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ShelleyB's Guestbook

mensureNov 21, 2010

Hi, \:wub\: Thank you for your sweet comment. I am happy you like my work. \:wub\: \:wub\: Have fun!

denizzo_istNov 20, 2010

Hi \:wub\: Thank you very much for your lovely comment on the 'Mountain Home'. I'm glad you like it \:wub\: Have a nice weekend \:rah\:

DOTNov 18, 2010

Hi hi \:\)  Thank you for the nice comment on the Garden Lamps I tried to make \:\)

martoeleNov 18, 2010

Thank you ShelleyB for commenting my shot Skyscrapers with Moon. How does your story go. Will it be to be published soon? Hugs ~ Margo. (I just found out that I wrote this message in my own guestbook hahaha).

spladoumNov 18, 2010

Oh yes!  It's pretty chilly (for Florida; temp is relatively cold--would probably be totally fine in many many other places!) so Rosalind is wearing her skully.  I'm envious.  My RL skullcaps won't fit over my dreads! \:D  And thank you for commenting on my screenshot! \:D

FlatterNov 16, 2010

Hi dear, thank you for your high praise of Sparklewood. I love to read your wonderful comments. Since you congratulated Jake first, I hope you are not mistaking him for me \;\) It is at least my hope Jake is a bit more excentric and queerer than me \:D BTW I saw you are about to create a story of your own and I will keep my eyes open for it. Usually I start with the story and the narrative, and only then I do the pic shooting. Only if I don't get the pics I want or some really good but unplanned ones come up I adjust the story somewhat. But I guess, everyone has his own recipe how to do it. Doing it differently has lead to a great many different types of apple pies, which is a good thing, if you ask me. I don't see a reason why the same shouldn't apply to story writing \:D

KrissNov 16, 2010

Hi and thanks for your sweet comment on the Monterey Set. \:wub\: Enjoy!

martoeleNov 16, 2010

Waiting for Archie and Dina.... and good luck. \:D

martoeleNov 15, 2010

Now, the previous message is your's and mine. Hahaha.... I always paste a message to be able to answer it all and then I delete that part but..... this time a forgot to delete your writte words. Sorry. \:o

martoeleNov 15, 2010

I absolutely love all your stories and there are so many! It has taken time to read then all. I don't see how you come up with them; creativity I guess. I have finished my storyline and made a list of screenshots I need to go with the dialog. That may be the wrong way to go about the process, but with experience, I'll learn. I found a work-around for my mummy problem through trial and error this weekend and am going to work on getting those screenies I need today. I plan to submit a story to TSR tonight or tomorrow and sincerely want your feedback (even if you need to PM me with advice ; I'll take it any way I can.) Hi ShelleyB. So glad that you have finished your storyline. I wish you good luck while hunting for the screenies. That's what I usually do. Well, to be honest, I started the other way around; playing with the sims and taking shot until a story was formed and that was easier but there are some things I want to write about that wouldn't 'show up'. That why I first write the story now and afterwards go hunting for the shots. It takes a lot of time. Have you really read my stories? I don't remember having notices your feedbacks (perhaps my bad memory) \:D I will be looking forward to reading your story. Big hug ~ Margo.

fredbrennyNov 15, 2010

\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: Wishing you GOOD LUCK!!! On the Story!!! \:rah\:

deeiutzaNov 15, 2010

Hi!Thank you so much for all your nice comments on my work!\:wub\:

fredbrennyNov 14, 2010

 .Oh... and about your lovely comment on my screenie The Docks...  NO... I am not going into the vampire business... it's not my cup of tea \:D \:D

fredbrennyNov 14, 2010

Your comment on my story made me ROFL... (how do you do that smiley???? \:rofl\:  Thanks dear! My new avatar is just my simself Fred behaving as her lovely self! \:D

FlatterNov 14, 2010

About your reply in my blog about copyright issues being complicated: I agree. IMHO even the reasons WHY they are complicated is very complicated in itself, and scientists are argueing about it. Quite some years ago I read "The Limits of Liberty" by James Buchanan and I believe his functional description of how societies work can explain to some extend why law systems (and social rule systems) always reach a certain complexity. But is is heavy theoretical stuff to read and of course, there are always people offering totally different views \:\)

fredbrennyNov 12, 2010

Hi (((Shelley))) Thanks! You are awesome for leaving me such a nice comment on my screenie!!! \:wub\:

djehmliNov 12, 2010

Thank you so much for you wonderful comments on my patterns, they are much appreciated!  Happy simming.

spladoumNov 12, 2010

I tried to end on a slightly different note than expected. \:D  Thank you so much for all of your very kind compliments on my writing and the story itself, I'm glad it kept you entertained.  I do have a long, one-shot story in the works which ought to be on-site eventually if I can dig my way out from under the other projects on the checklist, so watch for that \:\)  And since you were nice enough to ask, Officer Sarandon told me to tell you that his middle name is Brendan. \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Nov 8, 2010

\:\) thank you for your smashing comment \:wub\:

alolengNov 6, 2010

Thank you, I'm glad you liked my creations.

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