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RebeccaJeanine71's Guestbook

hiedibear75Jun 1, 2009

We sued in my case but between the lawyers, medical bills, and on-going was gone pretty quick.  And I used to be able to walk quite a bit just with the crutches & most people at my 2nd high school just asumed I had CP & since I was too emberassed to explain partial paralisys & brain injuries I rarely bothered to correct their mis-assumption. \;\)  I had siezures for about a year after my accident so I had to stay straped in my wheelchair even though I could walk some because if I was walking while I had one & fell down my spine is very fragile & everyone was concerned that all it will take for me to hurt it again or worse is a fall.  So at school unless I was in the standing frame I was........  Yeah I hated I high school. \;\)  It isn't so bad with college age though.  By that age most of them are past the teasing stage.  & many if not most are there to learn anyway so the kids that would have teased her back in high school are all "would you like fries with that order?" by age 20 or some other lame job........the ones who go on to college are ususally "bigger" than that. \:\)

hiedibear75May 29, 2009

I'm doing my responses on your GB because it gives you kudos. \;\)  I've got tons of kudos @ the moment so I'm not too worried about it. \;\)  I'm pretty open about just about everything. \:\)  I bookmarked you.......hope to see you in the forums. \:cool\:

hiedibear75May 29, 2009

Nah I think the majority of people are curios & those who don't ask are still probably wondering......they just don't want to come off as rude or they're to emberassed about their being nosy in the 1st place. \;\) \:P LOL  Yeah I had an accident when I was 14yrs old.  A menu board fell off & onto me; it struck me in the head but it made neck & back injuries along with the head injuries.  So I use a wheelchair but I am able to walk for very short distances.  When I do walk though it is with forearm crutches + often "a spotter" & it's also kinda jerky & spastic looking so when I was in highschool even a lot of my teachers thought I had CP (my school records did not list why I have learning disabilites now just that I have them).  I have partial paralysis from lower back down & pain in the spine with only a couple vertabra left out of the pain party.  I dislocated a bunch of vertabra & broke L-2 so I have nerve damage from L-2 down but the dislocations from C2-S3 have made the discs weak & also I have severe osteoarthritis in my back & neck (my x-rays look like I shud be in my late 80's acording to Dr.s).   So I don't have my kids with me (I had them after I was hurt but when I divorced their dad the judge said he felt the kids "should be raised by a parent NOT staff" so I lost costudy but still get visitation) they visit me though.  Yes I have occasional issues with depression.......kinda hard not too when in this much pain & sometimes it feels like my body is a prison of sorts.  But when I am feeling up to it my bestfriend in the world Mike takes me out to where ever I want to go.  And thanks to the internet I can still socialize with other people outside of the friends I live with.  So I wouldn't say I am depressed but I would say I get depressed occasionally.  A part of my brain injury is that the area of the brain that regulates your emotions (temperal lobe......the front of your brain) so anytime I start having negative emotions I get a migraine headache........real big motivation for trying to not let anything but happy be in the driver's seat.

hiedibear75May 26, 2009

Say I noticed that you said you love to build. \:\)  So do I. \:cool\:  If you get a chance in the forum there is a section for building, you should join S2HBAA (Sims 2 House Building Addicts Anonymous). \:\)  Oh yeah & there is also a section in Off Topic chit chat where I started "Disability Den" you may be interested in. \;\)  Anyway I'm also a mother of 4, & yes I'm even disabled. \:\)  I've got 17,16 & 15 yr old girls & an 11yr old son. \:wub\:  Anyway I use Sims 2 keep me from having a chance to think about the pain which also keeps me from "going postal". \:P LOL  Well take care & have a wonderful week. \:rah\:

xtinabobinaMay 26, 2009

hey rebecca! i havent heard from you in a while, thought i'd stop by and say hello!!

HarmoniaMay 25, 2009

hi rebecca.. You're very welcome \:\) thanks for lovely words.. Comment like your are so much appreaciated \:wub\: I'm very very glad you like my creations \:wub\: Happy simming! ~Gul

humanwarlockMay 22, 2009

Thanks for commenting on my "Dog Started It". I'm glad that u love it! That's really nice of u to bookmark me and use my painting in your story. I can't wait untill i comes out! \:D

spitzmagicMay 8, 2009

Good Morning Rebecca, the search eng is finally working. YAY, I bookmarked ya...have a wonderful day \:wub\: barbara

xtinabobinaMay 4, 2009

hello\:\) i wanted to let you know that i've just submitted episode 4 for approval tonight. hopefully it will be out soon. when you get the chance to read it, please leave me a comment. enjoy! thank you!

xtinabobinaMay 4, 2009

hi becca\:\) i got your email. send me the goodies\:\)

b-bettinaMay 1, 2009

Hi Rebecca! \:D Thank you so much for your nice comment on my Valentino inspired dresses! \:D I appreciate it a lot! \:wub\: Have a nice day! \;\) Bettina

xtinabobinaApr 30, 2009

of course you can email it to me\:\) i'd be happy to proof it for you. ill pm you my email.

xtinabobinaApr 23, 2009

hey! don't fret becca, here' what you need to do. first, check your email or inbox here on the site. to do this, go to your 'dashboard' and see if you have any new PM's. usually, when they reject anything on this site, be it a story or screenshot, they send you a reason for doing so via email or PM. Episode 3 was actually rejected because of a picture that i'd included in the story. it was a little more than pg-13 because the pose was one from a posebox..which means that since two sims cannot pose in such a "frisky" manner in the game on their own, then it is not allowed here on the site. (for argument's sake, they were clothed\;\) ) anyway, go through your story, make sure it's pg-13 and make sure there no foul language. other than that, im not sure why they would reject it. i know it will be great. unfortunately, i had to completely reupload my story to TSR after they rejected it, which took a while, but i hope you will do so. uploading a story is somewhat frustrating. i can only upload a few "pages" at a time. so what i do is write the story out on Word and then separate the paragraphs so i know which pictures go with what 'caption.' then, when everything is ready, i upload the first page (only) then go back and add a few more pages at a time. it's a long process..but i wish you the best of luck. please ask if you need any more help. hope this helps you in the mean time. hope to hear from you soon! ~xtinabobina.

xtinabobinaApr 21, 2009

hey! cant wait to see what you've got in store! ive just uploaded some screenies of my latest recolours..please come check them out!

xtinabobinaApr 18, 2009

hi rebecca! thanks for all your comments on everything! i really really appreciate it! im glad to hear that youre writing a story! i need to get to that too! lol i need to write episode 4 before ppl start chasing me down with pitchforks, my own bffs are threatening me \;\) lol. anyway, ive been working on recolouring objects instead\:\) i hope to upload some pics of my stuff soon! ill let you know when\:\)

xtinabobinaApr 15, 2009

hi rebecca! i got my sim to hold her hands to her face by using Decorgal's talk-action hack. you can get it at MTS2. it's really useful for dialogue & just using the actions makes for a great story\:\) i know you wrote in my gbook..i havent gotten to it yet so ill be back to respond to that soon\;\)

xtinabobinaApr 10, 2009

hello! thank you very much for commenting on one of my horse screenshots. i have made a lot like that one maybe you could check them out & tell me what you think? I hope that i will hear from you again soon. i will bookmark you to give you some kudos, have a happy easter! talk to you soon!

eviJan 19, 2009

Hi Rebecca\:\) Thank you so much for your comments on my Street of London kids. I hope you are enjoying it in your game\:\). See you around\;\)

kandleloreJan 17, 2009

Thank you for your nice comment on my Gingerbread candy cane floors \:\) I appreciate the feedback.  I am so sorry it took me so long to respond.  Be safe, and happy Simming!

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