Spring Cleaning in the Fall
Do you go back and read your old blog posts? (Hey, I think I'll make a poll about that...)
I was pretty careful at first with what I shared in my blog 'cuz I didn't want to pollute the waters, so to speak. It didn't take me long, though, until I was pouring out all kinds of doodoo, and my blog took on the appearance of a stagnant pond.
I've decided my first approach was the best one, so I've read through my blog posts and cleaned out all the "spoiled food" from my inventory. (Haven't I seen a reference to bad "pudding" somewhere?) :P
I had been considering going on a vacation from the Sim world, but have subsequently changed my mind. I found some real downers in my blog posts from last year and experienced deja vu, because I actually am now where I was last year. I felt bad then. I feel bad now. I need a reboot, or as my daddy might say, a boot in the butt.
But there's a light at the end of the tunnel. It's Fall!
I love the Fall in our little corner of the world. It's time for the trees to change. You can drive with your windows down. It's football season. We have beer-b-ques and tailgate parties. We can go up on the roof of the building where I live and enjoy the night air; none of our buildings are very tall. We can walk around downtown and hear the music of local bands. We can sleep with the windows open. Children catch lightning bugs at night and keep them in jars.
This is rural country. Pots full of colorful mums are everywhere. We have corn mazes and hayrides. People put out Indian Corn clusters, hay stalks with rag-doll Scarecrows, pumpkins and colored gourds, make caramel apples and spiced cider. There are harvest pageants in almost every county. It's time for the Arts and Crafts Fairs. The third weekend in October is practically treated like a national holiday; everything shuts down except War Eagle Mill. Later in the season, after most of the leaves have fallen, you can smell the bonfires.
It's just lovely. Heaven exists in the Ozarks during the Fall.
And I'm going to reboot. :D