RockinRobin's Blog
I think I have the flu....
I've been sick for a week now and I'm not showing any signs of getting better. I'm a nurse in "real life" so I get exposed to all kinds of wonderful illnesses. I had an allergic reaction to the flu shot a few years back, so I can't ever take one of those again. I haven't had the flu in probably 7-8 years, so I guess I was due. I had forgotten how much fun it is! LOL (coughing, aching, sore throat, ears hurt, fever, can't eat much....etc..) The good news is that the typical flu lasts for about 7-10 days and I'm on day 8 I should be feeling better soon. I think the snot is clogging up my creativity. I have about 6 half-finished projects that I just can't seem to get right. I sat and worked on an outfit yesterday for probably 6 hours and I still didn't like it! So I gave up and started a new one. Thank goodness for computers and internet! Being sick is a lot more fun than it used to be. I think I might try to get out of my pajamas today. Maybe if I get dressed and pretend that I'm better...I will be. :)
Pets Body Shop Glitch
It was recently brought to my attention by some of the downloaders, that a few of my clothing items created in Pets Body Shop wouldn't work for them. I did go and download the patch to fix the problem and have fixed about 14 of my recent clothing items and resubmitted them. Hopefully, they will be available in a few days for those of you who couldn't use the original versions.I apologize that I didn't know about the problem in the first place. I gotta stay better informed! LOL
For those of you who downloaded the original versions, if they don't work in your game, please re-download the fixed versions when they come out.
Merry Christmas to ME
I finally decided to use some of my hard earned Kudos to get myself a minisite. The main reason is because I just wasn't happy with the way the generic profile page displays my items. I mean....I had some OLD Sims 1 wallpapers showing up as "latest creations" and I did those more than 2 years ago! (and in my opinion....they're not very good! LOL) I wanted to be able to showcase some of my better (and more recent) work here and have a little more control over what is displayed and what's not.So here I am.....a brand new owner of a minisite. No, I did not earn it the traditional way, (by being chosen as a Featured or Select Artist) but trust me, I DID earn it! All the hours and hours of creating items to share with all of you here at TSR has definitely earned me the right to have a minisite. Besides, what else am I going to do with all those Kudos? :)
So I hope you all enjoy it as much as I know I will.
Merry Christmas to ME....and of course ALL of YOU!