Rowena DeVandal's Blog
I'm Back :)
Hello everyone! My apologies for the unexpected hiatus, but I was having trouble with my game and have finally gotten the issues worked out! So, I'm back with a new home series, featuring ranch style houses. I hope you all enjoy playing with them as much as I enjoy building them. Happy Simming!
Happy Birthday!
Yep, you guessed's my birthday today! :) But, instead of getting a bunch of presents, i made one for you! Here's a preview of my new Pink Romantic Roses wall set...hope you like it! hugz, rowena
It's all about YOU!
So, i was sitting here thinking to myself "Hey, what do the people want to see on their walls and floors anyway?" Well, since i'm not YOU, i just don't know...i've had people tell me a thousand and one times "Just make what you would like and people will download it." And, for the most part, that's exactly what i do...but putting stuff up here or on Sim Design Sisters isn't only about what *I* like, it's about what you all want,, is there something that you think is missing from downloads in general? Not just here, i mean all over the place...any walls or floors you think there should be more of? Come on, let me know! After all, when it comes to downloads, it really is all about YOU!hugz,
Hello and Welcome!
Hi there! If you're reading this, you already know who i am, so i'm not gonna bore you with and introduction...:) I'm thrilled that i've got my own mini-site now! To answer any questions that might come up concerning, i'm not a featured artist, i don't think i'll ever BE an FA here...but that's ok, cuz i have quite the full plate with making stuff for here, my other website Sim Design Sisters (SHAMELESS PLUG!!, raising my now 17 year old daughter and my medieval hobby! Some days i wonder where i get all the time!Anyway, i am hard at work on another set as well as tutorials for matching wallpaper textures, wood and tile floors and some more advanced border matching tricks that i didn't cover in my last tutorial...i also recently acquired a copy of 3DS Max, which has me quite baffled, as well as SimPE so i can do something other than walls and floors for a change...that's really all for now, catch you all later!