Didja miss me? lol...
Oh, wow. What a nightmare, lol. Moved from California, to Arizona, left most of my sims and design stuff in storage...just now got settled, and found my stuff again. So, after about 6 months, I finally am able to start submitting again. I just now waiting on two uploads to be approved, a cautious attempt to undo the rust on my graphics chops, lol, called "Spring Leather Living", and a Texture Challenge nursery based on some nice textures by mightyfaithgirl. Both are waiting for Girl-from-Mars to get back from her vacation for uploading.
Now that I've gotten some kinks out, I'm working on a more elaborate
bedroom in black and white, that I'll probably be able to upload in a
day or two. And a few other ideas are mulling around. Sigh. Feels great
to be back in the saddle again, hehe.
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