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RockinRobin's Blog

A Few Men's Outfits...

My poor Sim men are not nearly as equipped with clothes as the ladies are. I noticed there just aren't as many men's clothes available. I guess it's because female clothes are so much more fun to make. I mean....there's only so many ways you can change a shirt and a pair of pants! But I did finally upload a few men's outfits that I had made a couple months ago and never did get them submitted. Hopefully, they will be coming out in a few days. Then I need to try and make a few more men's outfits for these poor guys. I'll have to put some thought into it and see if I can come up with anything "creative" to do for them.

If you have any bright ideas, please let me know! :)

My Greatest Gift...

My oldest daughter made me a grandmother on November 11th and I thought it was about time to post a couple pictures here of my new granddaughter. Her name is Jordyn and she's just precious! I originally tried to post the pictures in "My Pictures" but they aren't showing up, so I decided to put them here. This first one is me holding Jordyn. (yes I'm too young to be a grandmother....LOL) This is my oldest daughter, Jamie holding her while still in the hospital. This is Jordyn just hours after she was born. And this is her now.

Thanks Thomas and TSR!

I just found out that I was made a Select Artist! I'm honored to be among the ranks of those who I consider to be some of the best! I hope I can live up to the expectations of TSR and those who download my creations.

Thanks again!

Site Problems?

There must be some site problems today since none of the pictures uploaded to my blog are showing up this morning. They were fine last night, so they must be working on the site. Hopefully, they'll be back soon. :)

I REALLY Love This!

I just completed a new living room set that I really love. I decided to just let myself go and create something really funky and I like how it turned out. It looks so cute in the game. I hope you all enjoy it too! Here's a sneak preview: The set includes sofa, loveseat, chair, coffeetable, hot pink bear rug, floor pillows, and large collection of paintings. The screenshot features a cat sculpture by Mutske and a candle arrangement by Simaddict99. The floor lamps are standard in Pets. I wish I knew who made the curtains so I could give them credit too, but you know with curtain recolors, it never shows the name of the person who created them. I did get them here on TSR somewhere. For the ambient lighting, I used the standard Lunatech Light Disc in hot pink that comes with University I think. I think this set would make a very cool teen room.....maybe I'll make some matching bedding too. My daughter had a fit over this set! She said she wanted her bedroom to look like this! LOL Anyway, I hope everyone likes this set as much as I do. :)


To all of you here at TSR, I wish you the best for the upcoming year! Thank you for all the kind comments, the downloads, and just being the wonderful group of people that you are. I'm still a novice artist, but I will continue to try and improve in 2007 and provide you with my best work to enjoy in your game.

As I look back over 2006, it was a tough year, but I have a lot to be thankful for. My wonderful boyfriend of three years returned from Iraq safe and sound after fighting in one of the most dangerous areas of the war zone. My oldest daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on November 11th and made me a grandma! My younger daughter hit the teenage years, and she's growing into a beautiful young lady. And I got a great new job making lots more money! I'm looking forward to all the wonderful things that 2007 will bring. I am optimistic that this will be a really good year.

Here's wishing you all the best for the new year!

***HAPPY 2007***

Barely survived my first night....

Did I say it would most likely be slow paced at work since it's a holiday weekend? Boy was I wrong! I think it must have been a full moon last night or something, because it was nuts! I was thrown head first into total chaos without the benefit of any orientation to the unit. But I survived.....all my patients survived.....and that's what matters. :)

I'm starting a new job...

And I'm both excited and nervous! I'm a nurse in real life and just recently switched jobs to go with an agency that pays twice as much as I was making before. I finished orientation last week and am supposed to start working some shifts now. My first shift is supposed to be tonight, but with it being the New Year holiday, there's a chance I'll get cancelled because things will be slow. I'm so nervous! I'm not nervous about the nursing part....I know how to do that. It's the learning the new system and where everything is in a new's just stressful being the new kid on the block. Also, I'll be working night shift for awhile and even though I'm a nightowl.....I worry if I'll be able to stay awake ALL night! I decided to start this new job on nights since it'll be a slower pace and allow me to get myself acclimated to the new job. Once I get comfortable, I'll switch back to days.

Anyway......wish me luck! I'm gonna need it! :)

Sneak Preview...

I finally felt a little better today, so I finished up and submitted a few things today. Here's a sneak preview of what will be coming out in the next few days.

Clothing fixed........

I just found out that I can *edit* my published items without having to resubmit them! So I have gone through and edited those recent clothing items with the new files that will work for those who don't have Pets EP installed. If you downloaded any of those items and they didn't work for you because of the glitch with Pets Body Shop, please re-download them now that they are fixed.


Latest Headlines

A Few Men's Outfits... My Greatest Gift... Thanks Thomas and TSR! Site Problems? I REALLY Love This! **HAPPY NEW YEAR*** Barely survived my first night.... I'm starting a new job... Sneak Preview... Clothing fixed........
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