
2,295Creations 2,979,761Downloads

Riverwillows's Blog

My New Home!

i now own my own personal download site of PAEGIN SIMS at: https://paeginsims.freeforums.net/ and also am a Guest Artist at Beckylyn's Sims, which is at: https://beckylynnsims.forumotion.com/

I will be uploading new recolors there It's all FREE custom content, and you don't need to register to the forum to download. 

Broken Links

It has come to my attention that a lot of my sets have broken links. I am very sorry about this, this is due to one of the sites I got a lot of meshes from revamping their site and changing where things are. I have several requests already in to TSR to release those sets so I can change the links, but so far, I am not getting any response.

So, my friends, until I can fix the links, if you download one of my creations, then go look for the mesh and find the link to it broken, just pm me, and I'll shoot you the correct link. Again, I am very sorry about the hassle. Hopefully, I can get it fixed soon.

Didja miss me? lol...

Oh, wow. What a nightmare, lol. Moved from California, to Arizona, left most of my sims and design stuff in storage...just now got settled, and found my stuff again. So, after about 6 months, I finally am able to start submitting again. I just now waiting on two uploads to be approved, a cautious attempt to undo the rust on my graphics chops, lol, called "Spring Leather Living", and a Texture Challenge nursery based on some nice textures by mightyfaithgirl. Both are waiting for Girl-from-Mars to get back from her vacation for uploading. 

Now that I've gotten some kinks out, I'm working on a more elaborate bedroom in black and white, that I'll probably be able to upload in a day or two. And a few other ideas are mulling around. Sigh. Feels great to be back in the saddle again, hehe.

Up and coming....

I have a new bath and a new bedroom pending right now....and will soon upload a full kitchen based on Chanticleer, the rooster hero from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

Also coming in the next couple weeks, truly disturbing and frighteningly horrifying Halloween bedding. Just try to sleep on these sheets.....Muahahahahah!!!

Your turn....

Ok, the holidays are coming up....Halloween/Samhain is first on the list. I was thinking, I do recolors, but what if someone would like something special for the holidays? So, I thought I'd give you all a chance to "control" some of my holiday stuff. Send me a pm, with an idea or suggestion for a room or item to recolor for Halloween/Samhain. Let me know what mesh(es) you want, where it is (TSR or another website) and if you have some specific textures you want me to use. Or you can leave it up to me. Just let me know. Now, I may not be able to do all of them, but I'll try to do as many as I can, ok?

***Remember, I don't mesh, just recolor, and only FREE meshes.

One Million Downloads!!!!

Oh, wow. One million downloads. I've only been recoloring a year (alomst to the day!!), and already, I'm at one million!! Gotta sit down, here. lol. I owe it all to you guys. You continue to like my work enough to download, and I hope you all have enjoyed it!! I will continue to try to create beautiful things for you all. I thank you all very much for getting me to this number. Thanks again, all of you!!!

Wow...I am very flattered!!

Ok, ok, due to an overwhelming response, lots of emails and pm's, I will come back to TSR and start uploading again....with a few very specific conditions.

1. I will only upload recolors of free meshes.

2. I will try to keep my recolors base game as much as possible, trying to use a minimum of expansion/stuff pack requirements as possible.

3. I am still mainly at Natural Sims, and the bulk of my recolors will be there. It is a free site, and I am a mod and staff artist there. But, I will also upload some new sets here as well.

I do this, because I want everyone to enjoy the game, that is after all, why we play it. I enjoy creating, not for money or fame, but just for the art of it. And I want my creations to be enjoyed as much as possible. I myself am a single parent with not a whole lot of money to blow, and I understand how frustrating it is to see something I'd long to have, but then find out I gotta fork up money for it. Not fun, and not what I want to be about.

So, that's my new policy. Keep an eye out, as I will have some nice recolors coming soon.....!!!

I've Moved!!!

Hello, all.

First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you who have downloaded my creations. It has been a great experience and period of growth as a creator here at TSR, and your downloads have helped make it all possible. Thank you very much, each of you is greatly appreciated!!!

I have decided for personal reasons, to move my future creations to Natural Sims, A COMPLETELY FREE Sims 2 site, where I am a Mod and Staff Creator. I'm not allowed to post the addy here. but you can find the addy on Google.

I will leave my website here up, so you can continue to download my creations. I will also pop in periodically to check my guestbook and comments, so feel free to continue to leave such and I will see it.

Thanks again, all of you.


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My New Home! Broken Links Didja miss me? lol... Up and coming.... Your turn.... One Million Downloads!!!! Wow...I am very flattered!! I've Moved!!!
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