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ShelleyB's Guestbook

FlatterSep 28, 2010

I am thrilled to hear you are about to start writing your own stories! If your pics of the Grandmother Burrisoph community lot are anything to go by, your story will be a blast! \:D Very impressive, I liked them very much. All the labour you put into it! I usually already fail at erecting any house walls correctly, so house building and decorating remains an unfathomable art to me \:\)

fredbrennySep 27, 2010

I see you have been reading up on stories, and I am happy you stumbled upon mine and like it too! \:wub\: How's your house flipping going? Thanks for stopping by to read Azra's story!

martoeleSep 27, 2010

Hi ShelleyB! Wow that's quite a story you write about yourself. \:\)  I still work until august next year at 65 years old; then I will have worked 50 years (looking back a few deep breaths \:D . Thank you for you comment on my story 'Under the same moon'. You are right; all the characters show up in my stories. As a matter of fact, about 3 years ago I started writing stories on a messengers blog for my granddaughter. Those were cronicles about the same 7 or 8 families and when the sims3 came out, I had one of the character emigrating to this new Simworld hahaha. When I noticed that I could write stories here for a bigger public, I started to do so. If you have a look at my minisite, you will find all of my stories. 'Just another life story' was the first one. I don't know if you are going to read them but if so.... start from the bottom of the page. At a certain moment, after finishing the story 'His father's son', you should skip then to my sims2 story to read the 4 chapters called 'The Hunter Tragedy'. Then continue with 'The Hunter Twins Travelling' and after that you will end up at my actual story. \:\)  Usually I don't have very long chapter, especially not in the beginning but to read them all will take you some time. I really do hope that you decide to start reading them and that you'll enjoy them. \:D  I wish you all the best, my friend. ~ Margo.

FlatterSep 27, 2010

Hi Shelley, thank you so much for commenting on the latest part of Sparklewood. I am happy you like the not-so-plain setting I wanted to achieve. I guess the reason you thought you'd noticed the story so late was because it sat very long at the approval process and then all of a sudden it was released together with 10 other stories at the same time, making it appearing far way down in the storytelling section. I had to scroll down myself just to see it in the story section list \:\).  Now that it's been released, the next part won't take that long to appear. Out of fear that a later part may be approved faster than an earlier part I won't submit a story chapter before the previous one has been released. Ah, before I forget to mention it: It's great to know you like books so much. There we are two of a kind \:\)

spitzmagicSep 27, 2010

Hi (((Shelley))) thank you so much for reading Adeline.  You made my day with the wonderful compliment you left for me. Have a wonderful week...\:wub\:Barb

spladoumSep 27, 2010

Hi Shelley!  A fellow Virgo, eh? \:D  Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on both chapters of The Stones.   Sometimes when I write I feel so distanced because I'm trying to tell a narrative, so it's very good to hear that some emotion is still getting through.  I shall try not to disappoint with Chapter 3. \:\)

paramitiSep 26, 2010

Thank You for the well wishes..i have had a lot of health challanges all my life and the worst happening ..the past 5 years..i am not in serious danger since about a year and a half.. and thats a Big step forward in my life.not too long ago..i was so sick with anemia i did not even feel i was a person..those days are past..what i am guessing you read.. was about the tumors..bc a member here is suffering from them..and so am i..i have had all but one removed..just one more to go.but frankly..i am tired of the hospital so i am waiting til next year to get that one removed..they can grow in the worst places..i had 3 removed so far..but one was in my tongue..this TSR member had one in her Ear!! places like tongue and ear make it more painful..i feel bad for her..but now she got it removed and soon she will forget the bad of it..on your paintings..another route you can take is calling your local library and seeing if they can locate exactly what you want..if can scan the pix from the library.. or home ..and then be able to upload them in your gallery..i told ya it was some work \:P but it can be fun if you enjoy learning ..which you mentioned you do..let me know how its coming along...hope you have a Wonderful Week \:D Thanx Again for well wishes ..paramiti~

paramitiSep 26, 2010

Thank You for commenting on one of my Cats Paintings....he looks like my cat spook! i am uploading some more cats next week \:D

ziggy28Sep 24, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Thank you so much for the lovely comments \:wub\: Sorry I' am bit late replying \:o TC Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 22, 2010

\:D Hello!! Thank you very much for the wonderful comments \:D Im glad that you like my paintings and that I have saved your reputation \;\) \:P I have recently started to tag my cc, so in future my name with show up with the cc in game. \:D Also I dont know if you are aware but you have a record on TSR what you have downloaded from here \:D If you click on the green downloads button at the top of the page you will see a tab called download history click on that and you can see all the cc you have downloaded and you can thank the artist and leave a comment for them there \:D And when you have thanked or commented or both you can remove that cc from your downloads history \:D I hope this helps finding other artists and their cc who you wish to thank or leave a comment for infuture \:D TC Lorraine

paramitiSep 22, 2010

if you can and want to do that...a tip on that is to use the Google Chrome is the most powerful for finding art work..if you put in the artists name..then on images.. it sifts thru all the nonsense that comes up on the internet exploerer or firefox  or other chrome is amazing for locating art in a short period of time..

paramitiSep 22, 2010

Oh you are Very will notice around here..there are a lot of objects with my name on them..saying they were created by my request  \:P ..i think i bug the artists more than most.. to make me stuff..i figure why not ask..we should all have what we want for our games \:D can you do this for me?..if you can put a gallery pod on your page..and then upload INTO that gallery..Exactly the paintings you are wanting..if you do that..perhaps i can work on them gradually ..until over time we have a set of them..some of the work is having to find the paintings in the first place..that would be some work done if you could do would be Exactly to your tastes \:D paramiti~

paramitiSep 22, 2010

Thank You for All the Wonderful Compliments you have been giving me \:D i am going to get back to you on your request situation..i have too many seasonal uploads right now..preparing to upload when october hits and cant take any unseasonal requests at this very moment..Although i would Love to do his work..i am working on your request though..i will find another artist to do a set for i cannot get to it until next year..had you asked me this summer i would have been able to do it immediately..give me a few days to ask around and myself.. or another artist.. will contact you about doing a set for you...paramiti~

fredbrennySep 21, 2010

You have been busy girl! \:D I really like the idea of putting houses on the other side of the canal. In real life it is like that and for a community lot it will be super!

missyzimSep 20, 2010

Hello Shelley \:\) Thanks so much for commenting on my Grecian Scenes painting. I fell in love with those paintings when I found them and I'm so glad you like what I've done with them. Take care, Missy

fredbrennySep 19, 2010

You are so welcome! I can't wait to see some of my lots being converted and redesigned! I would LOVE soem screenies!!! \:D

fredbrennySep 19, 2010

Oh... and it really would be super if you would write a story for us to enjoy here! I will be looking out for it! \:rah\:

fredbrennySep 19, 2010

Hi Shelly! Thanks for stopping by at my minisite and I am happy you like the place! The door is open anytime! So drop in and have a coffee with me next time! \:\) Thanks for complimenting me on my houses!

paramitiSep 19, 2010

Thank you Very Much for leaving your Unique comments on my Wax Portraits and Pet People paintings..i Enjoyed reading them ..i like the personal comments Best \:D Have fun with the paintings!! paramiti~

FlatterSep 19, 2010

Hi Shelley, my beautiful moth! Thank you very, very much for taking the time to leave your gorgeous and flattering comments on my Sparklewood story. It is always a pleasure to hear from a reader that (s)he liked your story, because in my eyes it gives a story more purpose if it is read and even more so if it is liked! Because of a recent Sim-less holiday I have already worked out much of the story in advance and currently most of the work is reduced to adding/creating pictures to it. But unfortunately it's quite possible it won't be long before the waiting time between new episodes will increase. Have a great Sunday! \:\)

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