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SimanthaRat's Guestbook

ConnieR2003Aug 8, 2006

Thank you for the nice comment on my first story. \:D Oh I love your avitar, that cat has the most pitiful look on it's face \:D Is that an apple peel or a lime peel on it's head? My son wants to know if the cat ate a lime - because the cat has a sour face lol \:D

Emerald_LexusAug 5, 2006

Thanks for the comment that you left for my twins turning teens screenshot..\:wub\:

dancingaphroditeJul 30, 2006

Hi SimanthaRat! I love the Terra Loma lot! It's so pretty and well done! I also have to say that everytime I see your avi, it makes me chuckle! It's so cute!

LilyoftheValleyICEJul 20, 2006

Hey! Thanks for commenting on my story! Your review made me laugh, lol. I should so do one of those plots, especially with the kids being EVIL. BWAH HAHA. lol, actually I'm still thinking about what I'm gonna do...but thanks again! \:D

chayannJul 19, 2006

I just peeked at your creations, and thought I'd drop you a line to let you know how amazing I think your work is (Pardon me while I screw my jaw back on)! I can see the time you take to make these lots (and the walls, i adore those bamboo walls), and the descriptions really take the cake! You are truly an inspiration! Please keep creating! -chayann

Deanna73070Jul 10, 2006

You are so welcome! \:D

NanamouskouryJun 29, 2006

Thank you for adding your comment to my story \:D See ya around!

FluffyAuntyDiJun 12, 2006

your very welcome I really do love your work\:rah\:

crayanneMay 30, 2006

Hello!! I would like to be artist like you!! congratulations for the wonderfull work!!\:D

crayanneMay 27, 2006

Hello!!! I just love your lots!!! Congratulations!!!

syd_101Apr 28, 2006

no problem...\:D

maiz501Apr 12, 2006

\:wub\: I really love all your houses, and you are such a nice person aswell leaving those messages in my guestbook thankyou so much!!! I love all your houses and I will downloads as many as I can!!\:wub\:

crayanneMar 20, 2006

Hello!!! Your houses are very beatyfull!!! I just love it!!! Happy simming!!!\:D

greeneyedsims1Mar 19, 2006

I absolutely LOVE your Whitney Manor!! I'm using it for my own character SimGreen! Ohhh! The sound of that fountain out front! It's really beautiful and has such ambience, especially with GunMod's radiance light mod in (it gets a little dark during the day, but I like the realism!) The upstairs game room is a treat and the master bathroom is like none I've ever seen before! The only bad thing I noticed about this house was that the back wall of the swimmingpool is missing, but I can live with worries! I'm a fool for kitchens in real life, and the kitchen in this house is so nice with the restaurant kitchen doors and the way it joins the family really cool. SimGreen is opening a bakery, so it's perfect. The dining room is also one of my favorites. I put SimAddict's useable placemats on the table, and it's now the formal diningroom of my dreams! LOL! Can you tell, I just love this?! I haven't even redecorated need to, I just added some clutter to make it look "lived in". Thanks so much for this wonderful house, and now I've downloaded a few more of your creations! --green

maiz501Jan 6, 2006

Its ok - I am proud that you made houses for the public, not just for urself. I love the house and I have a family living there at the moment! Its really great!\:wub\:

katgib13Dec 6, 2005

My Husband is a firefighter/inspecter. Firemen are so hot, huh? \:P Here is my e-mail address. Thank you so much! I just love that litte cabin. I really appreciate it! Have a great day! Katrina

katgib13Dec 6, 2005

Hi! I love your cabin noel. Would you consider putting it up unfurnished. I have dial-up and it takes so long. If not, that's okay. I just think it is so cute and the perfect size. Keep up the good work! Katrina

oldmember_DotAquaDec 5, 2005

I love Cabin Noel! It's so festive, plus I have a thing for log cabins.\:rah\:

thesorceressNov 22, 2005

Hi, thank you for your sweet comment on my snow tree. \:D

white roseOct 27, 2005

\:confused\: Where in Oregon are you? I live in Washington just a hop skip and a jump. How is the uploading of the house going? I would offer help but I can't even figure out how to post in the forum or use the PM so I am not much help. Hope everything is good wiith you and yours. Kym

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