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ShelleyB's Guestbook

Fred&BarbSep 13, 2011

Hi Shell! ((((HUGGGS))))  Thanks for reading Double I Do 2 \:wub\:  Oh dear Fred is sooooo worried... she probably wore that dress one time too many while going for a swim... tsk tsk... Fred and her insane trait... I have NO idea where it is... but I doubt ir that Holly can wear it when she is 5 months pregnant \;\)  

fabrizioammolloSep 12, 2011

Hi Shelley! You are welcome! About Grace Anne's plan I'm a bit concern about the bad science guys plotting around Ariel, but we will see...  Have a great week! F.

Milii454Sep 9, 2011

PS, I like your kitties in your gallery photos! \:\)

Milii454Sep 9, 2011

You defiantly pulled it off; I’m worried about the major change in my story, it’s going to be sad \:\(. And I agree Boa looked like a beach whale after his cake. He’d squish them rather than Kung Fu chop them \:o. I think everybody who works for EA is from stereotypical California, one piece of cake may put on several million pounds. And lugging all these relics (should he choose to except Grace Anne’s offer) will certainly put him in shape!

Milii454Sep 4, 2011

Haha, I'll keep you in mind next time I want to rant! \:P Thanks anyway Shelly, it’s nice to know that I’m not alone lol \:\)

Milii454Sep 4, 2011

Hey Shelly, thanks for your comment on my blog and in my guestbook. What prompted my semi rave was that I came back from camping and checked my TSR stories to keep an eye on comments ect, and one of my Eyes Open chapters had just tumbled down from 4.5 to a 3.2, and the others downgraded from 4.7/4.6 to 4.0/4.1. I understand that a 4 is still brilliant, but was rather annoyed as the story had been published over a month ago and suddenly in the 5 days I had been away it had gone down that much along with all my other stories? So I had a rant and well, evidently everybody thinks I’m being a bit stuck up \:o. But I’m not; I was just saying how annoying it was for me, although the story had now gone back up to a 4.1. And I agree with the thank you’s; my ratio at the moment is 28 downloads to every thank you (not bad, but still, I always thank the artists!). And yes, you can have too many characters, but as long as they are individualised, like all of yours, it’s ok! (Plus I like all of your characters, don’t go chopping too much) \:P PS, sorry about the MASSIVE post

YrS92Sep 3, 2011

Hi there Shelley, long time no see \:o I have been awfully busy with school and relocating in Finland, but thank you for commenting on the latest Garden chapter, I appreciate it very much \:wub\: Hope you are doing well, hugs, Senja

ArneroSep 1, 2011

Just get them a kindergarden rope (you know these ropes that have loops in an even row for kids to hold on to) and tell them to march in an orderly fashion (ya like that is going to happen :P) Love your characters chaotic or not, keep up the good work and good luck keeping them in check \:D

fredbrennyAug 31, 2011

\:D  I know that Costner movie all too well! It's one of my favorite lines \:D  

martoeleAug 30, 2011

Is it your birthday? If so..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Shelley! \:rah\: Thank you for telling me that you like my new avatar... It's me when I was half as young as now..... \:cool\: How someone can change in only about 30 years..... \:\( Anyway.... I wouldn't like to go back.... \:D

HellsaintAug 30, 2011

Hey Shelley! Was it your birthday?! If so, I wish you many happy returns and hope you had a great birthday \;\) Thanks for reading the recent chapter too! \:D Though, I'm not too sure "what is swirling around them" means \:P I'm guessing you mean the sudden outburst of powers I hope \:o Hmmm... well... I guess it is affecting alot of the power users so... chaos still ensues \:P Happy to hear from you  and take care \;\)

spladoumAug 29, 2011

Shelley! The forum says it's your birfday! HAPPY BIRFDAY!!!! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

Milii454Aug 27, 2011

Shelly my friend! Thanks for your comment on “Eyes Open – Part 8”. Sonny is the perfect little goon, right numpty he is, I’m glad I got the “I’m a spoilt brat and am trying to be mom’s favourite” vibe across :P. Laura is defiantly the best one in her family; she’s a bit blind to Claire’s actions at the moment, but her eyes are opening; albeit a bit slowly. Unfortunately you and I both know that Claire is only going to get worse the more Laura detaches herself from her! Thanks for your comment and have a great day! \:D (P.S. I accidently wrote my comment to you on the story itself, oops \:o)

Fred&BarbAug 26, 2011

(((Shelley))) \:wub\: Double thank you \:D  my friend for reading *Double I do* and leaving us your awesome comments. With Fred and Barb there's no telling what could happen \:D Chapter 2 is not far behind \:D Have a super weekend ~ Barb

francienAug 25, 2011

Hello Shelley! What a great and lovely reply you write on the Old watermill \:D And from what you are telling I only can say I'm jealous \:o \:\)to have working watermills in your neighborhood and even are proud owner of one of them!! Wish whe had them here but whe only have windmills wich are also great but more random. I hope my version will not disepointing you, I try to create with the possibility's from the game and the objects a watermill as I thought it has to be as much as possible knowing I'm limited..tried to put water on the wheel with the fountains but that didn't look as I wanted \:\) from one angle it looked fine but when you turned around it was ughly\;\) O well my fantasy is running fast sometimes as I want to thank you for telling about your watermill I would love to see a picture and you may be proud to have such a great historic building yourself! not many can say that..for now I hope you like the lot in your game and have fun with it. \:wub\:

hatshepsutAug 23, 2011

Thank you so much for commenting on The Rushmore, I'm so glad you're using and enjoying my work \:wub\:

HellsaintAug 23, 2011

Oh, shelley \:wub\: I hope the plot is alright for you! Thank you for the comments and please! I'm no teacher, just that I spend way too much time thinking about hypothetical stuff... WAY (learnt this from a certain rat \:P ) Need to mingle with more peopl I suppose \:D Always happy to hear from you and hope to hear from you soon \:\)

Milii454Aug 22, 2011

Hey ShelleyB! Thanks for your lovely comment on “Hey There Delilah”! Aww, on the crying, I’m glad I got the emotion across! \:wub\: . Larry is quite possibly my fav character, such a sweet old man, he always talks to random people at the Laundromat, reminiscing in my game lol! Hope you have a great day \:D

spladoumAug 21, 2011

She doesn't?! Oh dear, we'll have to make her meanness more apparent then ... \:D

Audrey MayAug 21, 2011

Thanks for commenting on my story.  \:\)  Yes, I haven't encountered a vampire either but I have heard they can run like the wind! \:D

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