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Rabold8's Guestbook

WarrayfinsonApr 18, 2009

Hi! Just thought I'd let you know that the next chapter of Forgotten Redemption is out if you want to see it \:D

WarrayfinsonApr 17, 2009

Good to hear you've submitted a new lot! \:\) I'm currently doing a PUNK! version for guys. Don't know when I'll have them out. I also have submited a dress collection for teens. It'll be out on the 18th. Let me know when that lot is coming out, okay? \:D I'm sure it'll be fantastic! \:wub\: \:\)

WarrayfinsonApr 15, 2009

Hi! I know this is a weird excuse to stop by but I just made some cookies andI thought you might want one!*Hands cookie over* Also, any new lots? I saw your blog.

AlyoshaApr 15, 2009

Halloo! Just dropped by to tell you that you really have nice lots here! Keep up the marvelous work and I am looking forward to more from you! Keep up the great work! \:rah\:

IllianaApr 12, 2009

Rabold - \:o How do you thank someone for some of the nicest things you've ever heard about your work?! \:wub\: I think I have read the comment you left on my Ancient Greece Set a thousand times. LOL! I even made my hubby read it...and he thought you were the nicest too! \:D You always notice EVERYTHING! I just LOVE that! \:wub\: You're an angel, and I sure hope you have an AMAZING Easter as well! I hope I will see you at the chat tonight, but if I don't please know that my PM is also open. I am always happy to hear from one of my very favorite people, and dearest friends. \:\) (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

WarrayfinsonApr 12, 2009

Hello! \:\) Here, this is your Easter egg *hands over egg and hugs* . Hope you have a fantastic and awesome Easter \:D.

eviApr 12, 2009

Happy Easter friend! \:\) How lovely to see you in my gb. I was wondering the other day where are you\:\)

estaticaApr 12, 2009

Happy Easter, Rabold! Time passes by quickly when there's lots of stuff to do (and unfortunately, not sims related \:\( ) I kinda miss being here more often. Hey, I just read in your blog you made a new house with no custom content! I can't wait to see it \:D

WarrayfinsonApr 9, 2009

Hi \:\) Great to hear from you again. I'm not in the best of moods right now. See, I'm having a bit of friend troubles and I even cried at school.My self esteem isn't great either \:\(. Sometimes my friend makes me feel like I'm lower then dirt and worser things I wouldn't want to say in your guestbook.  But lets get off that, I'm sure you don't want me to fill your guestbook with my ranting and problems. Do you have any new lots planned out?\:\) Also, um, the next part of Forogtten Redmeption is out if you want to see it!

IllianaMar 30, 2009

*Chuckles* I think we posted at the same time! LOL! Thanks for the well wishes in my blog. \:wub\: Nah, it isn't too serious. I'm just a whiner. (I think Cyclonesue calls it "whinging"...LOL!) I can be on the computer for bits at a time right now, just not ALL the time like I usually am. \;\) I think I'm all caught up now on the poor souls that commented on my things and got NO respect or thanks for a little while. I feel guilty if a message sits for 2 days without a return comment. \:o Silly, huh? Anyway, thank you for the sweet support in my blog. I feel much better today, and was actually able to pet the cat without wanting to growl at her too badly. I just can't stay mad at her big ol' eyes for too long. LOL! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

IllianaMar 30, 2009

Rabold - I am so sorry to hear of your computer woes, and do hope that you are able to straighten everything out soon. \:\( I am awed and amazed at the wonderful comments you left on my lots...even knowing your computer was having problems! \:wub\: \:eek\: What a wonderful thing to do! I actually got kind of choked up! Thank you. Not just for the comments...but for being the amazing person that you are! (You really are, you know.) PLEASE keep me informed about your computer. I feel just terrible! (((Hugs!))) Love and hugs...Tammy

BillariMar 29, 2009

Thanks for your comment

WarrayfinsonMar 22, 2009

\:o Hey, hey, hey anytime! It make me extremely happy to know that you are happy, heck right now I'm smiling! \:D WOW! \:eek\: it took you that long, my gosh! Hey, don't get too worked up about the custom content thingy, I'm sure most people won't mind \:\). But in the end, I guess it was worth it, right ?\;\) Well then that makes two of us, 'cause I'm blessed to have a friend like you here on TSR \:\) \:wub\:

estaticaMar 17, 2009

Hi Rabold! You are right, we haven't talked in a long time! Currently I have a few projects on my hands, but none of them are lots. I'm quite happy to hear you are building again! Your lots are always so elegant, I can't wait to see what you came uo with this time. \:wub\: As for playing sims 3, the tools are very similar to sims 2, so I think everyone will adjust to the new building features pretty fast. Before I go, I just wanted to thank you again for your fantastic comments, my ego boosts everytime I read something you wrote (I can become really cocky if you keep this up! :P)

eviMar 16, 2009

WOW Rabold! \:oYour enthusiastic comments on my family home got me so excited that I left TSR and went back to my game to play the family that lives there! \:D  Thank you  very very much for your comments my friend\:\) My lots are not so impressive as yours but they are ...feminine and playable\:\) See you around\;\)

WarrayfinsonMar 16, 2009

Oh I almost forgot \:o, I'll be keeping a keen eye out on the 17th \;\)

WarrayfinsonMar 16, 2009

But still, I can't help but worry about my friends, especially friends like you and other here on TSR \:wub\:. In real life though, I'm just way too shy too voice myself. Seriously at the start of the year people were asking if I was new. It's only because I'm so quiet they don't see me But anyway, off that subject :P, as for stories, YEP! \:D I have a new out today, a whole chapter of Forgotten Redemption!! Hope you like it! \:\)

WarrayfinsonMar 15, 2009

Oh...\:\( You know if you ever need help (I don't how I would be able to) please let me know, I'll do my best \:\). Thank you for the comments \:\)

WarrayfinsonMar 10, 2009

Oh no, are you okay?! I hope you're alright now! Hey, I have an idea, wait a sec * Runs to oven, get cookies out of oven, put them into a jar. Then runs to airport gets into a plane. When over Rabold's place parashoots down into backyard, runs into the house, goes to Rabold. Hnds cookies over to Rabold and hugs!!* Believe me if I could really  do that right now I would \:\)

IllianaMar 10, 2009

I pop onto the computer today, and what do I see?! Your wonderful comments on two of my lots, and one incredible guestbook entry! \:wub\: As usual, your intelligent and insightful critiques add to my "what works well" list, and your compliments just make me want to build even bigger and better. \:D I hope you were able to get some relaxation in while you were away...as active and kind as you are to so many you certainly deserve it! (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

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