MY FIRST STORY: A Snag Jumped Up And Chopped Off My Best Tools, autobiographical
Things were going great, so I started drafting a story line. A lot of my community lots took on new meanings, so I revamped several of them, and added some more. I bought WA to enhance the Sim's life-styles. Gran's and Nana's lot are set, necessary characters CAS'd, Midtown District is a real center-city hub now, and new games have been saved relative to each unique story line.
I was tooling right along, Then The Unthinkable Happened.
My favorite hand, the right one, lost a bitter war with a fragile glass vase. Not good since I'm right-handed. The fingertips on the middle and ring fingers were sliced off, down into their nailbeds, and my pinky was cut pretty deeply. It isn't permanently disabling, but I won't have readable fingerprints on my middle or ring fingers, and my pinky will be numb because I severed some nerve endings.
I'm not taking any pain meds, just antibiotics, so walk around with my right hand held up in the air above my heart to lessen the throbbing. I can't get my right hand wet (thank gawd for day spas), and my left hand is a complete idiot. It's my own fault, though. I never have paid my left hand much attention.
I know I must look like a lunatic. I just hope no one thinks I'm "throwing them the bird."
I'm "hunt-and-peck" typing with the one reasonably good finger on my right hand, but can't wrap my hand around my mouse. I never did master that stupid touchpad, so I've been placed on the Sim's Injured List, to use baseball terminology.
The poor Brownings are on their own for a while.
I am studying stories posted here with a passion, as far back as I can. That's best anyway; I may have the imagination for story-telling, but not the finesse.
I hope to get called up from the minors again soon (more baseball terminology). I was hyped about this story development thing; I get so bored just playing the game.