIMS 3!!!!!
Lots of Fellow Simmer Love,
As those of you who know me well already know, I am kind of a workaholic. lol! So, as long as school is in session, school work, sports, and all other mandatory things come before TSR; Guess what though? NOT ANYMORE!!!!! I feel so relieved! lol! I have made it through my entire Junior year with straight A's...*me looking all smug and proud.* lol! Anyways, thank you all for always being there, and I hope that you have an amazing summer!
Lots of Fellow Simmer Love,
~Rabold <3 :D
P.S. The Sims 3 comes out in 4 DAYS!!!!! Who is excited? lol!
So, About That Lot...
Yeah, so basically, I submitted the Louis Lane lot 9 days ago, and it has yet to be published. :( I am actually begining to get rather irritated with TSR; I feel like they have forgotten me! LOL! I just withdrew my lot, and then re-submitted it, so, if by chance they did forget, they should have some new notification. :)
~Rabold :)
Although I do know that 6,000 downloads really is not a lot (some individual downloads on TSR have well over 10,000 downloads!), it is my new record. :D I want to take the time to thank EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has ever downloaded one of my lots; you all have NO IDEA how much you mean to me. <3 :D Anyway, THANK YOU!!!!!
Lots of Fellow Simmer Love,
Another Month, Another Lot
I have built another lot, and believe it or not, the building of the lot itself (floorplan and walls only, not the furniture, landscaping, etc.) took only 30 minutes! That, by the way, is a new record for me. :) The lot will be a residential lot named 135 Louis Lane; the lot is meditaranian in style, and is one of my favorite lots that I have ever built. I plan to sumbit the furnished and unfurnished versions of the lots either later today or early tomorrow, so be on the lookout! :D I hope that you all enjoy playing the lot as much as I enjoyed building it.
P.S. Ya'll (I'm from the South, so saying Ya'll is proper English, thank you), don't make fun. :P This is my first completely custom content free lot, so it may be a little on the cruddy side for a few of you. LOL! Anyways, I hope that you enjoy the lot, and be sure to let me know what you think when it comes out! :D <3
My God! It is finally done! Those of you who have followed my lots in the past may think that I have retired as of late...WELL YOUR WRONG! :P :) HaHa! I have actually been very busy, and using all of my free time (of which there is very little) to finish the same lot. The Cresley Apartments (there will be both a furnished and unfurnished version) were actually finished back in November of 2008, however, funishing them has been a SERIOUS hassle. I eventually uploaded the unfurnished version to the site on January 25 2009, thinking that I would soon have the furnished lot done. Boy was I WRONG! Here we are today, almost two months later, and the furnished version is done, uploaded, and (both furnished and unurnished lots) have been submited. :D Anyways, there are preview photos at the bottom of the page. I hope that you all like the lot!
P.S. I actually have MANY lots ready for submition, I just have to take preview photos etc. If anyone has any special requests for future lots, be sure to let me know! :D