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RockinRobin's Blog

Serasims has Closed

I just found out that Serasims's site has closed down. I feel terrible about this because I've got several outfits available for download that require the meshes from there. I know there are lots of other artists who also use her meshes, so it's going to cause some problems for awhile. I did read a rumor that she may be uploading her meshes to MTS2. If she does that, they will still be free for anyone to download. In the meantime, the only thing I know to do, is to tell you all who have downloaded my outfits, to send me a private message with your email address and I will try to get the mesh you need sent to you as soon as possible.

After that, I suppose I won't be using Serasims meshes anymore unless she uploads them all again to MTS2 because it's really against the rules to send out meshes that are not your own. But in this case, I feel like I need to take care of MY downloaders who have gone to the trouble of downloading my creations that were based on meshes by Serasims.

I am really sorry about all of this and I wish it hadn't happened. But unfortunately, it's out of my control.

Serasims Site is Down...

I've received numerous comments that the Serasims site is not working and people can't get the meshes needed to allow my outfits to work. I am really sorry about this, but I have no control over that site. I don't know what's going on....maybe she is upgrading the site or moving to a different server. If you downloaded something of mine that requires a Serasims mesh, please send me a private message with your email address, and I will try to get the mesh to you.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Sneak Preview...for ELDERS!

Just because your Sims get old, doesn't mean they have to wear ugly clothes and look frumpy! I decided to create some stylish outfits for our elder ladies. Here's a sneak preview: This first set is similar to the denim jacket and jeans that I made for the younger ladies. Here is another outfit that has stylish blue jeans and a print shirt. These will be available as separate downloads. These should be available in a few days, so be sure to bookmark me!

What is a MESH and Why do I Need it?

I recently received a private message asking me what a mesh is and I realized that there are probably a lot of people out there who don't really understand about meshes. I know I've gotten several messages from people telling me that they can't find the mesh or telling me that my items won't work and then come to find out, they didn't download the mesh. So I decided to copy/paste my response here in the hopes of helping others who don't quite understand what a mesh is and why they need it. I love your clothes and I pretty much downloaded them all to my Sims2, but can you help me?!?! I don't know what that "Mesh" thing is!!! :( Hmmm...let's see if I can explain it to you. :) The mesh is actually the 3D model or structure that everything in the Sims is based on. There are clothing meshes and object meshes and anything else you might see in the game. When you are dealing with a clothing mesh, some people actually think of it as the article of clothing they just downloaded, but what you SEE is actually the "texture" or the "recolor" of the base mesh model. Everything you download requires a mesh for it to work in your game. Some clothing recolors (and object recolors) are based on meshes that are already included in the game which is why the artists will usually tell you if a custom mesh is required. For example, if someone writes in their item description "recolor of an outfit from the base game" or "requires Nightlife" (or whatever expansion pack) means that the mesh is already in your game if you have the required expansion pack. If someone writes "you must get the mesh from whatever site for this to work in your game", then you have to click on the link provided below the description and follow the directions to where the mesh can be downloaded. One thing to keep in mind...(and this is something a lot of people have trouble with)...the mesh may not look exactly like the outfit that you downloaded originally. This is because artists can further manipulate the texture to create the desired look but still use the same basic mesh. I have people sending me messages all the time that they couldn't find the mesh when in fact, the directions I gave them were very clear. They just didn't recognize the mesh when they saw it. Also, meshes are normally a single color depending on what color the artist uses for a temporary texture. (usually white, gray, or black) The mesh itself won't actually show up in the game unless it has a texture. Let me see if I can show you a couple of examples so that you will understand better. Here is a picture of one of my latest sets that I uploaded a couple days ago. Now here's the picture of the actual MESH file. As you can see, they look very different, but for my denim outfit to work, you must download the mesh which is the base for which the recolor is built on. You can also see that I modified the texture quite a bit by making it a long sleeved outfit and changing the neckline. But you can't let that fool you whenever you are looking for the right mesh to download. What you have to look at is the BASIC SHAPE of the outfit. This trips a lot of people up unfortunately. Here's one more example: A shorts outfit I created. And the mesh: On this example too, you can see that my outfit looks very different from the mesh...but the BASIC SHAPE is the same. Hopefully, this will help you to begin to make sense of all this mesh business and get back down to the business of downloading my creations! Let me know if you have anymore questions. Robin

No...Thank YOU!

I wanted to take a moment to thank all those who have downloaded and commented on my creations. Some days, I am overwhelmed by the number of awesome comments I receive and often feel that I am not able to properly thank each and every one of you. It would take me hours to give each of you the response you deserve!

So I want to say THANK YOU!

Thank you for taking the time to download my creations.

Thank you for leaving me so many wonderful comments.

Thank you for continuing to give me the inspiration and motivation to keep trying to improve my skills so that I may continue to offer you new things for your Sims.


Here's a preview of my latest submissions. I decided to make some sexy and sophisticated lingerie for the Sims ladies. These should be coming out in the next few days, so keep a look out for them!

Slow Going.....

Well I've completed 10 Carrie Bradshaw outfits so far! The one I worked on last night, I thought would be an easy one. Wrong! That one ended up taking me about 8 hours to complete. Of course, I do tend to be a bit of a perfectionist and I want to make sure all the seams line up perfectly and the outfit looks as realistic as possible. Since I am having to do a good portion of the outfits freehand, it takes a long time to make them look right. For me, the trickiest part is drawing folds in the fabric that look realistic. I'm getting better at it, but I still feel there is a lot of room for improvement.

Anyway....look for the new collection to be coming out soon!

Newest Project

I've always been a fan of the TV show Sex and the City and love Carrie Bradshaw's style. It occurred to me while watching the show that I wanted to recreate her style for the Sims. It's very difficult though because there aren't that many good pictures of her that are large enough for me to use as templates for the clothes. I've had to "freehand" the majority of my creations. The other problem that I've run into is finding meshes that fit close enough that I can modify them. I don't know how to create my own meshes yet, so I have to rely on using other's meshes for now. I plan to create a whole "Carrie Bradshaw Collection" which showcases her funky style. So far, I've only gotten 6 outfits finished. Some of them were created based on pictures I've found on the internet and others were created by me watching the show and trying to remember the outfits.

Here's a sneak preview of what will be uploaded over the next few days.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Grapics Issues.....

Well I finally did get several new things created, but when I opened the game to take pictures, the outfits looked blurry. This has happened in the past, and if I exited the lot and came back in, it usually cleared up. But this time, it's not clearing up. Nothing has changed on my computer and I've checked all the graphics settings within the game, and I can't find a reason for why the clothes are appearing blurry, other than maybe my graphics card is going bad. I know it's not the clothes because they are fine outside of the game. Plus, ALL the clothes within the game look blurry (not just the new stuff), so I know it has something to do with my graphics.

I'll have to see what I can do to fix the problem before I submit the new items because, obviously, they will look terrible if I take pictures of them now.

If you have any ideas on what else I can try, please let me know. Otherwise, I may be off to the computer store to buy a new graphics card today. :)

New Stuff Coming Soon...

I'm just about used to being awake all night and sleeping during the day with this new job, so I'm finally working on some new creations to submit. The first couple of weeks on the new job made me so tired all the time, that it was difficult to feel creative. But I'm feeling "normal" again and promise to submit some new stuff soon!

Latest Headlines

Serasims has Closed Serasims Site is Down... Sneak Preview...for ELDERS! What is a MESH and Why do I Need... No...Thank YOU! Upcoming.... Slow Going..... Newest Project Grapics Issues..... New Stuff Coming Soon...
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