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Rabold8's Guestbook

srgmls23Dec 24, 2008

May all the sweet magic Of Christmas conspire To gladden your hearts And fill every desire. Merry Christmas to You and Yours and have a Great 2009!! =D Hugs!Sergio =P

Vanilla SimDec 22, 2008

\:\) Jolly surprises, a tree shining bright - Mistletoe kisses, a home filled with light. Hearts that are merry, a time of good cheer - Wishing all this and a Happy New Year! ~*~Robin~*~ \:wub\:

eviDec 18, 2008

Hi Rabold\:\) Thanks so much for your detailed comments on my hohoho apartments. I hope you will enjoy it in the game. See you around\;\)

estaticaDec 17, 2008

Dear Rabold, thank you so much for the warm wishes. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and an excellent 2009 surrounded by people you love. And just as you have been supportive to every artist here at TSR, I hope you also find that support from others \:wub\:

IllianaDec 17, 2008

Merry Christmas to you as well, kind Rabold! Your messages are ALWAYS worth the wait. \:wub\: Thank you for the warm holiday wishes, and for being one of the most generous, thoughtful people I know! (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

WarrayfinsonDec 17, 2008

Have a very merry and joyful Christmas, may you have peaceful travels and best wishes.\:\)

eviDec 16, 2008

All my Best Wishes for a Joyous Season and a Very Happy New Year. Merry Christmas Rabold!\:wub\:

WarrayfinsonDec 16, 2008

Hey, thank you for your comment, it's always great to have people like you around.\:D My brace fittign went great, I need to get use to the brace though so I only have to wear it for 2 hours today, and by 3 weeks I should be up to 10 hours!\:eek\: Apart from that, not really. What about you, any new lots planned?\:D \:wub\: About the The Silence, I really am sorry about that \:\(. Okay what would have happened was Isabella would be in this cafe but then she would start seeing all these people that no one else can see. These people keep telling her "We want you, we need you...". Some of the things they tell her don't make much sense. They are more clear then her surrondings. Then she falls asleep again, this time she looses her sense of hearing. The only things she can hear are what these people are saying. Simone turns up in her apartment and tells her that it was just her. Strangly enough she can hear Simone.(Seeing as she can't see anything else other then these people). When her and Simone go to the cafe she tells her about her holiday to Fiji. But as Simone is doing so Isabella hears the people saying "Don't listen, she lie, she lie! Hair, sight, hear stealer..." That night Isabella falls asleep only to be wakened by Simone creeping around her room. When asked to explain Simone says she was jus looking for something. Only half believing her, Isabella goes back to sleep. She gets woken up again but this time it the people she has been seeing. One said "We come...warn...about, your friend." At that moment Simone comes in with a pair of scissors. "We warn you" the people say. Simone explains she was returning them. And that would be the end of part 3. I'll tell you part 4 when I have time, but right now, I have to go get my brace checked. Thanks again Rabold, you truly are the greatest! \:D Keep Creating!! \;\) \:D

WarrayfinsonDec 15, 2008

Hey, I have new story out if you want to see it!

estaticaDec 14, 2008

Hi Rabold! I've been reading your wonderful messages, but as always, not replying as I should and AS you deserve. \:o Thank you so much for always being so nice, I'm really happy to know you continue to enjoy my stuff! \:wub\:

IllianaDec 7, 2008

*Waves spastically* Hiya Rabold! Aw...thanks so much for the sweet compliments you left me on the Mistletoe Manor lot. \:wub\: Yeah, when I started building it, the only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted a Victorian-esque tower with wreaths on the windows. The rest just kind of happened. LOL! So glad you liked it, and thank you for always being so concise with your critiques. I really do appreciate the time you take. \:\) (((Hugs!))) Happy holidays to you and yours from me and mine. \;\) - Illiana

iZazuDec 6, 2008

I want to thank you for the nice comment about my lot, Brush Wood Rd. That was very nice of you to take the time to do. Enjoy it in the game! You are so right, it takes alot of time to get a lot built just right, especially when I am so picky! LOL Have a nice weekend. Linda\:\)

IllianaDec 5, 2008

Ah Rabold...I am always honored by a visit from you, and today was no exception! \:wub\: Thank you for the absolutely splendid compliment you left on the City Center Christmas lot. \:o I honestly cannot tell you how happy I was to read it, as community lots tend to be overlooked by most people. So thanks for the smile, and don't EVER stop building! (You are WAY too talented for that. LOL!) - Illiana

WarrayfinsonNov 28, 2008

Hey, I'm back! \:\) Don't have a brace, this was just for the measurments. In Janurary I have to go back up and get the brace fitted. Miss anything much?\:D \:\) \:P

WarrayfinsonNov 23, 2008

Thank you SO much!\;\) \:\)

wwechick38Nov 22, 2008

heyy rabold, thanks so much for the comment on the intro of 'Surviving High School' \:\) i appreciate it \:D

WarrayfinsonNov 22, 2008

Not the best, my back hurts and my growth has completely stopped \:\(.So I take it you know what scoliosis is? I couldn't believe the x-rays when I saw them.\:puke\: My spine has bent 50 degrees so I have travel up to Sydney and get the brace fitted this Wednesday. Thanks for you kind words\:\)

WarrayfinsonNov 21, 2008

Or course, I just have a lot things to take care of first, like this scoliosis problem\:\(.

Elena.Nov 7, 2008

Hi there! How are you? \:D Thank you for stopping by and signing my GB. Letta? Oh I really miss Letta too \:o First I stopped writing because real life got in the way and my time was cut short. Then, when I decided to get back to work, my game threw a fit and I had to reinstall it and when I put the downloads folder back it kept crashing. I couldn't find what the problem was and had to delete the downloads folder and lost everything. It's impossible to make everything look like it was before mostly because I don't remember where I got stuff from \:\( I was thinking of making new characters and write the story again, or maybe just change the characters, but the story wouldn't be the same, would it? \:wacko\: If you have ideas, let me know! Have a great day \:wub\:

srgmls23Nov 6, 2008

Olá\:D It was so lovely of you to comment my lot (Antónia Village) \;\) Thanks it was good to hear from you! - \:P Sergio

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