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ShelleyB's Guestbook

spladoumJul 10, 2011

Hi there Shelley! So you mean to write a story, do you?  Fear not, I read all stories that come down the pike so I'm sure to see yours!  I'm excited, can't wait ... now, as for Jared and Jo, you don't really imagine she meant what she said, do you? :P  And the ultimate goal for her is to get a ring, a cake, and a baby, none of which Jared wants!  So she's got her work cut out for her to convince him that he does when he says he doesn't.  \:D \:D \:D  Should be entertaining for us, maybe not so much for them! \:ph34r\:

spladoumJul 2, 2011

Shelley! \:D  So you like creepy, do you?  I'll have to see what else I can come with that will still suit the PG-13 ceiling :P  Maybe even more stories featuring damn mummies! \:D

fredbrennyJun 28, 2011

Hi (((Shelley))) \:wub\:  I am happy you are all caught up with the Bubbles story! \:\) Yes... Barry and Bubbles... For years they run their B&B taking care of others... Now in the meantime who is taking care of them? Will they find and get what they are looking for? Are they looking in he right places? I don't know... It's out of my hands... I can't control their lives \:D Thanks for commenting! \:rah\:

ziggy28Jun 26, 2011

\:D Hi Shelley \:wub\: Thank you for taking the time to comment on my creations \:D TC Lorraine

spitzmagicJun 25, 2011

hahaha \:Dsomething spooky huh hahah yep it was like almost midnight here at near 1am \:D sometimes I scare's late and dark out and it's quite too and I'm all into this spooky stuff myself and I'm busy working on the story and I start hearing things in my own house \:eek\: LOL \:D creepy..I really enjoy Aprils and Robs too \:Das far as Generations go..beware there are some big issues with it that I haven't figured it out yet. I bought the digital DL and OMG I could'nt install it for a few days untill there was a patch for the base game OMG I was madder then all get out \:mad\:and then finally it came out. I got it installed and now what few mods I had in my game didn't work anymore and they still don't,  it cause my game to act all weird. I lost one family because I put back in my mods.. oh Generation didn't like that so it wipes out my whole sims family so for now it handles CC  I've been adding slowly but still no mods. So if or when you do give it try there are still some bugs, but as long as I keep out the mods it runs great. I think they did that on purpose \:rolleyes: \:D

spitzmagicJun 25, 2011

(((Shelley))) LOL Good morning \:D gosh how did you get in line before me LOL who did you bribe to save that spot LOL \:D (Aprils new chapter) your great. Thank you so much for reading Silent Sunset. You sure made my day. I loved all your awesome comments and complements\:wub\:I also got a giggle out of the one you left for Rob too \:DYou know when I was playing Sims 2 I found that I really got bored with it often but with Sims 3 there is so much in the game and so many neat things I haven't even begun to complete anything. I still haven't completed all the tombs in WA. I keep tring and then all the sudden there's a new EP out I think I am in love with Generations now it's all about family that I haven't had the time to send my Sims to the WA pack hahahaha..and sometime in July there's a new stuff pack coming and then in Oct Pets will hit the market oh boy oh boy oh boy  \:D Ok I jibber jabbered enough I reckon \:wub\:Thanks again I wish for you a lovely weekend \:wub\: \:D

martoeleJun 25, 2011

That's quite strange. I just wrote a 'thank you' text and sent it..... The text is gone only an empty gb-entry.... Curious! Now what I wrote before.... It must have been an entertaining read... so many chapters of my Moon-story. I'm pleased that you like them all.... A big hug ~ Margo. \:D

martoeleJun 25, 2011

spladoumJun 25, 2011

"The Morning After" can be pretty disastrous, can't it? \:D  Ohhh dear.  Well, things will work out for them all ... I think. \;\)  LOL!

SIMcredible!Jun 24, 2011

Hello, Shelley \:\) Thanks for take your time commenting on our Inside My Purse set \:D We're happy you liked! Wish you have an amazing weekend & happeeee simming \;\)

RatRaceRobJun 23, 2011

"You love her, but she loves him, and he loves somebody else, you just can't win..."  lol lol lol \:P ... Aw, Shelley \:wub\: ... so awesome to hear from you again so soon, and once again, with such amazing things to say!  LOL, I get so buried in scripts and screens, it's truly fantastic to read a comment like yours and see the episode from a reader's point of view-- and find you right smack on the same page-- Woot Woot (((as Spitz so recently said lol)))!!! Ecstatic you enjoyed the latest, and again and again, THANK YOU \:cool\: \:D

YrS92Jun 23, 2011

And arrrrgh it posted my comment twice \:mad\: Well, more kudos to you \:wub\:

YrS92Jun 23, 2011

Shelley dear, your comment about the French cow was hilarious, Jo isn't by far my favorite character(she was the heiress of my TS2 Victorian legacy and after some time-traveling she ended up in April's Foxgrove) so don't be worried about me being offended, far from it! In fact I think that "French cow" is a very accurate description of her \:D And thank you thank you thank you for reading all the 50 chapters of the Gardener's Dream \:wub\: It must've taken a while, but I am so happy you enjoyed it \:\) It really made my day \:wub\: Have a great day, hugs, Senja

YrS92Jun 23, 2011

Shelley dear, your comment about the French cow was hilarious, Jo isn't by far my favorite character(she was the heiress of my TS2 Victorian legacy and after some time-traveling she ended up in April's Foxgrove) so don't be worried about me being offended, far from it! In fact I think that "French cow" is a very accurate description of her \:D And thank you thank you thank you for reading all the 50 chapters of the Gardener's Dream \:wub\: It must've taken a while, but I am so happy you enjoyed it \:\) It really made my day \:wub\: Have a great day, hugs, Senja

RatRaceRobJun 22, 2011

Ha... if the web world turns in any way linear... you should be seeing 'Hood(6) before 'Yours(6)... already submitted and awaiting approval \;\) \:D

RatRaceRobJun 22, 2011

Warm greetings, ShelleyB... very warm greetings, in fact, because I'm blushing over here for the awesomeness you left me on each and every episode of Welcome to the Childhood-- holy cowplant, you've been busy \:eek\: :P!  Just amazing of you to do that, thank you so much for all that kindness... and especially, I love that you love the Alice Cooper tank Jesse wears, I do indeed get the Beach Boys reference, and I believe I've read every Stephen King story including the clown-horrific "It"-- if that was the evil clown in particular you were calling to mind \:ph34r\: ... LOL.  Thank you, thank you, and absolutely fabulous to hear from you again \:wub\:

spladoumJun 22, 2011

Ohhh, trust me, we all realize that Josephine D'-something-something is a complete cow.   It's okay. \:\)  Jared the jerk and Jo the cow are just meant for each other ... so that they don't have to inflict their nonsense on anyone else! \;\)

Nea-005Jun 22, 2011

Hi Shelly \:\) thank you so much for your nice comment \:\)

spladoumJun 22, 2011

... you will be positively thrilled to know that it should be on-site by the weekend. \;\)  (And I do hope you've been reading RatRaceRob's Tales From the Childhood as well just so you can be on double pins n' needles! \:D)

fredbrennyJun 21, 2011

Hey ((((Shel)))) \:wub\:  It is good to have you back! \:wub\:  I loved all the comments you gifted me with... It really lifted my spirit!!! THANK YOU!!!! I am struggling with chapter 7 on Bubbles.... I want to make it a good one \;\)  

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