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Rabold8's Guestbook

IllianaMay 12, 2009

Hi again Nick! I am just writing to find out how your test went today? I'm sure you did a wonderful job, and it must be such a relief to know that it's almost over...for a little while at least! \:P LOL! All kidding aside though, I know you'll do a FANTASTIC job on the rest of your exams, and that you'll be one step closer to becoming the successful person I know you will be! Sending you lots of hugs and well wishes! - Tammy

IllianaMay 6, 2009

ROFL! You must have been typing the comment on Mateise while I was writing to you! \:wub\: What a wonderful compliment, Nick! Thank you so much for letting me know the things that intrigued you the most with the lot. \:D As always, it helps me to know what it is that people like so I can incorporate those ideas in later projects! The sloped lot was a challenge, but I really liked trying something besides flat land. \;\) While it's true that I want people to enjoy my homes, it's also true that as a builder I like challenges too...and sometimes flat lots just don't provide that challenge. ROFL! I'm glad you appreciate the use of the sloped lot, and as for the roof on the carport...well, it was just for visual design purposes. No REAL purpose for it other than that. LOL! Lastly, I know it SEEMS like I put out a lot of houses quickly, but in reality I usually have several projects going at once so that if I start to get bored with one, I can move on to another one. This keeps my interest in my lots, and ensures that I am as excited when I finish a lot as I was when I started it. \:D You can usually tell a lot that someone starts and then loses interest in halfway through. I don't want that to happen to me. \;\) Thanks again for the lovely compliment, and for your incredible friendship! Hope school is going well, and that you're keeping up on all that homework, and not just simming out. \:P (((BIG hugs to you!))) Your friend - Tammy

IllianaMay 6, 2009

Hi Nick! Sorry I haven't been so good about writing back, but I've been working on a big project for the site. (PLUG here: Check out my blog for info. LOL!) I'm hoping it makes a difference, and helps the staff get everything back on track. \:D (((HUGE hugs to you!))) - Tammy

WarrayfinsonMay 6, 2009

No, but thanks \:\) *hugs* Anything new planned? Not really, what about you? \:D

QuengelMay 4, 2009

*proud to be called as your buddy* \;\) \:\)  >HUGS<

QuengelMay 1, 2009

Better too late, than never! ... a bird came and whistled it to me \:P \:D so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to ya, hopefully all your wishes came true! \;\) \:\)

WarrayfinsonMay 1, 2009

I'm still having the friend troubles, but I guess I'll get through, even if they have gotten worse. A part from that I am fantastic! \:D

WarrayfinsonApr 30, 2009

It's your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Oh, wait a sec *Runs down to oven and takes out cake. Puts cake in nice box and ties with ribbion. Catches the bus to the airport. Gets on the plane. Parashoots over Rabolds house. Hurries in to his location. Hugs and then hands over box with cake.* \:D \:\) \:\) \:wub\: \:cool\: \:wub\: \;\)

IllianaApr 30, 2009

YEEEEHAW!!!! \:D Happy birthday Nick! \:wub\: I hope you have a BLAST, and that you have the most amazing birthday EVER! \;\) Love and hugs - Tammy

eviApr 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Rabold! I wish you a happy day with the people you love\:\)

MoMamaApr 27, 2009

Thanks for your comment in my guestbook. Keep in mind that I don't build lots, so I am not an "authority" on the subject. But I do know what I like! \:D \:D

WarrayfinsonApr 25, 2009

Hey anytime!\:\) Nah, nothing new with me, still have them friend troubles.Oh well, something is gonna happen. What about you? \:\)

hiedibear75Apr 25, 2009

You're welcome. \:cool\:  I had no clue at 1st either until a friend walked me through it. \:D  Have a SIM-tastic weekend. \:rah\:

IllianaApr 24, 2009

Sure! Give me a second to get some coffee, etc., and I'll pop in and chat with you for a bit. \:D (Wasn't sure if you were "chat shy" after the last time. \:P ROFL! *Ducks wet fish!* Hey! Was just teasing, you know! LOL! - Tammy

IllianaApr 24, 2009

Hah! Got you! I'm off work today, so I can answer you immediately...mwahahaha! You have got to be one of the sweetest people I have ever met! \:wub\: Yes...I LOVE your comments, and your compliments pump my ego up to record heights, but it's really you (as a person) that I enjoy seeing the most! Thank you, Nick, for everything! Now, don't you worry about those submissions. GFM is a little buried right now, but I promise she'll get to it. \;\) I have created a tutorial myself, but since the site isn't QUITE ready to accept new tutes yet I have been approved to have it posted...with absolutely NO date set yet for release. ROFL! Got a lot to go with it too, but can't release it until I know the date the tutorial is coming out. Hehehe! So, if it makes you feel any better, even us FAs have to wait for things. \:P Thomas has said that there will be an announcement today sometime on what happened, what they've been working on, etc. Maybe that will help answer some questions. \;\) Ok...another book. (I do that!) Anyway, I'm around if you want to talk, and you could always post in my Forum thread too. Then you can show off some pictures of your lots you're working on, or have finished so I can drool over them. ROFL! (((HUGE hugs))) - Tammy

IllianaApr 23, 2009

Nick - I certainly wasn't expecting you to leave your thoughts on the LOT, just send me a PM to let me know. ROFL! I just ADORE you! You know that? \:wub\: \:o Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't use CC often, so it makes me nervous...especially when it's THIS much CC, and it's so important to the over all look of the lot. Your generous words and thoughts have made me fell MUCH better about having done so...and this is why I asked for you to take a peek at it. \:D Thank you for the peace of mind! That was an awesome gift, and one I hope one day to repay to you. (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

WarrayfinsonApr 20, 2009

Thank you SO MUCH!! \:D \:wub\: I,um, I couldn;t help but see what you wrote in Illinana's guestbook, I hope that's okay. All I can say is, have hope\:\). I know this porbably doesn't help but that's all I can say really \:\(. Here, have some cake, choclate and I just made it *hands over cake and hugs*

IllianaApr 20, 2009

Hope you're ok \:\( ...send me a PM and let me know, ok? \:wub\: (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

IllianaApr 20, 2009

Bedtime is running a little behind...will be there ASAP. Probably not going to be more than 10-15 minutes late. \:o Sorry about that! LOL! (4 year olds...*Sigh* ) - Tammy

IllianaApr 18, 2009

Ah, my friend...it was SO good to see your comment in my GB! Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you. \:\( My internet connection has been a little unstable lately, and shutting down on my at the oddest times. I am only NOW getting caught up on comments/entries. It's been a pain, but my provider has assured me they are done doing whatever it was they were doing. *Sigh* Ok...downer stuff aside...How was your conference?! Did you have a good time? Learn anything new? What's this about a new lot coming out? \:wub\: YAY! I can't wait to see it! I am hoping to compare dates and figure out when you and I could actually BE in the chatroom together. LOL! For example, I don't have to work tomorrow, so I can be in the chatroom tonight after 8:30 pm Central time, or tomorrow sometime. I'm not sure what time zone you're in, so let me know when is good for you! I'd LOVE to chat with you in person. Hehehe! \:D Not to worry...going to answer my PMs soon. Deal? Gosh! I wrote a book already! LOL! Ok, talk to you soon! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

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