![Sims 3 — Butler Laurent by ShelleyB — (NOTE: Butler is a YA with Cas aging to ensure he isn't the oldest member of a](/scaled/1616/1616442.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 3
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(NOTE: Butler is a YA with Cas aging to ensure he isn't the oldest member of a household. )"Butler" Laurent has one goal: to live up to the high standards set by butlers of old. He can almost read his employers' minds, anticipating their needs before they know they need anything. His idol is Sir John Gielgud's butler in the movie "Arthur." He has all the traits his family requires in a majordomo; he cooks, cleans up after the lazy maid, does the laundry, fixes everything, stocks the family's fish supply and maintains the garden. During his off-time, which is rare, he retires to his private quarters in the family home, tunes in a classical music station, prepares a steak, then settles down in front of the TV. It is important to keep up with all the newest trends because he may be called upon to tutor the children.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1012506
ItemID: 1012506
Filesize: 2 MB
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