Angelique Bouchard
Sims 3 — Angelique Bouchard by Shylaria — From the original gothic TV soap opera DARK SHADOWS comes Angelique Bouchard,

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From the original gothic TV soap opera DARK SHADOWS comes Angelique Bouchard, played by Lara Parker, veteran stage, screen and TV actress and author. Angelique is a strikingly beautiful witch from the island of Martinique. When she is young girl her family travels to Salem, Massachusetts, where she is taken under the wing of Judah Zachery, a powerful warlock. He teaches her everything she knows about magic and witchcraft. When she and Judah Zachery are exposed as witches, Angelique is offered immunity for her testamony against him. She testifies and then flees back to Martinique where she becames the ladies maid of Josette DuPres. She has an affair with her mistress' fiance, Barnabas Collins, and falls obsessively in love with him. When she seeks to continue the affair Barnabas rejects her, which ultimately proves to be his downfall.

Angelique Bouchard Sims 3-

Adult Female, Sub type Witch
Traits: Over-Emotional, Diva, Hopeless Romantic, Neurotic, Evil
Favorites: Fish & Chips, Classical Music, Red
Sun Sign- Scorpio
Lifetime Wish- Zombie Master

No skins or sliders were used other than those included in the Sims 3 game.

Expansions needed: I own all the expansions and stuff packs. You will need Supernatural for the Witch sub type.

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Hairstyles: From The EA Sims3 Store -

Pert Pixie Cut:

The Marie Antoinette:

Clothes: From the EA Sims3 Store -

Jamestown Dress:

Latest Fashion Frock:

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I See France Bloomers:

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ItemID: 1190499

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About Lara Parker and the story of Angelique...

Angelique is devistated by Barnabas' rejection and vows revenge. She casts a spell on Barnabas which makes him choke and nearly die. She then
turns Barnabas' father Joshuah father into a cat. On the eve of Barnabas's wedding to Josette she casts a love spell on Josette and Barnabas' Uncle Jeremiah, causing them to believe they are hopelessly in love and they elope. Barnabas challenges Jeremiah to a duel, killing him. When Barnabas discovers the families miseries are Angelique's fault he tries to kill her. She casts a curse on him that anyone he loves will die and causes him to be bitten by a vampire bat, die and rise again as a Vampire. Angelique then causes Josette to throw herself to her death from the cliff above Widows Hill. Angelique goes to Barnabas' coffin with a wooden stake and mallot to desrtoy him. He awakens and strangles her to death. But this is not the end of Angelique by any means. With the aid of her Master, the Prince of Darkness, she returns many times and in several forms, including a vampire. It seems her need for revenge knows no end. In her final appearance on the show, Angelique does redeem herself buy sacrificing her powers and her life to save another. But this is not before Barnabas realized that he does indeed love Angelique. Her death makes her the final victim of her own curse.

Lara Parker played Angelique in all her forms, including her disguise as the raven haired Cassandra Blair Collins, until just before the series ended. During the characters 5 year existance on DARK SHADOWS, and thru the use of 1960's state of the art video graphics and makeup, Angelique was burned as a witch atleast 3 times, turned into a vampire and aged to a 175 year old woman. In 1998, Lara Parker made her writing debut with the novel "Angelique's Descent". In 2006, she released a sequel, "The Salem Branch". She also wrote the introduction to the novel "Dark Shadows: Dreams of the Dark" (1999), by Stephen Mark Rainey and Elizabeth Massie. She also starred with Kate Jackson and David Selby in the movie "Night of Dark Shadows" (1971 MGM), where she again played Angelique. Lara Parker has guest starred in many television shows, including as the wife of David Banner in the premiere episode of "The Incredible Hulk". Lara Parker, along with other original Dark Shadows cast members, has starred the "Dark Shadows Reborn" audio series on CD from Big Finish, Inc.

Credits: Dan Curtis, Lara Parker, Dark Shadows, ABC-TV

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There are 4 comments on this article

Shylaria ∙ Mar 12, 2013

I have to make a slight correction to my notes. I describe Jeremiah Collins as being Barnabas' brother. Jeremiah was actually his uncle. I have to admit, as anyone who has seen Dark Shadows, that the plot lines changed so much over its 5 years that it was easy to get the characters relations to each other mixed up, LOL. :P\:\)

cindyl1 VIP ∙ Mar 10, 2013

I love the original dark shadows and have been rewatching the series. You did a great job and hope to see all the wonderful characters so I can build my own collinsport. Thank you.

matomibotaki ∙ Mar 7, 2013

GREAT and wonderful done\:wub\:

squarepeg56 ∙ Mar 6, 2013

Wow-I love her!!\:wub\:\:wub\: Wonderful background note you gave!! \:D Thanks so much for your hard work!! \:rah\:\:rah\:

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