Greetings and Welcome!
Greetings and Welcome to my little corner. Soon I'll have more to post in this spot. For now though, I'd like to welcome all who visit my profile and thank you to all who download my creations. I enjoy making/recoloring different furniture items and building the houses to furnish them with. I would've never gotten into recoloring until one day when I wanted to try and create something just for fun for my game and had the support by the staff and other members on Sims Fashion Barn. So if your creating/recoloring for the very first time, don't be afraid to ask lot's of questions if your not sure about something or where to place a new texture on a template in SimPe. My recoloring addiction all started with a single painting months ago then it escalated into many many different pieces of furniture over time. Well thats all for right now and I hope I didn't bore anyone that reads this and I want to thank you for visiting. Thank you and Happy Simming, Chris!