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ShelleyB's Guestbook

francienDec 19, 2011

May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love. Merry Xmas. \:wub\:

DOTDec 17, 2011

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

martoeleDec 16, 2011

\:D Merry Christmas y Happy New Year 2012. \:D I wish you and all your beloved ones, Peace, Love, Light and Health.

minicartNov 23, 2011

Hi Shelley - thank you so much for commenting on my 'Simply Lace' outfit \:\) - I'm so glad you like it! \:wub\: \:wub\:

fredbrennyNov 21, 2011

Thanks Shelley!!! \:wub\:  Thanks for that wonderful comment on the Chalet Chrabeli from Switzerland... I have an Irish lot coming up :P

HellsaintNov 17, 2011

My dear SHELLEY!!! \:wub\: \:D \:wub\: You are BACK!!! How are you?? You sound like you have alot going on, even now... Hope you are alright \:\( I really happy to hear from you, dear friend \;\) I just ended off New Beginnings, but with your Machine \;\) Now we are all left hanging on how it came about, hope you are ready for that \:D And not to worry about me, having quite a bit of projects to work on so I don't really have much time lately... Really happy to hear from you and would love to hear from you soon \:\)

martoeleNov 16, 2011

Hi Shelley! I have been thinking lately a lot about you! I miss the last part of your story and I miss your presence. Are you alright? \:\)

HellsaintSep 25, 2011

Heh... there's alot to think about in this chapter \:P Sigh, maybe Adam was a little too late to save Betsie? She is gonna have more screen time too, so more to be revealed in the next chapter \;\) As for Adam, he needs all the break he could get! Chilling out is becoming a novelty for him \:D And Lee? Well, he is a very important character in the coming chapters... The Black Sun... (feeling sorry for that kid actually, he just wants to be left alone! :P) And for Adam to adopt him?! \:eek\: I'm not sure if he could take up the responsibility when he has to save the World and his friends! Though... It could still use some considerations \:D Thanks for reading my chapter Shelley! I know I just dumped a WHOLE load of stuff, so I super appreciate your time to read it \:wub\: have a great weekend \:\)

DegeraSep 25, 2011

  Hi!  Thank you so much for leaving me such a sweet comment on chapter two of Bridgeport Blues.  It really means a lot to me that you like it and I promise that the little boy is fine.  Well, mostly fine except that his mother has passed away.  Have a wonderful day! \:D  

Dita_MSep 24, 2011

Shelly, thank you for your attention. You inspire me. Have a nice day.

Audrey MaySep 23, 2011

I so glad you enjoy reading my story! \:wub\:

Milii454Sep 23, 2011

Hi Shelly! Thanks for your lovely comment on my recent chapter of “Eyes Open”. It was well and truly packed! Poor David, I loved him so, but he had to go (hehe, I’m a poet :P). I loved your little noises (boo, rah, hiss), it was like being at a sports game :P. Claire, oh Claire, evil, evil, Claire, her fingers in many pies. At least the next bad guy is stepping up soon. But Laura is going somewhere very safe, where monsters roam on lawns (you’ll have to wait to find out more). Yay, I’m the first vote on your new blog! (I’m so nosey, it’s got to be several things but mainly learning about the people on the mini sites :P). Have a great day my good friend, and I’ll miss you during your reboot, but I’m sure it’s a well earned break! \:D

IeHeLiSep 23, 2011

Hello! Thanks for commenting on my rainbow screenshot! \:wub\:

spladoumSep 23, 2011

Yup! In the end, sometimes your friends will kick you across the finish line even after everyone else gives up, LOL ... and you're right, Connor's present should be greatly appreciated in the days to come \:D

casmarSep 22, 2011

Hello Shelley! I love to do more stories, but I have little time and many obligations ... hehe! I saw that you also have good stories! The'm looking! One of the things I like about The Sims is to tell stories, apart from building and decorating! Thank you for your warm and friendly comments! Warm greetings from Alicante!

HellsaintSep 22, 2011

Its almost paradise, if they did away with the humidity!!! \:eek\: Gotta say that having only rain and shine does makes my place a little boring \:P Do enjoy the hayrides and corn mazes, and have fun Shelley \;\)

HellsaintSep 22, 2011

Weee!!! Great to hear from you Shelley \:wub\: Hahaha... Anton is pretty cool in this chapter huh? \;\) Let's see what happens in the next one... Already working on it and it could be out pretty soon... And yeah, your feeling is pretty awesome, there is something BIG coming and it will be revealed in the next chapter (well, slightly \:D). Thank you for reading and sparing your time on my chapter, hope you are well and take care \:\)

RatRaceRobSep 22, 2011

Hellooo there, ShelleyB!  Thank you for the fantastic compliments on 'Hood(9)-- you are always very kind, and very appreciated \:wub\: ... liked young Jules' interpretation of baby gift-giving, did you?  Well, no one has told him about "The Stork" yet, so he had to do a little improvising there... lol \;\) \:P   Thank you very much again, and wishing you a wonderful rest of your week and weekend ahead \:D

nomienuSep 17, 2011

Hi, Thank you so much for your comment on my story "Nikkie's Story."  I'm glad your enjoying it.  More explanations about everyone coming soon in the up coming chapters. 

Milii454Sep 13, 2011

Hey Shelly! Thank you for your comment on my story “Eyes Open - Part 9”. I really, really, really want to do that, even though I created the monster that she is! Damn my imagination :P. What happens next is not going to do Laura any good. It’s making me very sad writing it, I’m so mean to my characters! Claire is going to fall right to the floor though, straight into the pit from her pedestal! It is going to be a VERY dramatic chapter; and defiantly not the end of Claire! Have a great day my friend! \:D

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